Chapter thirty-five: Prim

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"We can handle food. Go rest." I say to the soldiers attempting to make some warm food for us all to eat. "Peeta's a baker and I help in the kitchen all the time. Go. You need your rest."

Peeta offers a smile to the soldier and nods. "We got this."

The soldier nods and walks off to talk strategy with Boggs.

I looked over at Finnick sitting with Katniss. He has her wrapped in his arm and he's telling her a story.

I smile a little before turning back to the food. I pull out the sedative vials. "Two vials should be enough." I whisper to Peeta. "We just have to make sure they eat it all and we eat none. So let's go ahead and serve Katniss and Finnick and ourselves then we can serve the others."

"Perfect. Does it have a taste?" Peeta asks as he adds in a few things to make the gross looking soup at least a little more decent.

"No, completely flavor and scent free. Even then I doubt they'll notice because this is so gross." I say as I grab four bowls. We fill them up and I walk two over to Finnick and Katniss. On my way back I grab the two vials from my bag and make sure they're hidden. Then I pull out some mints in case someone is watching me. "Here, Katniss. For after you're done eating. It'll take the taste out of your mouth." I give Katniss and Finnick a mint then hand out mints to everyone else and keep two for me and Peeta. Then the plan starts. I taste the soup and make a face. That way I can add an ingredient without people being suspicious. I pour in the vials and give it a good stir before Peeta and I serve it to everyone else.

"Thank you for the food." Gale says and I just give him a blank look. He deserves to die here. With all the backstabbing and animalistic behavior, he's not better than a mutt. But I force a smile and nod.

"So, how long do we have?" Finnick asks quietly as we all sit with Katniss on the mattress.

She's eaten all of her food and laid down with her head on my lap. I take off her blindfold because I know she's going to fall asleep soon. And she'll need it. I braid and unbraid her hair.

"With the dilution it should be right around an hour or two. But they'll be so out they won't wake until morning. So we won't really need to worry about being quiet." I say as I finish my soup and set it aside. I pop my mint into my mouth and sigh.

"Alright." Peeta says as he gently plays with Katniss' fingers. "So we'll offer first watch and when we're sure we'll leave."

I nod and the waiting games begin. Katniss thankfully sleeps through all of the waiting. Peeta, Finnick, and I make a plan to grab as much food as possible and make sure I have all my medical supplies.

"Alright who takes first watch?" Boggs yawns an hour after dinner time while all the soldiers are starting to nod off.

"Everyone looks tired from today, Finnick and I can keep watch." Peeta says looking up. Boggs gives a small look of disbelief when Peeta holds up his weapon to show he does have one. "Finnick and I both fought in hunger games. If it comes down to it we can kill people."

That convinces Boggs and the soldiers all start to fall asleep.

I pull my hair back into a bun wanting to make sure I hide as much as possible. I wrap a headscarf around it before situating my coat. I look at my watch and nod to the boys.

Quickly we gather our supplies. I pull my hood over my head as I fasten the scarf around Katniss' eyes again. I hide her hair in a headscarf as well before pulling her hood up. I gather my medical supplies and ensure I have everything I need. I nod to the boys again and Finnick carefully picks Katniss up on his back.

We swiftly open the hatch and climb out. Then we make it outside.

"So, we need a safe place to sit and hide for now." Finnick says as he carries Katniss easily on his back with his trident in one hand. "We need to put as much distance between us and the group as possible."

"Any ideas?" I ask since I've never been here. I doubt Peeta knows this place, but I listened to Finnick's broadcast while the team was rescuing Katniss and the others. He should know this place.

"Yeah, with me. Heads down." He quickly collapses his trident and stuffs it in his coat before pulling his hood up over his head.

Peeta and I follow him into the night. The power seems to be cut off back here. I wonder why.

We go down streets, through alleys, down stairs, up stairs, down ramps, and up ramps. We go left then right then left and another left then right. We stay silent as we walk through the dark careful where we step.

Then after two hours of traveling, Finnick stops at a mansion estate. "He should be evacuated by now. If not Peeta and I can take care of him." He whispers as he looks at the door. "Shit it's locked.

I bite my lip before grabbing a few small needles from my kit. "Move." I whisper before kneeling down. I carefully listen to the lock as I stick in two needles. Carefully I twist them and the door unlocks. "Now it's not."

"Where did you learn that?" Peeta asks as he pulls out his gun.

"I'll tell you when we're safely inside." I say a little harsher than I mean to. I just want to be in a safe place.

Peeta storms in and checks the place before nodding for us to follow him in. "It's empty." Peeta says closing the door behind Finnick and Katniss.

"So, little Prim knows how to pick locks?" Finnick asks as he lays Katniss on the couch to continue resting.

I set my kit down and cross my arms. "Well being left with Haymitch only gives me so much to do before they made me a doctor. He taught me. I can crack practically any lock." I explain as I check on Katniss' wounds and sanitize and rewrap them. Once that's done I sit on the floor with my knees pulled to my chest. "When will this be over?"

Peeta and Finnick both sigh as I'm sure they're reminded of my age. I try not to show it so they don't worry, but I just want to go home. I want to have a home again.

"Hopefully soon." Finnick is optimistic as he pulls me close. "Get some rest, Primrose. In the morning you can shower in a fancy Capitol shower."

I giggle a little as I curl into Finnick hold completely and let my tired body finally rest.

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