Chapter thirty-nine: Peeta

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When I wake up I wake in an infirmary. It's a sterile environment and my prosthetic leg has been taken off but it doesn't appear to be in the room. I sigh as I sit up and look around. This is weird. I don't know what's going on.

Did they fly me and Katniss back to district 13? No, this can't be 13. It's too nice, too plush. Maybe a different district? The war is still going on. Right?

"Peeta, you're awake." A woman I've had little to no contact to since my arrival in 13 speaks as if she's known me my whole life. Granted, she slightly has. "Before you ask, my daughters are okay."

I look at her and raise my eyebrow. "Daughters?" Prim went with Finnick and Boggs told them not to capture Finnick and Prim. They should be on their month long journey to district 4.

"Prim and Finnick were captured on the edge of district 7. They were brought back here." Miss Everdeen says as she takes a look at my stump and injects medicine in.

"Where is here?"

"The Capitol."

"The Capitol? Isn't the war still going on?"

"We won yesterday evening. I suppose you four didn't get the broadcast."

The war is over. Snow has either been killed or captured. Coin will assume power and nothing will change. Finnick and I were trying to figure out how to change the power dynamic. We were trying to figure out how to get Coin out of power. Now that's all gone to waste. All the time we spent planning everything. It's over.

"Don't look so sad. Snow is still alive for you or Katniss to kill. Coin promised she would have one of you delivered the final blow." The woman says as if that is what matters here. As if that's the biggest concern I have.

I look away from the woman when the door opens and stare at Haymitch. He doesn't seem too pleased, but he also doesn't seem pissed off at me. He and I have always had an understanding. I do what I can to keep Katniss safe and alive.

"Are you finished?" Haymitch asks and Miss Everdeen nods and silently leaves the room with her head ducked down. "Boy-"

"Don't even start on me, Haymitch." I say raising my hand. "I did what I did to save Katniss. They had bags full of sedative. All it would have taken was one of them to see her out of control. They would have killed her without a second thought. Especially with us moving into the Capitol instead of retreating to safety. Coin wanted Katniss to die."

Haymitch crosses his arms as he stares at me. He raises his eyebrow before taking a breath. "Are you finished? May I speak now" I nod and Haymitch steps closer. He gently sets a hand on my shoulder and offers a sad smile. "Boy, I'm proud of you. Though I don't think you thought everything through completely, I'm proud of you for taking Katniss and Prim out of the war."

I sigh as if this great big weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Katniss and Prim were saved from the war and they didn't die. "I feel like a bit is going to come."

"You're right. I'm proud of you, but it was stupid and reckless." Haymitch looks around and turns on the sink faucet before sitting on the bed with me. "Coin is reckless. Coin is no different than Snow." He whispers, he must think there's bugs in the room Coin can listen in on. "You should have come up with a way to end them at the same time."

I look at Haymitch glad he also figured out the obvious. "Finnick and I tried. Trust me, we tried to think. There's no way for us to even get close to her anymore."

"There's a plan though." Haymitch runs his face and sighs. "I promised you and sweetheart I wouldn't keep you two out of the loop anymore. There's a plan. We're going to try to get Coin accidentally injured and as she is being taken care of by an astound doctor, who has volunteered to do this, the doctor will poison her."

I nod and run a hand through my hair. I hobble over to the sink and start to wash my hands before turning it off so it isn't too suspicious. Plus we can skirt around in conversations. "How is Snow being executed."

"Coin saw it fit he die via arrow to the heart. Just like the games ended with an arrow, Snow should end with an arrow."

"Katniss would never be able to look him in the eye. She would never be able to shoot him."

"Then you will have to."

"Hopefully I get some practice shots. I'm trash with a bow and arrow." Haymitch's eyes sparkle as if he's caught on to my plan.

"I'm sure Katniss could give you some pointers." He says standing and walking to the door. "Your new prosthetic should be done soon then we can get started on the meetings."

"What about Katniss?"

"Boy, she's getting the help she needs right now. They're trying some medications and other treatments to get her back to normal. We don't want to tarnish the results or cause any issues until we know she will be stable again."


"After you were caught Katniss was in an episode and no one could calm her. Not even Prim. Even with sedative she would wake up crazed. So as long as you behave and not break rules, the moment she deemed stable is the moment you can see her. As long as you don't break rules."

I nod understanding that if I break rules they will revoke my right to end Snow's life. They will take that victory away from me and I cannot risk that. Not only because of the plan but because of my desire to watch the light fade from his eyes like Glimmer's, Marvel's, Rue's, Clove's, Thresh's, Foxface's, and Cato's in the first games. Like the man I killed in the second games', Mag's, the Morphlings', Wiress, Gloss, Cashmere, Caff, and Brutus. Not to mention all those who died escaping the districts, those who died in twelve due to coal mining and the bombing. Those who died in 8 from both bombings. Those who died for showing support for the rebellion. Snow deserves to die for those he killed.

Coin deserves to die for those she wishes to kill. For Katniss, Johanna, Enobaria, and all those who died under her orders. And I will see to her death. I will help in her death. I will be the one to start that fire. I will be the one to injure Coin.

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