Chapter six: Peeta

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I'm being loaded up into a hovercraft to visit District Eight. They were bombed as well. Coin believes that it will help them. Boost morales.

"So, Peeta, this is Castor and Pollux. They are going to be wearing these cameras. I'll be directing. We're going to get off in Eight. I'm going to ask you a few questions then we are going to head into the hospital. You do whatever you feel natural. Then Boggs will tell us when it's time to leave." Cressida says her blond hair braided back on one side to show her green vine tattoo sprouting from her head to down her arm. "If you ever get stuck on words I'll be in your ear. But I doubt you will. You are good at public speaking. I will also be giving directions for your movements in your ear. Boggs and Haymitch can also access your earpiece to talk to you."

We land and I put my crossbow on my back. I don't need it. Gale came with us and I wish he didn't. He has been trying to steal Katniss from me from day one. He makes stupid comments under his breath to me. I absolutely hate the guy. Pollux and Castor get off the hovercraft first, conversing in sign language as I wait for my signal.

"Okay, wall out slowly." Cressida says from beside me. I walk out of the hovercraft my eyes adjusting to the lighting and look around. Oh god. Buildings are broken and in pieces. There's evidence of fires. There are some dead bodies laying around. I want to throw up. I swallow it down and follow Boggs to the hospital.

"Komandan Paylor, it's nice to meet you." An older woman with dark skin says holding her hand out. "I am the rebel leader here in District Eight. Thank you for coming to visit."

I shake her hand and nod. "Peeta Mellark. Of course. In Katniss' absence I am the Mockingjay. If we're going to end this war on top the Districts have to be with us. But politics aside I'm just here to boost morale maybe help tend to some sick and injured. I'm not the best medic." I say before grabbing my backpack off my back. "I baked fresh bread for everyone. Get some nutrients and carbs into everyone."

"Thank you, Peeta." Paylor says taking the bag from me. We walk into a building that is just barely standing. It reminds me of the buildings in the Hob, I never frequented but I knew they were there. Everyone did.

I walk in and I'm greeted by the stench of death and decay. The feeling of throwing up comes back and I push it away. I look around the room and see so many injured and dying and dead. So much Death in one room. I notice an older woman struggling to drink water so I quickly kneel next to her and help her sip the water.

"Thank you young man." She says after she drinks enough. She cups my face and smiles at me. I smile back and brush some soot off her face.

"Are you hungry? I have some fresh bread I baked in Thirteen. It's not hot anymore. We can soak it in your water if it helps, but it should be soft enough." I say and Paylor hands a small piece of bread. The old woman gladly takes it and begins to eat.

"Thank you young man." She says before really studying me. "You look familiar. I've seen you on the television."

"I'm Peeta Mellark, ma'am. The stand in Mockingjay for Katniss."

"Oh Katniss! You have a good catch there, son. You take care of her. Where is she? Is she and the baby getting plenty of rest?" I give a small shake of my head.

"No, Katniss is in the Capitol. The lightning blast most likely lead to her miscarrying." I explain and she gives me a sad pat to my cheek.

"You stay strong boy. The Capitol is evil. You get your girl back. But go, go see the others. Don't let an old woman take up all your time. I'm sure the young girls and young boys would love to see your face." I smile and kiss her wrinkled cheek before standing and walking further into the chaos of injury and death.

I feel something it my leg and I nearly fall over when I catch myself and look down to see a little girl with brown hair and brown eyes. I smile at her and pick her up in my arms. "Well hello there, little one. What's your name?" I ask brushing her hair back from her face.

"My name is Sarah! And you're Peeta Mellark! I know all's bout you and Katniss!"

"You do?"

"I do! You're like mommy and daddy! Super duper in love! You even kissed her!" She whispers the last sentence like it's a secret to kiss someone. Sarah's mother calls for her and I quickly walk over. I set Sarah down before kneeling in front of her.

"You behave for your mommy and daddy, okay? Don't go running off." I tell her ruffling her hair.

"Peeta, why are you here?" A voice asks. I stand up from the small family and turn to see a young boy no older than fifteen. He has bandages wrapped around his head and his arm.

"I'm here to give you all hope. I am here to let you know that the Capitol will pay for what they've done. I am here to let you know that I'm in the fight and I will fight for all of Panem." I say and he smiles.

"You're going to fight with us?"

"I am. I will be. You need to stay here and take care of your family you're too young to be taken from them now. You are needed here. But know that I will be fighting every one that gets in my way. How the Capitol has been treating us is disgusting. It's unfair. We are not lower than them. We are not less valuable than them. We are not pieces in their games. We are human beings. We are not sacrifices." I say earning a lot of them to agree with me. I raise my hand in the three fingers and smile. "Mistreatment ends here. The Districts will over take the Capitol and we will find peace." Someone gives Rue's whistle and then everyone repeats the tune.

"Peeta, we need to go. Paylor will distribute the food. There is another hovercraft on the way from the Capitol. We need to go." Boggs says in my earpiece. I give a small nod to him and bid goodbye to the survivors of District Eight.

"You did great kid. The Districts will be fighting with us soon." Haymitch says before I hear a bomb. We find shelter and I look up. Two hovercrafts. I can't let them hurt these people anymore. I see them circle around and they're going for the hospital!

I pull my crossbow off my back and grab Gale to run with me. "Peeta stop!" Haymitch orders in the earpiece. I ignore him and hide behind a pillar. The hovercrafts circle again dropping bomb after bomb. I make it to a good spot and aim. Gale gets the idea and with Haymitch screaming in my ear we shoot down the hovercrafts.

I wait for any other hovercrafts to come, when they don't I race out of the spot. The hospital!

"Peeta!" Haymitch calls after me but I keep running. No! No!

"No!" I yell as I race over to try to go inside only for Boggs to grab me. "I have to save them! I have to save Sarah and that boy and the old woman! The others!" I tell as I fight against the hold Boggs has on me.

"Peeta they're dead." Haymitch says smacking my face. "They died. The Capitol bombed them. You want their death to mean something then straighten up look in that camera and you tell them!"

I finally pull from Boggs and look at Cressida who is nodding at me. I see the remains of a Capitol hovercraft with the insignia on it. I walk over and just glare at it.

"Do you see this? The Capitol bombed down that building. That building was a makeshift hospital. That had the injured, the elderly, family, CHILDREN in it! I went in there and I talked with them. I helped an old woman drink water and eat bread. I held a little girl named Sarah who wanted to find true love like Katniss and I. I stood with a young boy just wanting to protect his siblings." I say turning to the camera on Pollux. I point the the insignia. "The Capitol is supposed to keep us safe. The Capitol is supposed to feed us, heal us, and protect us. Instead the Capitol kills innocent people who were already injured. So think about it. Do you really want them to rule over you? They bombed Twelve as a punishment for Katniss shooting the arrow. They bombed Twelve because Katniss and I lived there. They bombed Eight. They bombed Eight and then bombed the survivors. So tell me if that's the Capitol you wish to follow."

"Do you have anything to say to the Capitol?" Cressida asks loudly. I look back at the hovercraft and then back at Pollux.

"Fire is catching, Snow. Fire is catching and if we burn you burn with us." I growl out before walking off. I couldn't save them. I couldn't save that older woman. I couldn't save Sarah. I couldn't save that young boy. We load back into the hovercraft and we're off back to Thirteen. All of us feeling much worse than when we set out.

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