chapter 2

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I woke up with kabuto and smiled, I had had another nightmare of course, but the fear that coursed through me was barable as I clung to kabuto's arm. I shook only lightly, as if I were cold. But I knew I was safe, so I smiled.

"Awake I see." Kabuto's soft voice said.

I nodded against his arm as my eyes stayed closed, relaxing. "Relaxing...." I said in a whisper.

"Yes well," kabuto said, his voice clearer, "we best get going. At this rate we could hit the hideout in a few more days."

"Thinking logically are we?" I teased. I shifted, keeping my eyes closed, and getting into a more comfortable position. "Just a few more minutes?" I then asked as if I were a small child wanting to stay up late.

I could tell kabuto was smiling, "sure. But you need to promise you can be ready to leave quickly. Deal?" He said in my ear. I could feel his warm breath tickling along my neck.

"Hmmmmm......." I replied as a "yes".

Kabuto POV

"Hmmmmm......." Elizabeth replied to say "yes" to kabuto's question. Her eyes were closed and though she shook from fear lightly she still held a smile on her face. A real smile. This made kabuto happy, because so long as she had a genuine smile on her beautiful, blue-tinted face kabuto would be smiling with her. He saw a light pink dust her cheeks.

She's cute when she blushes. Makes her seem child-like. Kabuto thought. Not to mention she looks adorable while sleeping, now, she could be mistaken for an angel in my eyes. He laughed at his mind's view of her as he found it simply amusing how he could feel such love for someone so deeply. He gazed at his snake. Seeing the jagged scar on her face, going from her eyebrow to just below her lips.

Hasn't she gone through enough in her life? Damn I mean she died twice maybe even a third time and has gone through far too much pain for anyone in one lifetime. Its almost barbaric what that dragon rider person must want to do with her. Not to mention deidara, the "impure" things that might go through his mind when gazing at my snake. Kabuto thought. His smile faded to his usual straight face. Deep in thought the world around him began to fade as he lost consciousness, and fell asleep.

My POV again

Relaxing I felt kabuto's head tilt. When I looked I saw he fell back asleep. I looked at his sleeping face and my smile grew.

His face is beautiful when he's asleep. Like watching a child. So peachful, so perfect. I thought as I felt his breath trail along my neck. I took one of his hands in mine and locked our fingers together. Soon I too fell asleep.

Time skip provided by: cosplay!

"Wake up." A soft voice called. "Wake up Elizabeth."

"Too tired." I groaned.

"This calls for drastic measures." Kabuto said and I could tell he was smirking. "Unless you cooperate I'll be forced to wake you up forcably." He teased.

I hnned him playfully. Soon I felt his cold fingers on my waist and he had applied just enough pressure to tickle me. My waist jerked and though it caused a slight pain it was bareable.

"Someone's ticklish." Kabuto said in a sing song voice. His grin widened and he began to tickle me without a drop of mercy.

I playfully faught back and laughed loudly. Small screams of laughter escaped my lips as I attempted escape.

"Alright, I'm awake!" I screamed while laughing. Small tears of laughter left my eyes and I struggled slightly for a full breath when kabuto stopped tickling me.

"I warned you." Kabuto laughed. "You didn't listen."

Still laughing I spoke, "and so I had to pay my price."

Timeskip prvided by: black chidori!

Reaching the closest town to the hideout we needed food to stock up for the place. After getting all the food we headed to the western hideout. And we got there in a few days.

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