chapter 6

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Kabuto carried me to the kitchen. I was really sore, and I didn't protest.  I rested my head on his shoulder, which was quite comfy.

"No protests?" Kabuto sneered playfully.

"Why would I pass it up when I'm sore all over?" I asked into his ear.

"Are you now?" Kabuto said, making it sound like he wouldn't have thought I was.

"You're the one who was cruel last night." I sneered. "Perhapse a little mercy would able me to walk without a limp."

"Yes, I guess I hadn't given you enough mercy. After all, we need you to be able to fight." Kabuto said.

"You mean you hadn't gone all out?" I questioned.

"Not even close." Kabuto replied. "If there were percentages I'd say I went about 23%."

That's a low number. I thought. I guess I underestimated him.

We reached the kitchen in about 2 minutes of silence. He set me down on the floor and kissed me gently.

"Okay, now you get dressed while I make us something to eat." I said gesturing the fact kabuto was still in his boxers. Don't get me wrong he looked like the sexy beast he is but some people prefer a clothed boyfriend now and again.

"Sorry if was short, I have writers block. But its not like many people like this anyway. Only 3 people have gotten this far. *goes to emo corner and grows mushrooms*)

my heaven: a naruto fantasy-a new problem part 2 and 3Where stories live. Discover now