Chapter thirty-six: Annie

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN TRAITORS?" I scream my hand going to my stomach protectively. No. This can't be happening. No. No!

"Sweetheart, calm down. It's not good for the baby." Haymitch says from close by.

I can't believe what they're saying, calling my Finnick Atlantis Odair a traitor. The gall! The audacity! I cross my arms under my chest and glare at the older woman who has been nothing but a villain since I've been in Thirteen. She was supposed to be our savior, our salvation from Snow. She isn't.

"I mean what I said, miss Cresta." Coin sneers.

I slam my hands on the table as I stand. "MY NAME IS ODAIR!" I scream at her before scoffing. "Finnick is no traitor. He would never betray his friends. You are mistaken. I refuse to sit here and listen to your lies." I turn on my heel and walk out of the room. How dare she. How dare she!

Oh Finnick, what is going on? What are you doing? I rub my flat belly as I walk back to my family unit. "It's okay little one." I say softly to my unborn child. "Daddy is okay. That mean lady was lying. She was lying. Daddy is no traitor. He would never be a traitor. He loves us too much to do that. I'm sure whatever he did, he did to protect his friends. So don't listen to her. Your daddy will come home and he'll be so happy to meet you."

I sit on my bed and start to crochet. I decided I would make our child blankets. It's like tying my rope, but I get a beautiful blanket for my child instead of blisters on my fingers.

"Knock knock." I look up to see Haymitch. "May I come in?" He's been protective over me since Katniss and Prim have gone. He's like a lonely otter needing to be parental over someone. I appreciate it. I like having someone help take care of me. Trying to remember everything is hard. So I'm thankful for his help.

"Yes, please." I say as I rock in the rocking chair and crochet. "The nurses say my new medicine is doing well with me and with my baby. So I won't have to constantly go in. They say my blood pressure is good, I have no protein in my urine. I'm as healthy as a horse."

"That's wonderful to hear." Haymitch says as he sits on the bed. "I want to talk to you about what Coin said earlier." He says but he's on edge like he's preparing for me to freak out.

I'm used to it. Used to people holding their breath for my reactions. I'm crazy. The doctors like to say I'm "extremely traumatized and at a good place mentally considering everything I've been through" but I don't buy it for a moment. They all think I'm crazy. "Finnick Atlantis Odair is not a traitor."

"She told me what happened." Haymitch says and I stare at him. "Finnick, Peeta, Prim, and Katniss drugged the battalion and ran off on their own in the middle of the night. The battalion cannot locate them. We have no way of rescuing them if they need help."

"If you're going to ask me for a propo I'm not making one." I take a deep breath and count to ten. "Think about it Haymitch. I know I'm crazy, but if I make a propo asking them to contact us then Coin will grab them and treat them like traitors. They aren't traitors."

"I know they aren't." Haymitch looks at the door before moving closer and dropping his voice. "I think we need to leave too. Think about it. Who would Finnick return for? Who is the one person Finnick would walk through hell for? You and your unborn baby. We need to leave so Finnick doesn't come back."

"Where would we go?" I ask setting my crochet down to focus. "We can't just walk out of here. They would never allow it."

"That's why we agree to the propo. Effie and I go with you. Effie convinces them that the best place to film a propo for you is District Four. It hasn't been destroyed. It has no damage. Then we stage a complication, take you to the hospital and the doctors say you're unable to return to 13."

"It's a good plan, but..."

"If we do the propo then Finnick will see you're in Four. He won't come back to 13."

I nod and bite my lip. "As long as nothing happens to my baby."

"Nothing will happen to you or the baby." Haymitch kisses my forehead and smiled. "How are you doing?"

I nod and take a deep breath. "I'm here. I'm here a lot more than I have been. Finally feeling well."

"Good to hear, sweetheart. I'll go tell Coin and get the ball rolling. You get some rest." Haymitch leaves and I sigh.

"Oh baby, I hope we see your daddy soon. He is so excited to meet you. We both are. We're excited to see if you resemble him or if you'll resemble me. I hope you look like your daddy. He's so handsome." I pick up my crochet and return to making my blanket while speaking to my child.

Author's note:
Hi friends, please refrain from asking for a new update. I will delete any comments asking for an update because it's not cool to demand things. Writing takes time. Especially when altering a story already told.

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