Chapter nine: Katniss

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I barely sing anymore. I don't know how long I've been here. I don't know how much longer I'll be here. The videos they seem so real. Gale tried to kill me. I know that for sure. He tried to kill me. He tried to choke me. Peeta is too sweet to do anything, I know that but... but maybe I just don't remember it correctly.

"Oh our poor little songbird she's lost her song." The guards taunt as they walk in. They take off my chain and haul me up. I'm too frail to walk by myself. My legs don't work well. I stop walking just before I stopped singing.

"Your little boyfriend. He caused big trouble. He got the Districts to blow up the dam. So we're on limited power. All because of you you little wench." The guard on my right says his hand tightening around my arm. I nod and just stay silent as I'm plopped down in my beauty chair.

I don't look the same. My cheeks are sunken in from limited food. My hair is thin and oily. My bruises are covered with heavy makeup, but they can't hide my malnutrition. I haven't looked this bad since I was eleven and Peeta threw the bread. Peeta.

"Katniss, stay on topic. This is just a report on the vicious attacks on the Capitol. Everyone is looking to you to guide them through this tough time." Caesar says as I'm helped into the chair. My gown is too heavy, too big. The necklace is there to remind me to keep my head up. I don't it cuts me on the spikes. I look at the monitor and the camera. I blink slowly as I process the words.

"Tonight, we've received reports of derailed trains, of grains on fire, and of a savage attack on the hydroelectric dam in District Five." I say my words slow as I feel I have no energy to do anything. "I'm begging for restraint and decency." I'm not. Maybe? I don't know.

My monitor for words has static and I see the back of a blond head. A slight limp as they walk. There's audio. A song. The voice is deep and soft. Is.. is that Peeta? "Peeta?" I involuntarily say staring at the monitor. The monitor is fixed and I look at the camera. "Peeta are you there? Peeta." My eyes fill with tears as I look at the monitor looking for Peeta again.

"Katniss," Caesar's hand touches my leg catching my attention but I just want Peeta. "Please continue." I focus back on the camera and nod slightly. "You were telling us about these savage attacks."

What was that thing I heard? I heard something important. I know I did. Just before yesterday's videos. We passed a door. It was important.

I see Snow point at the monitor and I nod. "The attack on the dam was a callus and inhuman act of destruction."

The monitor goes again and he's walking through rubble. Rubble! They're going to bomb Thirteen. Reduce it to rubble. Peeta. Peeta needs to know. He needs to know the threat. I have to tell him.

The monitor returns and I sit up with the energy I have left. "Think about it. How will this end? What will be left? No one can survive this. No one is safe now. Not here in the Capitol." I see Snow getting mad. I need to say it! Spit it out Katniss! "Not in any of the Districts." Katniss! Say it! Save them! Save Prim. Save Peeta. Save mom! Save them! "They're coming Peeta. They're going to kill everyone. You'll be dead by morning."

Guards come at me and pull me from the chair. They beat me on the ground. My entire body is being kicked around. I scream in pain as I feel bones break. I cough up blood and that's when the abuse stops.

I'm dragged out of the room and back to my cell. To rot away hoping Peeta takes my warning and stays alive.

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