Chapter two: Katniss

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I open my eyes to find I'm in a dark room with bright white bandages covering me but they're soaking through with blood. Where am I? I try to stand up even with my body sore. I try to go toward what I think is a door only to be pulled back. What in the world? I look down to see a chain around my waist. What the hell? Where am I?

"Miss Everdeen, glad to see you're awake." Snow? Why is he here? What's going on. "You caused quite the commotion with your little arrow trick. So who told you to do it? Was it Miss Mason? Or someone else entirely? Which was it?" I look up to see him at the door. He walks closer and grabs my chin. I stand still staring him down as my nose burns at the smell of the artificial rose he has pinned to his lapel. "Who told you to shoot that arrow up into the force field?"

"No one." I say only for him to throw me to the floor. I fall on the chain and I know it'll bruise my hip. I go to stand up when his foot connects with my stomach. I curl up holding my stomach as he bends down next to me. He grabs my hair and makes me look at him.

"Who told you to shoot the arrow? Was it that traitor Finnick? Should I punish Miss Cresta to reward him for such an act?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say to him only for him to punch me across the face. I feel the blood start to leak out my nose and down my face. "No one told me to shoot it at the force field. I shot the arrow because I wanted to watch you burn!" I spit my blood into his face and watch the red splatter against his stark white face and even his white hair. And most certainly on his white suit.

"Now, now Miss Everdeen. Let's not forget our manners." He says before punching me in the face again. I receive another blow to my face. And another. Five or six until he finishes and grabs my hair to hold me level with him. I know my nose is broken. My face is covered in blood. I hold onto his hand holding my hair to reduce the pain.

"You'll crack, Miss Everdeen. And when you do we will be waiting." Snow says before taking out his handkerchief and dabbing some of my blood away. "Oh what will Mister Mellark think now? Your poor pretty face. What a pity." Peeta?

"Where's Peeta?" I ask staring at him through the blood. "Where is Peeta you sick twisted man?" Snow pulls hard at my hair before slamming my head down against the floor.

"I was hoping you could tell me."

"Even if I knew I would never tell you. This war is between you and me. No one else."

"Not true, others have joined your side and I believe Mister Hawthorne is there as well. Your sister. Your mother. Oh, wait. No. They aren't. The minute you shot that arrow was the minute I bombed District Twelve just like I did District Thirteen. So I'll ask one last time. Where is Mister Mellark?"

"I don't know." I say earning another blow to my face. I spit blood on to the floor and smile at Snow. "You'll never break me. If my sister and mother are dead then I'm glad. That means they are no longer tortured by you. And I pray to whatever god there is that Peeta is dead too. This war has nothing to do with them." I say sitting up and sneering at the disgusting man in front of me. "You'll never break me. You can't."

Snow laughs and throws his handkerchief in my face as he stands up. "Just you wait, Miss Everdeen. Just you wait. I will break you and then I will use you to break the rebellion and break your beloved Peeta. You will be the undoing of this mess you've created." And then he's gone.

I grab the handkerchief and try to stop the bleeding. My nose is broken. I need to set it. I take a deep breath in and hold it as I quickly pull my nose to where it needs to be. Tears threaten to fall from my eyes but I can't. I won't.

Prim, mom, Gale. Everyone in District Twelve is dead. Peeta, please be dead. Please. I'm sorry I created this mess. I'm sorry I pulled you into this mess. Please, I'm begging, be dead.

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