Chapter forty-eight: Peeta

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"What do you mean she can't talk to me?" I ask Prim over the phone and that question earns me a heavy sigh.

"Katniss hadn't talked to anyone since we've been back. She's been just staring into space on the couch." Prim's voice is full of pain and sadness as she speaks to me. "And Haymitch is not helping at all. In fact he's overdosed on her medicine more than once."

"Oh Prim." I whisper and look at Paylor who is expecting me to have a date that we can all meet. "I'm coming home. I'll be able to do the meeting from home, but I need to be home and be with you three."

Prim sniffles over the phone before clearing her throat. "Thank you."

Slam! "DUCKY!"

"I have to go, Haymitch is back and demanding attention. Haymitch! Put that down!" Prim hangs up the phone.

I look at Paylor and sigh. "I'll be able to do the work from home. I'll be able to help with decisions and things at home. Katniss needs me. This shouldn't fall to a fourteen year old." I say as I start to gather my papers. "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry." Paylor says as she rests her hand on my shoulder. "The war is over. Take a breather. Take some time. We already decided there would never be another games. All I wanted was opinions on how the government should run and changes needed for each district. You go home to your family. Take care of them. I'll reach out if I have questions."

I nod and gather my papers before rushing to find Effie. When I find her I grab her arm gentle. "Hey, I'm heading back to Twelve if you want to come. I'm leaving now, so please decide quickly."

"Oh of course I'm coming along darling." Effie says gently cupping my cheek. "Truth be told you're like the son or little brother I never had."

I smile and lean into her hand before pulling back and heading to my room to pack the small amount of clothing that had been provided for me.

Effie meets me at the train station and we board knowing it will be a few hours before we're home.

I sit in my train car and lay down in the bed just wanting to take time to center myself before seeing an obviously drunk Haymitch and an out of sorts Katniss. It'll be hard getting them back on track. It'll be hard helping them through it all, but it'll be worth it.

I don't realize I had fallen asleep until Effie is shaking me awake. "W-what?" I ask as she sits down for a second.

"We're in Twelve, darling." Effie says as she brushes through my hair. "Come along. Let's go see our family."

I nod and get out of the bed. We exit the train and I see the district slowly rebuilding itself. There's merchants selling things and trades going on. Twelve is still alive and well and ready to get back to being great.

"Peeta!" I look up to see Prim bolting at me. Her hair is down and flowing behind her as she wears one of Katniss' old shirts and the leather jacket that belonged to their dad.

I hold the girl in my arms hating how grown up she looks. "Hi little duck." I whisper as o just hold her in my arms ready to take the responsibility and pain from her. "You're okay. I'm back. I'll take on the responsibility."

Prim sniffles as she pulls back and nods. "Okay." She pulls away completely and sighs. She holds on to my hand as we walk back to the Victor Village and back to the Everdeen house.

The door is wide open and you can see Haymitch's feet sticking out of the doorway. I sigh as I walk up to the house and kick his feet only to get no response. I step over him and spot her. Her body is still, her eyes are dead. She just stared. Her hair is starting to get a bit oily as she hasn't made an effort to wash it.

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