Chapter twenty-five: Peeta

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I couldn't go to the Capitol. Not with Katniss like this. Besides going to the Capitol to end it was my idea. Coin's probably ecstatic that I'm not going.

Everyday is the same. We wake up, we get our schedules printed, we help Katniss take her medicine, and then we start the day. Katniss spends one day with me, then a day with Prim, then a day with Haymitch, and the cycle continues. Today is my day with her.

"Katniss, it's time to wake up." I whisper brushing her brown hair from her cheeks. They've filled out more and she's completely healed. The only thing left are scars physical and mental. "Katniss, wake up." I brush her hair from her neck to look at the many scars left behind from the needles and venom.

Her grey eyes open slowly as she stretches out like a cat. "Peeta?"

"Right here." I remind her drawing her chin up so she could see me.

She smiles up at me before curling into my body humming at the warmth. "Safe."

I brush through her brown hair and just enjoy the early mornings we get. "We're all safe, Katniss. I promise. I won't let anything hurt you or Prim." I brush over her cheek as she smiles. "We need to get up. We have a busy day today."

Katniss is reluctant to get out of bed but does it anyway and goes off to shower.

I walk over to Prim's bed and gently wake her. "Little duck, wake up. You have a long day today."

Prim offers me a yawn before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom to change. The two of them sing as they get ready. Their voices harmonizing. It sounds like a good day.

I quickly change out in the common room before getting my schedule printed out. It's going to be a long day.

First Katniss and I are in the kitchen making breakfast and also making bread for lunch. Then we're going to film a few propos and I don't know how she'll react seeing as she hasn't filmed propos here yet. Then it's lunch time. Then off to the infirmary to do physical therapy and normal therapy for Katniss. That almost never works out well. Then we have some free time to come back here and rest before dinner.

Katniss comes out of the bathroom with Prim both dressed for the day. Prim gets her arm printed, but because Katniss has had bad reactions to having her arm printed she doesn't get it and just goes off my arm for the day.

"Where to first?" Katniss asks pulling on her shoes. I help her a little and then do my own shoes.

"The kitchen to make breakfast and some bread for lunch and dinner. Then we eat breakfast." I tell her. She wraps her hand around mine and we start walking down the metal halls.

I can already tell today is a good day for her. She had minimal nightmares last night, she showered by herself, and even sung a bit with Prim. She's even humming as we walk down the halls to the kitchen. However, this peace can't always stay.

"Lover boy." Johanna. I'm grabbed and thrown into the wall causing Katniss to scream. "You were supposed to go with them." Her eyebrows knit together as she glares at me.

"I'm needed here by Katniss. I wanted to go, but Katniss needs me. You saw her when I tried to leave." I gently take Johanna's arm off my throat and check in with Katniss. "Look, we can talk about this later. When Katniss isn't around."

"So you haven't seen the broadcasts?"

"No, I just woke up, Johanna. And you know the rule. No broadcasts near Katniss."

"They're saying everyone is dead. We haven't heard from them."

"They weren't supposed to be near the fight. What happened?"

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