Chapter seventeen: Haymitch

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"Sweetheart, sit down." I say to the young woman pacing in front of me. Katniss is distraught, for good reason. She freaked out and shoved that sweet little Prim. Prim ended up cracking her head open on the floor and passing out.

"It's all my fault. All my fault." Katniss whispers as she paces in front of me. "I'm a mutt. I'm a mutt. I'm the mutt. It's me. I'm the mutt. Oh god. I killed her. I'm horrible. I killed Prim. Oh no oh no oh no oh no!" By this point she's hitting her head. I grab her hands and help her into a chair.

"You're not a mutt. Prim knows you didn't mean to. You were scared and upset. It's going to be okay." I say to her as I kneel in front of her. She's shaking and sobbing.

"Where's Peeta? I need Peeta." She cries out and I just hug her. Oh kiddo. I hold her tightly as we wait for information on Prim.

"Katniss Everdeen, I need you to return to your room. Immediately." A cold harsh voice says and I look up to see Coin glaring down at Katniss. What does she want now?

"No, no I have to wait for Prim. I have to see her. I need Peeta. I have to see him. I did bad. I'm a mutt I did a bad thing." Katniss mutters out messing with her fingers.

"I will not tell you again, your infirmary room, Katniss." Coin hisses only for Katniss to cover her ears and begin humming.

"What is this about, Madam President? She had an episode. She's just wanting to know how Prim is. There's no need to treat her like this. Or do I need to call Peeta?" I move between the two and stare at the woman. She tries to intimidate me and I have to force away a laugh. I've faced worse.

"She is to go to her room and be secured. She is a danger to all."

"She is a danger to no one. It was our fault entirely. We triggered an episode. I made her upset. It is not her fault she has episodes."

"She is a danger and will be contained to prevent anymore injuries."

"Madam president that is unnecessary." However large male nurses push past me and grab Katniss only to make her scream. I go to attack when a larger body grabs me. "She did nothing! Let her go!" I shout angry that Coin is taking the kid away from me when she just wants to know how Prim is doing.

"Her visitation is to be revoked. No one in unless authorized personal. Primrose is not to be on that list. Lock her down. She's no better than a wild animal." Coin says as I'm released. I glare at her and rake my hand through my thinning hair. Dammit!

Dammit! I watch Coin walk off and I sigh. I'm supposed to keep that girl safe. And I'm not allowed near her?

"Mister Abernathy. Primrose is all patched up. She's going to wake up soon." A nurse says and I nod following them. We enter a room and I see Prim with a nose tube and bandages around her head.

"Well kid, just you and me. They locked up your sister like she's an animal."

I sit for an hour with the young Everdeen. Their blonde mother makes a small appearance only to leave moments later. I've been trying to think of a way to contact Peeta while he's in Two. I'm just stuck.

"Hmm." I look up at the small sound and see Prim starting to wake up.

"Morning Ducky." I say having picked up the cute nickname from the other two.

"What happened? Where's Katniss?" She asks as she sits up looking around.

"Coin has Katniss locked away in her infirmary room. I tried to stop them but Coin is persistent that Sweetheart is a danger to people."

"Katniss is a danger?"

"She had an episode and you tried to calm her down but she ended up freaking out and shoving you to the ground. Split your head open."

"And Coin deemed her unfit to be around? That's unfair!" Prim tries to get out of the bed but I gently push her to stay down.

"I'm trying to get in contact with Peeta. I have zero power here. So I am trying to get in contact with Peeta, but there is nothing we can do."

"It's unfair! She's not a danger to us!"

"Coin doesn't see it that way."

"Well I don't care! I want to be with my sister! She needs me!"

"I know, Ducky. I know. But right now we can't do anything. Even if we wanted to. Coin would lock us up if she knew we were even thinking of rebelling against her."

"This is just so unfair! First she's captured and tortured by Snow. Then we rescue her and we get her back to semi-normal and and..." Prim starts to blubber and sob flipping to her side to shove her face into her pillow. "And they lock her up again and treat her like a wild animal!"

I rub Prim's back and sigh. "I know, I know. This is going to send her back into feeling hopeless and I know this is not going to be good for her progress." I sigh out as I sit back in my chair and run a hand through my hair. "I'll get in contact with Peeta as soon as I can. He's the one with the most power over Coin at the moment. She's just trying to take that back. She hates being out of control. So she thinks holding Katniss above his head will keep him in line. However, it'll just make him mad. More mad than he already is with Coin. But we have to be very careful here. One wrong move and we're locked up."

"And what if she holds her above him like Snow did? Then what?"

"I don't know."

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