5: dissapointment

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After Taehyung and him their conversation jungkook was on his way back 'home' . it was his home but it did not feel like home. It had just the title 'home' because it's the place he sleeps and lives. But the place was too cold and too violent to be called home. He wants a place where its warm, where he feels loved. where he can spend his time free, not having to worry about being watched. He hoped it will be a place where Taehyung will be. Taehyung made him feel so warm inside, he made him feel so calm. Taehyung's gentle touch earlier made Jungkook feel happy. He felt as if someone really cared for him. It made him fall only more in love with the other.

He would do anything to protect the boy, to keep him close but at a safe distance he won't be in danger. He doesn't want taehyung to find out the dangers of Jungkook's life so it was best to keep him at a safe distance.

"JK!" A voice shouted at him when he almost reached the front door of the mansion. Two guards walked up to him.


"Boss wants to see you, NOW, '' the guard said and grabbed Jungkook's arm pulling him into the mansion. The way he was being handled let Jungkook know this wasn't good and he began to worry. Fear was ready to take over.

*knock knock* "buss, we have Number one"

"Bring him in here" Seung's voice was harsh and commanding. It was clear this wasn't something good. And when Jungkook was punched into the room and saw the dark glare of Seung, he knew enough...

"Jungkook....you've disappointed me"

"w-what are you talking about?"

"i told you to kill the guy in silence, his gang could not know about it. yet you've just left the body there on the streets. The police found it a few hours after and now I got the whole gang angry at me. You've really made a mess this time, boy" Seung said.

"B-but I hid the body in the sewers. there is no way!"

"You apparently did not, Stop lying to me, Hajoon informed me about all this, he had seen it with his own eyes. and the news confirmed it this morning" Seung said and Jungkook looked at Hajoon who just stood there with his hands behind his back. a strange expression on his face. "you've really messed up this time."

Jungkook's eyes widened. He couldn't believe it. How was this possible? he hid the body? he did exactly as he was asked to. how could this be, there was no way. Jungkook did not understand. did he forget something, did he not remember making a mistake? no...jungkook was so sure of it but now he began to doubt his own memories...maybe he did make a mistake?....

"Take him to the basement" Seung said, his eyes no longer smiling but sending an evil glare to Jungkook as he watched him get pulled out of the room by two men.

"No, please. i'm sorry!"

"I should have thought that before ruining my plan" Seung scoffed and turned to Hajoon who stood next to him with a grin on his face.

"Thank you for informing me, it's a shame I have to find out he didn't do his job properly. You did well, i will see you later after I 've dealt with him."

"Of course boss" Hajoon bowed his grin growing wider when he watched Seung leave the room.


Jungkook sat on his knees in the basement, the cold room he didn't want to come back to ever again. his hands were trembling behind his back. the hands on his shoulder that held him on the ground felt heavy. He didn't dare to move a muscle.

Then the door opened and Seung walked inside his eyes looking at jungkook. "You've disappointed me, Jungkook '' he said, making the raven look up.

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry won't fix the trouble you've caused me, this is all going to be such a hassle. I have to go out and fix this myself."

"b-but i did hide the body, i did exactly what you asked me to!" Jungkook began to panic when he saw Seung roll up his sleeves and give a nod to the two guards to let Jungkook go.

"It seems you haven't, don't lie to me boy, I am smarter than you, you can't fool me like that. lying will only make it worse, you should know that by now"

"b-but i am not lying!" Jungkook's eyes filled with tears, not in sadness but from fear. He slowly backed away on his knees when Seung came closer.

"The body was found and now their group is even more angry, they are planning an attack and you have caused this!" Seung shouted angrily and grabbed Jungkook's hair firmly. "you will have to be taught a lesson. such a shame that i still have to do this after all this time." he hissed at the raven before releasing his hair and swinging a hard punch in his face. Jungkook groaned when he fell to the side, a hand holding his cheek, he could taste blood in his mouth.

"You have to listen to me, Jungkook. You should be grateful that I took you in, I could have left you there to die on the streets" Seung spoke when he gave the other a hard kick. "the least you can do is do as i say, i feed you, give you a roof to live under. i keep you alive, Jungkook. I raised you, don't disappoint me" Seung opened his hand and a guard placed his belt in his hand. "Now sit still like a good boy and take it '' He motioned his hands at the guards who moved closer and grabbed Jungkook back on his knees pulling his shirt up to expose his back. A back which had many scars.

"Such a shame" Seung sighed seeing the other's back. He gently touched the scars and then took a sharp breath swinging the belt down.

"A-ah, i-im sorry-"

"stop with your sorry, it won't be of use now. Just stay still and I might spare you a little" Seung replied and kept swinging the belt making sure to make every strike as hard as the previous. He didn't stop until the raven had stopped reacting to the lashes.

"Let him go" he said to his guards, the two men released the boy who fell down limply with a soft groan of pain. "Leave us alone," Seung said while handing the bloody belt to his guards and kneeling down next to jungkook.

"Of course boss" the two left the basement.

"Jungkook, my boy," Seung said, his voice soft and he caressed the raven's hair. "You have to stop making me do this. Look at you, I can't use you now like this."

"N-no....No more....p-please" jungkook mumbled his body trembling when Seung touched him. He was afraid the hand would hurt him again.

"Shh, it's okay now. it's over." Seung said, but felt no regret when he saw how scared the other was. "Don't give me a reason to hurt you again.....Do not hide things from me again...understood?" Seung raised a brow.


"good boy" Seung chuckled and stood up leaving the basement.


Thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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