Chapter twenty-six: Peeta

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I hold Katniss close to my chest and play with her hair. This feels like we're back in the cave. Speaking softly, trying to ward off my illness. But we're safe. We're together. We're not in the games. "The first time I saw you we were all standing outside the school waiting to go in for our very first day. We were around five years old. You were with your dad, a tall brunette covered in coal dust. But you proudly sat on his shoulders your matching brunette hair braided in two braids that laid on your back. I was captured by your beautiful. Your beautiful olive skin, bright grey eyes that look like storm clouds, and your smile. God your smile is beautiful.
"My dad is standing next to me and he's watching me just stare at you completely infatuated. He kneels next to me and points to your dad. And tells me that he stole the woman he loved, the apothecary's daughter, your mom. I ask him how because it didn't make sense to my five year old brain who was raised on the wealthier side of the district that someone on our side would fall for a coal miner.
"My dad told me that it was your dad's voice that pulled her away from my dad. Said your dad's voice was that of an angel beautiful and amazing. So amazing that the birds all stop to listen out of respect of the beautiful voice. I had never heard the man sing so I thought it was just impossible.
"So we walk into our class and we all sit down. We go through our day until music class. Our teacher asks "who knows the meadow song?" And your hand shoots straight up. So you walk down the row in your red and white plaid dress. Our teacher helps you on to the small box and you begin to sing.
"All the students stopped talking, all the birds outside stopped singing, and I swore in that moment that you were going to be my wife. I was hellbent on it. I decided when we were twelve I was going to try to talk to you. Only, I couldn't. You were too pretty. You made me nervous.
"When your dad died I was shocked. And I knew I couldn't approach you then. You had to have time to grieve. When you showed up outside the bakery on death's door I knew I needed to save you. So, I burnt the bread and threw it to you.
"That following day I was going to talk to you, but I chickened out. And I continued to chicken out. Then you started hanging out with a certain someone and I just couldn't bring myself to do it. But that is the story how how and when I fell in love with you." I look down to see Katniss completely asleep on my chest. I smile softly and brush through her hair gently.

I hate that she's gone through so much to get to this point. I hate that she's had endless trauma without a break. She needs one. She needs a moment to just calm down. She doesn't need to be anywhere near the war and technically neither do I.

The door open and I look over to see the one person I really don't want to see.

"President Coin, to what do I owe the pleasure of having you come to our unit?" I ask in the most Capitolesque voice.

"Cut the funny business, Mellark. As you might be unaware in your perfect little bubble, the Capitol has decreed our men dead. We need you to do a propo and then head to the Capitol." Coin is insane. She's insane. There is no way I'm going to the Capitol.

"Not happening. You were happy I wasn't going. I told you I wasn't going. Katniss needs me because your men don't know how to properly take care of her. So, the answer is no."

"We did not come this far for you to put your tail between your legs and hide! This is a war you two created and you two will fight to fix. I want you in the hovercraft within the hour Mellark or she will be put back in her hospital room. Do I make myself clear?"

Dammit. I look down to Katniss who is fast asleep on my chest. She doesn't know what's going on. She looks like an innocent angel at peace. The most at peace she's been in a long time. I'm sorry my love. I have to keep you safe.

"I will go. But I will have constant contact with Katniss and Prim. If anything happens to Katniss I am on my way back ASAP. I don't care about the war. I don't. I only care about my girls. You keep them safe and together here in thirteen or I turn the war against you once Snow is out of the picture."

Coin is pissed at this, but I can't find it in me to care. I want them safe and if I have to threaten Coin to ensure they're safe then I will do just that. I've killed other kids. I've killed other people to keep her safe I'll be damned if one more person gets between me and Katniss.

"Well?" I ask as she's been silent for some time obviously trying to weigh my threat and see if I'm bluffing. I'm not. The moment Snow is dead and if Katniss has been mistreated Coin is next. "If even the smallest hair in her head is harmed in any manner or Prim deems something wrong then you'll be the next authority figure the war goes after."

"I understand. You have an hour to say goodbye."

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