chapter 23

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(Interesting cliffhanger eh? Sorry 'bout that.)

I felt a hand on my shoulder and an arm snake around my waist, I jumped, I gasped when a hand clamped over my mouth. A voice soft in my ear.

"Why did you leave alone?" Kabuto's voice asked.

I relaxed and Kabuto removed his hand from my mouth and let go of me. "I needed to think some things over." I lied to him. I turned my head to avoid eye contact.

But Kabuto moved my chin so that we were face to face. "You knew it was too dangerous but you went anyway? You can barely fight in your state, not to mention you have no means to protect yourself, how do you suppose to survive like that?" He said gently.

I forced my gaze away from his as small tears threatened to leave my eyes. But I managed to keep them at bay.  "Sometimes its worth the risk. If its family that's on the line." I said. I hated uttering these words, as my family had betrayed me. But I didn't dare wish to speak the truth. For it was too painful.

"I'm not fooled." Kabuto said. "I can tell that's not true, what happened?"

I shook my head. Looking down as a few tears found their escape and dripped on the floor.

Kabuto lifted my head and brought my face close to his. Pulling me close he gently pressed his lips onto mine. But I didn't kiss back. When Kabuto pulled away he kept me close, and looked into my red eyes.

"Tell me." He pleaded softly. "I'm not going to get mad at you. I just want the truth my love."

I was hesitant, but being so close to Kabuto gave me the courage to tell him. Slowly, and guiltfully, I told him about what my mother said to me, and about how she took my father. Partially leaving out the bit with deidara. After all I did have to make out with that freak to leave with my life and with little to no injuries. I just didn't want to break his heart.

"There's more." Kabuto said still keeping me close. "It alright. You can tell me. Whatever it may be, I'll not be mad at you."

Hearing his words I believed them. And so I told him, swallowing hard I began to explain , "after my mom left with my father and Tobi, deidara stayed.........he forceably made out with me, but in order to leave with my life.......I had to kiss him back. I had to fight my way through the kiss to leave with a firm grip on my life. I'm sorry........I'm sorry..." I said to him as I buried my head in kabutos chest.

Kabuto POV now!

After hearing Elizabeth's confession about her needing to kiss deidara back she buried her head into his chest, crying slightly, as if expecting him to be angry with her.

Kabuto held her even closer to him, if it was possible, and stroked her thick, black hair tinted crimson in a few areas. He kissed the top of her head and said a few calming words.

"You left with your life, that is what matters to me." He said. Your safety is all I care about.

Elizabeth pulled away only enough so that she could look Kabuto in the eyes. "What do you mean?" She asked.

Kabuto took his hand to her cheek, wiping the remains of the few tears that had fallen. He gave her a smile, "to me it doesn't so much matter if you kissed another man if it meant your life in exchange. I'm not too thrilled about deidara even looking at you, but if it meant you'd be alive, and well, I could care less. I may hate that bastard for even thinking about laying his disgusting lips upon your perfect ones but if it guaranteed your safety or well-being in the aftermath I could forgive you quicker than the speed of light itself." Kabuto said to his precious gem. "Even the mere thought of him makes my blood boil, but if in order to save your life, or let you leave with a tight grip on it, I could care less if you had to kiss him. So long as your safe. As long as you are safe I can't be mad at you, but mad at the ones who would dare put you in such a situation. Especially when they know full we'll what you've been through, and how much you have endured."

"Kabuto." Was all Elizabeth could say.

kabuto continued, "you are my precious saphire, nothing can ever change that. No matter how much distance may grow between us, even if we hate each other, even if the devil himself takes one of us to the firey chasm of hell, even in death you'll still be my gem. And I will be yours." He stated as if it were obvious. "Even if you need to kiss, or make out with another man, you would be mine, your perfect lips belong with mine. They belong with no other, and even if another pair falls upon them, it would be nothing compared to when mine collide with yours. In my eyes, no one kissed you but me, so when anyone does, even if I'm right there, I don't see them because they are worthless to me. And if no one is there then there is nothing to be mad about."

"How can you say that? How do you know I won't willingly kiss another man when my life or yours isn't on the line?" Elizabeth asked to hear kabutos answer.

Kabuto chuckled, it was a stupid question from his perspective, "because I know you love me just as I love you. I know you wouldn't just by a glance into your ruby perfect eyes. As I said, your lips belong with mine, just as mine belong with yours. No one can nor will dare think about changing that." He then brought his face to her ear to whisper the last part to his answer, "our love is simply too strong for either of us to betray one another."

After softly uttering those last few words kabuto softly kissed Elizabeth's neck. Nibbling on a small bit of skin on her sweet spot a light moan escaped her lips. Kabuto smiled but pulled away. He looked into her one pure red, and other blood stained crimson eye.

"But even still, my own mother, wisked me away as if I were nothing. As if I were but a mere pawn on this chess board." Elizabeth said. A few more tears escaped her beautiful eyes and kabutos smile was lost.

"I hate seeing you cry." He said simply, and gently as well. Wiping away her tears, he said, "I would rather see you smiling again."

"My tears are all I have left of them. The tears I've shed for them. And they were never even thankful of what I've done." She sobbed. Elizabeth soon fell to her knees, sobbing into her pale hands.

"Who exactly do you mean?" Kabuto asked her. He knew the answer but she needed to let her emotions out. Its unhealthy for her to keep them in for too long.

"My mother. I took her in. I gave her a home. Food. Money to live on. I provided for her with only asking for her cooperation concerning the other world. I gave her everything, and she took advantage of me." Elizabeth sobbed some more, "and I was ignorant enough to let her..." She finished off.

Kabuto had knelt with her, taking her still small and pale hands in his he desperately wanted to stop her crying.

"Stop crying. They are not worth your tears." Kabuto said with dull eyes and a saddened look. He loathed to see his beloved cry. He would rather see her smiling, laughing, being happy. He hated seeing his gem in pain. He wiped her tears again, in doing so he raised her chin close to his and their lips met again.

My POV now!

"Stop crying, they are not worth your tears." Kabuto said in a sad voice. He wiped my tears again and raised my chin till our lips met again. He tangled his fingers into mine and deepened the kiss. He asked for entrance but I refused him, only to ask for entrance into him. To which he gave and I snaked my tongue into his mouth. Kabuto released one of my hands and almost instantly it made its way to kabutos hair, running my fingers though I took it out of its ponytail. His ash gray hair flowing passed his shoulders. A desire for kabuto coursed through me and I pulled kabuto closer to me. Gripping his hair gently, yet tightly, our kiss deepened further. We then pulled away only enough for air to escape our lips that I could tell were hungry for each others touch. Our foreheads touched and our eyes stayed closed. Both of us breathing heavily I huffed out a few words.

"Kabuto." I huffed, i was about to finish when kabuto interrupted me.

"Don't speak." He said before bringing his hand to my cheek and kissing me again. Soon his hand came through my hair and to the back of my head to deepen the kiss. He let go of my other hand and wrapped his arms around me and lifted me to a standing position. It was when we heard the clearing of throats did we stop.

Sasuke and Naruto were standing at the doorway.

my heaven: a naruto fantasy-a new problem part 2 and 3Where stories live. Discover now