chapter 10

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I went to mine and kabuto's room to grab my robe. Soon going to the bathroom connected to the room.

Timeskip provided by: had enough by breaking Benjamin

After my shower I found kabuto was already asleep in the bed. I silently laughed to myself and crawled in after dressing into a sleep shirt and shorts. I layed down, my back facing kabuto since my other side was slightly sore from training.

Soon though I felt and arm pull me close. "Come here." Kabuto whispered as I felt his bare chest warm against my back. I relaxed more and sank closer to his warm body. Soon drifting off in a gentle sleep.

Take that back, once my fearful dream began it was anything but gentle.

I was chained to a wall, waring nothing but very short shorts and a few loose bandages to cover my chest. I realized where I was.

I was back in the cell of my torture.

But I wasn't alone. Someone else was chained to a different wall but even in the dim light I could see his face clearly.

"Bmfto!" I tried yelling through the bandages. My breathing became very unsteady and uneven, I trembled and shivered as fear washed over me. Tears cascaded down my cheeks.

Soon two people walked inside the cell. I didn't recognize the first, but there was no mistaking the second. It was my mother.

"Mnmf?!" I cried. The first person was a ninja but he was random. My mother had a smirk, she looked at kabuto with pure evil in her eyes. The ninja went up to kabuto and began beating him to a pulp. Tears falling faster down my face I watched as he beat up my love. My eardrums were shredding at his screams of pain. The ninja broke every bone he could in kabuto. Until finally he drove a kunai into his chest. He killed kabuto.

But I didn't wake up yet. Another person entered the room, a child burst through the door. She looked at kabuto and ran to him crying and screaming. "DADDY!" She wailed as she cried on his bleeding, bruised, and beaten corpse.

No! No! Kabuto you can't die! I thought. The feeling of great loss and sadness overwhelmed me and I woke up in tears.

I knew I had been thrashing around and screaming as kabuto almost struggled to hold me still. I stopped my thrashing and I sobbed into his chest. Tears fell from my eyes rapidly.

"Kabuto." I sobbed.

"Sshhh. You're alright." Kabuto said softly to me. He stroked my hair and held me tightly.

"You were killed. A-a-and beaten. You left us...." I cried.

"Who's us?" Kabuto asked finally. I'd been waiting him to for a while, but we rarely brought up the subject of my nightmares.

"Our daughter..." I sobbed. "'Daddy' she cried out when she saw you..."

Kabuto POV

Daughter. That's who she meant when she'd say us. Kabuto thought in slight shock. But even so he  stroked his love's hair and whispered words into her ear softly.

"I'm not going to leave you. Nor would I leave our child." He said reassuringly.

"We were tortured. My mother......she watched.....and she smiled..." Elizabeth sobbed.

Rage filled kabuto but he kept his cool in tact as he held elizabeth closer to him. His arms wrapped around her protectively.

"Its okay. I'm not going to die. I promise you." Kabuto said. He kissed the top of her head softly.

"I love you kabuto." Elizabeth said. "I never want you to leave..."

"I love you too, Elizabeth. I never plan on leaving you." Kabuto said to her gently. Kabuto push elizabeth away slightly but only enough to kiss her deeply. When he pulled away he held her close again. "I wouldn't dare leave you or our child."

After elizabeth fell asleep a little later kabuto needed to use the bathroom. Slowly and carefully he crawled off the mattress trying not to wake up elizabeth.

While washing his hands Kabuto saw something out of the corner of his eye. It was in the trash can. Curiosity took him over and he peered inside.

Its a test. Kabuto saw. The side with the results was facing him and he couldn't help but see that symbol.


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