chapter 1

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(Yeah I update wicked fast! Lol listening to breaking Benjamin while I do this. Also, the picture is the elizabeth character while she's chained to the wall and stuff. I think I did a good Job for a rushed job and a first shot at drawing her like that. Well comment what ya think. See ya!)

A ninja entered the room. He placed his hand on my neck to check for a pulse. Faintly I heard him talk.

"No pulse. I'll get deidara." He said. He then left the room.

I didn't move, it was too painful. When deidara walked in he checked my pulse. He must've gotten nothing, but he then wrapped his hand around my neck and started choaking me.

I coughed up blood. Choaking on it in the process.

"S...stop....." I choaked out. Deidara let go and I fell forward breathing heavily and painfully.

"She isn't dead." Deidara said with a sneer. He pulled out a kunai, and slashed my arms.

I screeched in pain and agony. My screams echoeing throughout the halls outside my cell which stunk of blood.

"Please! Stop! I...can't..bare the pain!" I screamed.

"Ha ha ha!!" Deidara laughed. He stopped cutting me and dismissed the other ninja. When he left he shut the door. "Time to have fun."

I tensed up in fear. Deidara got close to me and his hand came to my chin. It then went down to my neck, and he began choaking me again.

"" I pleaded as his grip became tighter. "Please..............I"

"Now why would I do that?" The bomber sneered. "How can I break you if I'm soft."

"Just stop......" I sobbed. "Please..............I can't take.....this.....anymore."

Deidara laughed at my pain and gripped my waist. It was painful just at his touch, but he held me into a death grip. He dug his nails into my waist which caused me to scream.

Over to kabuto.

He heard the screams and his ears rang. His chest ached. His palm hurt from his nails digging inward from clenched fists. Kabuto was so angry at what deidara was doing to her it was hard to not tear him to shreds.

"Gaaaaaaahhhhhhh!! Please stop!!!" He heard her screams from his cell. Elizabeth's screams of agony pained him, and as much as it annoyed him, he couldn't help but get a knot in his stomach from hearing those shrieks of pain. He loved her and he finally accepted the fact.

I can't stop him, but I know I helped her those few weeks ago. If I could see her again, then I could help her. Help ease her pain. Kabuto thought as the screams echoed for hours. When the screams stopped many hours later he asked the guard to see her. And he escorted kabuto to Elizabeth's cell.

When kabuto opened the door he saw the frail girl tense up and curled her newly bruised body to protect herself. He said nothing as he walked to her. Until he came to her shaking body, he whispered.

"Its me. You needn't worry." He said softly as she looked at him. Her face was an unnatural color.

"K...kab....uto....." He said in a breath.

"Don't try talking." Kabuto said gently. Carefully his hand came to the side of her neck, aware of the pain he might cause her if he applied too much pressure. Her lips were soaked in her blood and around her mouth and neck mouth prints of blood remained. Her eyes didn't look normal, they were so blood shot that the areas that were supposed to be white were as red as her irises.

"Kabuto....." She said his name again, blood dripping from her mouth and eyes as tears.

He didn't answer. The gloom of the cell made her image more painful to look at, so without further hesitation he gently laid his lips on hers. Slowly and softly he made out with her. He could taste her blood that leaked into his mouth, its tanginess seeping into his throat. Even with all the pain she has endured in the last few months, she was still alive. Kabuto could feel the comfort he brought her, the safe feeling that filled her as their lips danced with each other.

Kabutos hand dropped gently to her waist. He could feel the claw marks deidara left on her newly bruised skin. And a sad realization came to him.

I wouldn't be able to heal her if I tried. Her body has become so used to being wounded so much that they need to heal on their own. He thought whilst kissing elizabeth. This is all I can do for her.

Kabuto pulled away, only enough to let them both breathe. He kept his eyes closed as he didn't want to see the bruised girl, as the pain would be almost unbearable.

Elizabeth then tilted her head painfully. Kabuto had had his forehead against hers so when she tilted her head, their lips met again. They made out in the same, slow and gentle way as before.

He knew it would be painful for her but kabuto wrapped his arms over Elizabeth's back and pulled her against him. She gave a slight moan in pain, a loud moan as that was how much pain kabuto was causing her by pulling her closer. But he didn't stop, what he was doing, by kissing her, he was showing her that even in such a painful time that she was loved. Even by one such as him.

Kabuto was a little shocked when he heard her voice in his mind.

"Thank you..........kabuto......." Her voice echoed in his head as if she were in his thoughts. "Thank you............for everything........."

Kabuto had loved those words that echoed in his mind and pulled elizabeth even closer. The chains were shorter than they seemed, and pulled her arms behind her head. She whimpered in pain but smiled as they made out. Kabuto could feel her cold skin and couldn't imagine the pain she'd gone through. But he could feel the safe feeling again as he kissed her.

Finally she asked for entrance, which kabuto gave her. Even though he knew she was in pain, even though her tongue was bleeding prefusely, he let her explore his mouth. Her blood was seeping into him but kabuto didn't care.

She pulled away and her head dropped onto kabutos shoulder. "Thank you......." She spoke softly to him. Her bloody lips against his neck.

"You'll live through this." Kabuto said. "I promise you'll not die here."

"Thank you." She sobbed. "You've done so much..........and gained nothing from it. Thank you, kabuto......"

(holy shit that was emotional. Making my eyes hot and watery. Damn that hasn't happened in a while. Man I can't wait for my friends' reactions to these latest chapters. *starts laughing* they'll think I'm so depressed and its school vacation! Man I need some other hobbies. Oh well, only means you guys get fast updates. But man it took me 3 stinking days to write this chapter. *shrugs* see ya✌)

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