chapter 24

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We heard the clearing of throats and stopped. Turning I blushed slightly in embarrassment at the sight of sasuke and Naruto in the doorway.

"Oh......hi sasuke, Naruto....." I said.

"I see you've joined us all, kabuto." Sasuke said with his little evil smirk.

"You've a problem with me being with Elizabeth, sasuke." Kabuto said in an equal tone.

"You seemed to be enjoying her lips." Sasuke retorted back.

I looked at Naruto who looked slightly confused, as I was. The arguement was just so, I don't know how you put it. Like a Mexican stand off between sasuke and kabuto. 

(Just for fun, comment who you think would win if they did have a Mexican stand off.)

"What would you say if I was?" Kabuto then asked slyly, still holding me close to him.

"I'd tell you not to make too much noise if it was to go further. Don't want to be woken up after all." Sasuke said now with a slightly wider smile.

"As if your one for such kindness. I can hear that Naruto from Elizabeth's, and you two live 8 houses apart." Kabuto laughed.

Naruto blushed a Rudy red at this making sasuke laugh, "I guess that's true. Just goes to show how much pleasure he experiences." He smirked before continuing, "I'm sure that Elizabeth hasn't even done anything passed kissing with you."

This time I was blushing at what sasuke was saying, just because you took mine and narutos  virginity doesn't mean ya can say things like that! At leased not so casually...I thought.

"And since when was that topic up for discussion?" Kabuto said also smirking.

"Now I suppose." Sasuke answered.

Too embarrassed to allow the conversation to prevail I spoke up, "its pretty late, shouldn't we all head to sleep?" I asked everyone. I saw relief in narutos eyes, and I sighed in relief. Midnight limped out of the room, I would have protested but could tell she was regaining her balance. So I didn't.

"Guess we really should hit the hay huh?" Kabuto said smirking at me and my blushed features. "You're cute when you blush."

I don't usually do this but I giggled in a way at his compliment and forgot about my sadness. I was smiling and blushing, this made kabuto regain his smile.

"Even with your scar you're still radiant." He assured me. How exactly he knew that I was thinking that I didn't know.

"How did you know what I was thinking?" I asked him as I gazed at his quite beautiful onyx eyes.

"I've known you a while. If I wouldn't have suspected that being among your thoughts," he paused, (get ready to fangirl) "then just what kind of lover would I be?"

I wanted to die in laughter at his line, as it would've been a line that black butler's sebastian Michaelis would say. But I only chuckled and laughed with kabuto. It caused a small pain in my stomach, as I am still healing, but it was bareable.

Kabuto then lifted my chin gently and he gently pressed his lips on mine. Instantly I kissed back, he asked for entrance but I refused him. Playing with him, I wanted to have a small bit of fun. Soon kabuto became "desparate" and slid his hand up my shirt, I gasped when he groped my breast and so kabuto took this chance to snake his tongue into my mouth. Exploring the already known cavern our tongues fighting for dominace. I won easily but I know kabuto let me. As reward he allowed me to slide my tongue into his mouth. And gladly I did. Taking kabutos hands into mine and tangling our fingers into practical knots I deepened the kiss. I hadn't realized kabuto and I were moving from our spot till I felt a plush surface under me. Kabuto then pinned me to the bed, keeping our hands together. He pulled away only slightly but enough to look at my eyes.

Kabuto POV

He pulled away only slightly but he could look into Elizabeth's eyes. One being its original ruby perfect red, the other complete crimson, what was white was now just as ruby red as her irises. A jagged scar slithering from her eyebrow to her lip. Kabuto hated seeing such a thing on her, but even so she was still beautiful in his eyes.

"Kabuto." Elizabeth said to release him of his thoughts. Kabuto then slid one hand from hers, trailing it along her arm till he reached her cheek. It was warm, full of life. Different from the cheek he felt two and a half years ago, cold, almost lifeless. Kabuto smiled, seeing her, alive, safe, happy in some ways. This made him happy. But he would need to help maintain this happiness in her. And that finally gave him a purpose in this world. Kabuto soon leaned down again and gently pressed his lips against Elizabeth's. When he pulled away an unknown time later Elizabeth spoke with a slight laugh.

"As much as I enjoy kissing you-" a yawn interrupted her sentence but she continued , "we probably should go to sleep."

"Probably." Kabuto said now laying next to his dearest love. "So you enjoy my lips on yours do you?" He teased as he lightly kissed her neck.

"I do not lie unless necessary. You know this." She said teasingly as well. "I love you, so why wouldn't I enjoy kissing you?"

"A question that I cannot answer my love." Kabuto replied to her. "Now sleep, and in hopes sweet dreams entertain your sleep.

Elizabeth snuggled into kabutos chest with a smile on her angelic face and this made kabuto drift off to sleep.

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