chapter 16

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Over to me! Warning, lots of POV switches

I heard voices again going on and off, hours apart. I looked at my hands, they were no longer white but they were cold. My arms were still blue and everything on my right side vision was tinted red. What was black on one side was maroon on the other.

Am I dead? I thought. No I can't be. The vision dreams are never wrong. I remembered the dream with the woman smiling with a scar on her face. Running toward someone. That woman, was an older version of myself I'm sure. But I didn't get a clear view of who I was running to.

I heard another voice, it was kabutos I knew but it was clearer, louder than before. I could just barely make out his words.

"Please. Wake up." He said in what I think was a sad tone. I felt warmth in my hand. As if it were being held tenderly. I felt a few tears roll off my cheeks and a small smile curl on my face.

Kabuto, sorry if it gets confusing!

Kabuto took Elizabeth's pale and cold hand in his and spoke the same words he always did.

"Please. Wake up." He'd said as he held her cold hand to his cheek. He looked over at her beautifully sleeping face, a few bandages covering the right side but a tear rolled off the left side of her face. Kabuto trailed his hand up her blue tinted arm to her cheek and wiped the tear away. Seeing a tiny smile on her face.

Me again

I felt a small, warm, feeling trail up my arm to my cheek, and wipe away my tears. I lifted my hand to the warm feeling on my cheek and smiled.

Kabuto again

As kabuto kept his hand at her cheek, a cold feeling washed over it. As if her hand had gently settled on it.

She's responding in a way. She knows I'm here. Kabuto thought happily. She'd been in this coma state for a long time but never responded to touch nor sound until now. And to simply think that kabuto was here when she first responds made him smile.

The tiniest of tears left kabutos eye and landed on Elizabeth's shoulder.

My POV again, I gave you fair warning

I felt something wet on my shoulder. As if a tear had landed upon it.

I'm not alone. Kabuto is here. He's always been here. Looking after me. Taking care of me. Making sure I wouldn't lose hope. Making sure I stayed alive even when inches from death. And he loves me. And I love him. I thought. That's when I found it. The same light I found the last time I was in this void. The light that brought me to life.

As fast as my legs would let I ran to the light. Tears of happiness flying off my face after feeling like I'd been running for days on end I stopped and was breathing heavily. The light seemed only slightly closer. But I only rested a short while before going again. Running further and further and further until I collapsed from fatigue and fell into a short, meaningless sleep.

After waking I immediately got up and ran for the light again. But this time I reached it and jumped through. A blinding light tinted red on my right side blinded my vision as I heard a fading sound and felt as if I were falling. Until I saw a white ceiling above me and a steril sent filled my nostrils. A hospital.

My eyes shot open, but I could only see out of the left eye. I felt warmth on my hand and grasped it as tight as I could.

Just then a grey haired man, kabuto, shot awake in a chair next to me. When he saw my eyes open he simply stared, awestruck.


He'd fallen asleep the night before. And was woken up when a hand tightened around his. He looked over and saw a red eye looking frantically around. He stood up quickly and gazed at Elizabeth's blue tinted face.

"Your awake!" Kabuto cheered in a whisper. She's alive. She's alive. He thought, he repeated this thought as he knelt down so his face was level with hers.

"K......kab.....uto...." She managed to whisper. Until she found she could talk. "Kabuto. You're here..."

Kabuto nodded. "I'm here. And your mostly healed." He said reassuringly.

"'Healed.'" She said again in a whisper.
"How long have I been asleep?"

"You've been in a coma like state for 2 years. Most and almost all of your injuries have healed." Kabuto explained. "Do you want to sit up?"

Elizabeth nodded. So kabuto held her up until she gained enough composure to stay up right.

"Two years hmm." She said in a hoarse voice.

"Yeah. You were stabilized the whole time so no one was as worried as before. But still we did worry if you would wake up." He said. Just then the door opened and elizabeth shot her head up. Seeing sasuke and naruto walk through they stood frozen.

my heaven: a naruto fantasy-a new problem part 2 and 3Where stories live. Discover now