Chapter forty-seven: Prim

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It was just announced a few days ago that President Snow and President Coin are dead. The announcement didn't take me by surprise. My mother told me what was in the medications Katniss was given in Thirteen. My mother told me they had continued to dose her with Tracker Jacker venom. I knew a plan had to have been formed to eliminate Coin, I just don't know who made it.

"Katniss, hey, here's your medicine." I say holding out a small cup of pills for her, but she stares through me. It's been happening since we got home. I don't know if everything just hit her since we got home, or if it really messed her up that this is finally over. We won. "Katniss, will you take your medicine?"

"DUCKY!" That's most certainly not helping the situation either. I look over at the thrown open door as Haymitch stumbles his way in drunk off his ass again. He smells worse than a bottle of rubbing alcohol. He stumbles in and wraps his arms around me, but I shove him off and let him collapse to the floor.

"I told you to stop drinking." I hiss as I grab the bucket I just washed and set it next to him so he can throw up in the bucket and not on the carpet, again. "What happened to taking care of Katniss? Hmm? What happened to protecting her for Peeta?" I tap my foot at him just so absolutely irritated.

"Had to celebrate!" Haymitch exclaims with a stupid grin on his face and his eyes half open. He reaches out and taps my feet with his finger laughing at it. "Coin's dead and Snow's dead. VICTORY!"

I scoff and roll my eyes at him before looking at Katniss who is still staring into nothing. I sigh and rub my face just absolutely irritated with Haymitch. "Listen, I have to go sell things and buy food. Can you just stay here and try to get Katniss to take her medicine?"

"Ture Sing!" Haymitch throws up his thumb with a stupid grin and a laugh. "Sure thing!"

I sigh and go to the kitchen to grab the bags of berries I've gathers, bags of squirrels I've hunted, bags of herbs I've gather, and bags of medicine I've made. "I'll be back before sunset. Try to get Katniss to take her medicine and eat. There's roasted squirrel in the oven." I grab dad's old hunting jacket and pull it on. As I walk out the door I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I don't see myself. I don't see the doctor I was in Thirteen. I don't see the little girl who's as scared to get her finger pricked for blood. I see Katniss. I see the protector of the family who is just trying to keep everyone alive. When did that fall to me? When did I become the one keeping us all alive?

I shake my head and head out to the Hob that is still being rebuilt. Merchants no longer have to hide in the building if they don't want to. Most do for bad weather, but it's beautiful outside so everyone is outside enjoying the day.

I walk over to Greasy Sae and hold up my bag of four squirrels. "I know they're not shot as well as Katniss did, but I'm learning." I say as I hand over the bag.

She takes them and inspects the squirrels. "Well, I'll tell you what. Katniss gave me worse squirrels when she first started." The old woman laughs as she pulls out a few coins and hands them over. "How is she doing?"

I shrug as I pocket the coins and sigh. "She's not doing well. When we got back she started to go blank and not respond, but now she's completely out of it and just stares at the wall." I run a hand through my hair which is down in the blonde waves.

"Poor girl. Well, I'm thinking about all of you and I hope things get better." Greasy Sae says before noticing my jacket. "Well, I'll be damned. You look just like your sister and your daddy. Look at you all grown up."

"Thank you." I smile before blush fills my cheeks as a girl from school walks up to the stand.

She was in the year above me and has the most beautiful long jet black hair. She has tanned skin, the most beautiful doe shaped black eyes that are always lined with eyeliner. I step back from the stand and wave.

"Gotta go!" I rush off and try to pay away my blush. God this is so embarrassing. Why did she have to be at the market today? I've been trying to avoid her since when I got back and went to the market to get food, she was there. She grabbed my hand and talked to me and said I was her hero and said we should hang out together. Alone. God.

I make it to the apothecary stand and grab the bag of herbs and medicine. "Here, I grabbed a good amount of herbs and plants for use and I made you some medicine for pain, inflammation, and rashes." I say as the vendor inspects the items.

"Any for broken hearts?" Her voice rings out in my head as she's next to me again. "I thought we had a date planned Primrose."

I let my hair fall in front of my face as I try to hide my blush. "Sorry, my sister isn't doing well and I'm the only one able to take care of her right now."

A hand comes up and gently tucks my hair back behind my ear. "I'm sorry to hear that. How about when she's better or when you have some backup we plan a date? We can go walk around or go to the meadow?"

I look at her and I know I must be absolutely beat red. I nod and look away. "Yeah, I'd like that. When Peeta's back I'll be able to relax a little."

"Perfect. And just so you don't forget me, here." She holds out a piece of paper with a lipstick stain on it and her name written in the most beautiful handwriting ever.

"Lucile Pradeep." I brush my thumb over the name and she nods proudly.

"Named after Lucy Gray the Victor of the Tenth games. Don't forget me. I live where the Victory building used to be. I'm normally here in the market though. So, when Peeta gets back we'll have our date." Lucile grins and kisses my cheek. "Until then Primrose."

I blush and nod as she turns and walks away her dress twirling around her and swishing as she skips. I turn back and embarrassingly take the coin from the merchant. "Thank you."

I quickly finish up selling the berries and buying supplies before getting back to the house. When I get there Haymitch is more out of it than normal.

"Haymitch?" I look at his hand and see the tiny cup I had that had Katniss' medicine. "HAYMITCH!" I quickly race to my kit and pull out an adrenaline shot. I race back over and stab it into his chest. "You stupid bastard!" I cry as he starts to wake up and breathe more than he had earlier. "You stupid stupid drunk!" I sob over him as I look at my sister who is still completely out of it.

I can't help as sob wrack through my body over Haymitch's. I can't help but sob over the situation. I thought we would be happy. I thought we would be okay once it was all over, but it's not. We're not okay.

I gulp down air as I pull the needle out of Haymitch's chest and set it aside. I start to clean up as I dry my tears. I can't break down. I can't. I have to be the new backbone. I have to be the new protector. It's my job.

I sniffle as I sit down next to Katniss and just hold her hand. "I'm not you. I can't do this." I sniffle as I clean her wounds that are still open from being in the handcuffs in the Capitol. "I'm not strong enough. I'm not able to do this."

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