chapter 6

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Kabuto. Again

Kabuto held her in his arms, she had her arms wrapped around him tightly, the tear that had left his eyes trailed down her back. Kabuto let out a silent chuckle when he realized that elizabeth had fallen asleep. So gently he layed her on the bed and moved some of the hair on her face. He scolded himself for not realizing the bad injury on her right eye. Her eye was bloody and badly injured, so much she would most likely loose sight in it. Kabuto then slid off the make shift bed and went to the chair and sat down, watching while the flames flickered in different images.

Kabutos eyes widened when a wolf appeared into the flames and formed outside the small fireplace, it walked over to elizabeth and it lowered its muzzle to her cheek. The flames didn't affect her so kabuto felt she wasn't in danger, but when the wolf materialized kabuto jumped up.

"You?" He said shocked as he saw the wolf alvrea.

"Yes kabuto I am here. It is one of my abilities as her familiar. If the flames near her have enough chakra in them and if she calls to me I will appear in them, similar to a summoning jutsu." The wolf explained.


"I would've come sooner. But I couldnt be summoned as she hasn't locked any chakra to any flames" alvrea said. "I am sorry for letting you both down."

"So that's what you meant when you said 'familiar'. You meant that you two had some sort of bond or something?" Kabuto asked.

"Yes, we wolves of my kind call it an elemental bond." Her deep, almost majestic voice answered. "In this case it is the bond of fire. I have connected my powers to hers, so therefore if the circumstances prove good I can appear wherever she is."

Kabuto nodded getting what the wolf was explaining. "And since she can also make fire appear most anywhere so can you?"

"Correct kabuto." Alvrea gave a wolfish smile. "So you've excepted the fact you love her." She said.

Kabuto didn't answer as he didn't need to. But gave a slight nod.

"She feels the same. So you know." She said then looking at the door, which opened revealing sasuke.

"Alvrea??" The Uchiha said shocked. "How did you get here?"

"I appear when elizabeth has locked her chakra to fire and she calls to me." Alvrea said. "She is resting now."

Sasuke walked over to elizabeth and placed his hand on her bruised cheek gently. He then stroked her hair and let a few tears fall. "I'm so sorry..." He murmured. "Kabuto, could you leave."

"If she wakes up she'll be scared, perhapse to death, unless I'm here. She isn't scared of me." Kabuto answered.

"Why? Why her.........why is it always her that suffers?" Sasuke asked no one. "Why is it always her that goes through so much pain?"

"No one can say sasuke." Alvrea said.

Elizabeth shifted slightly. "You should leave." Kabuto told sasuke. "If she wakes up, because you couldn't see her, she doesn't know who you are. And because anyone that entered her cell beat her her mind will think you'll do the same and go into shock. Her mind isn't too stable at the time."

"Fine." Sasuke stood up and walked out of the room.

"I'll be within the shadows. Chances are she won't remember me either." The wolf said moving towards the darker side of the room.

Kabuto walked over to Elizabeth and knelt down beside her as her eyes opened slowly.

"Kabuto....." She whispered as she let out a painful smile. "Is alvrea here?"

"Yes. I am here." Alvrea answered. "And I am glad that you remember me."


"Your mind isn't stable. Some you've forgotten from friend and from foe." Kabuto explained. "Those who might be friends your mind will see as another person ready to beat you and you'll become scared and stressed. Perhapse even to death."

"How? How wouldn't I remember?" Elizabeth asked.

"You were tortured for 3 whole, long months. Only I showed you kindness so therefore you grew to instinct of trusting very few people." Kabuto explained. "Do you remember sasuke uchiha?"

Back to me

Sasuke uchih? I thought. "Who could that be?" I asked.

Kabuto sighed. "Believe it or not he is your fiancé through an arranged marriage by your parents. He loves you very much."

My fiancé?? But I know I'd remember that! How would I forget? Is he lying? Is he telling the truth? Is he only using me to torture me further? Is kabuto only using my emotions to get to me? My mind ran with fearful questions that screamed in my mind as I trembled.

Kabuto layed his hand on my shoulder gently, "are you alright?" He asked.

It was painful but I pulled away roughly. "Get out." I said to him. "I want to be alone."

Kabuto seemed hurt but he stood up and left the room.

"Should I leave as well?" Alvrea asked me.

"Yes. I'm sorry but I want to be alone." I told her as tears began to fall from my bloodstained eyes.

Alvrea left the room. I was completely alone now.

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