Chapter eleven: Peeta

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We are finally given a place to reside while the residential area is being fixed. It's been a few days, but Coin wants another propo. This one just saying we're alive and no one was injured. I'm dressed in the grey pantsuit everyone else is in as we walk out of District 13. I see the damage and then I see it. A sea of roses.

"Peeta, are you okay?" Cressida asks as the cameras point at me. I look at Haymitch who offers a thumbs up to me. "Peeta, all you have to say is District 13 is a live and well and so am I."

I grab one of the roses and the vile smell finally hits me. I feel sick. I sit down on some rubble lookin at the entire sea of white roses.

"Peeta, say the words." Cressida presses and I feel tears fall down my cheek. She could be dead. This could all be his plan. Kill her and I throw the rebellion.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Haymitch. "Peeta," he pulls his pants up a little as he kneels next to me. "she's still alive. Snow needs her for something. He wouldn't kill her. All you have to do is say the words we can go take a break from everything."

I shake my head as I hold the rose. "You don't understand it's a warning. The rose. Before the Quell was announced before the tour he visited her. Remember? She told us. I asked more questions that night and she said he left her a bouquet of the white roses. They're his warning. He's going to kill her. We have to get her out. We have to!" I go to stand when Haymitch grabs me.

"Kid, propo then we'll storm Coin. Okay? We have to let the districts know we're still alive so they don't falter back to the Capitol. They do that and it's over." I fight more against his grip. "Kid, listen. I know you want to save her. But guess what, even when the group goes to get the girls you won't go. You have a fake leg. You walk too loud, you will be too emotional. You won't be going."

"Then what am I supposed to do? Sit here and do nothing? Sit here while Coin let's Gale rescue her?"

"Kid, that's all we can do. You want her out safely then we need to listen to them. They are experts on rescue missions. So sit down, say the nine words then we can go to the kitchen and talk." Haymitch shoves me down to the rubble. I sit there and sigh nodding. I wipe my tears away and smile at the camera.

"I would like to inform all of Panem that the attack on District 13 was a fail. While some of our compound was damaged I would like to report that every citizen is safe and sound. All of District 13 is alive and safe and so am I." I say before standing up and offering the rose to the camera. "And to President Snow. A rose. Thank you for the bouquet, but I must return this one to you. Your fall is coming soon. Enjoy your power while you have it."

The cameras cut and everyone around claps. I throw the rose on the ground before going back inside the compound. I know Haymitch is following me. I get to the kitchen and start getting out ingredients for bread.

"You did good kid." Haymitch says from a stray countertop. I roll my eyes and start on the dough.

"I only said what people wanted to hear. Same as always. What I want to know is when they are being rescued." I say not even sparing a glance at my "mentor".

"Oh, about that. Yeah, they should be over District 12 right about now. They have to go slowly because then the Capitol will be weakest at night. So they're stopping off at a few places sharing rations and clothing. Then they will head to the Capitol where the girls are being held and rescue them." I look over my shoulder at Haymitch.

"You knew they were gone? When did they leave?" I ask turning completely to face him. I would say it's unbelievable but honestly it's Haymitch.

"This morning. They had to leave early so you were distracted. Had you not be you would have fought everyone to get on that hovercraft."

"Unbelievable. I fight through two hunger games and I'm deemed unfit to go rescue Katniss."

"Well, you nearly died in the first one, and in the second one... well... you fought but you also nearly drowned, and you walked into a force field." He opens his mouth to continue when I throw a handful of flower into it.

"Okay, I get it. Compared to everyone else I'm not a fighter. But that doesn't mean I can't be in the hovercraft when they're rescued to help with transferring and medical assistance." I say returning to my dough.

"Peeta, you aren't medically trained. Yes you're strong, but Katniss looks like she weighs nothing. Gale can lift her just fine." I turn back to Haymitch.

"Gale is going? Gale gets to rescue her? He isn't trained. He let my family die in Twelve! Why does he get to go rescue Katniss after he called her a traitor?"

"He's been trained here. I've been told he's top of the training squad he's in."

"He called her a traitor. He turned on her the moment she was forced to speak for the Capitol to stay alive. He sat there and called her weak."

"Peeta, enough."

"No! He could leave her, or Johanna, or Annie, or Enobaria! He doesn't care about them!"

"Coin trusts him to be a part of the mission."

I scoff, "Coin. The woman who also thinks Katniss is a traitor. The woman who is just as bad as Snow. I don't trust that woman for one second."

"Your actions speak otherwise."

"No, my actions were always done to get Katniss safe as soon as possible. They need me. They are using me like the Capitol used Katniss. And I don't care if I have to say it to her face. I don't trust Coin. The moment this is over Coin will try to take command and I won't let her."

"Peeta-" I cut Haymitch off with a raise of my hand. I don't want to hear him say anything else. I just want to make my bread.

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