8: tea

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And so Taehyung had made the raven a cup of tea, placing it on the table in front of him. He sat down as well with his own cup.

"I only have earl grey i hope it's alright"

"Any tea is fine," Jungkook replied, taking a hold of the hot cup warming his nervous hands. "Unless it's orange...i don't like orange flavored tea."

"I will remember that '' Taehyung smiled. He felt so nervous suddenly. now realizing that he was having the mysterious handsome man inside his house. a man who he had a crush on was literally sitting in front of him. "a-ah uhm so....do you have any...hobbies?" he asked, trying to get a conversation going.

"oh uhm... Not really" jungkook said after thinking a little. He doesn't remember spending time on anything else than what he was ordered to do by his boss. He doesn't have a hobby anymore. murder wasnt a hobby for him. he had no choice.

"Is there really nothing you like doing?"

"I used to enjoy walking outside, like taking photos of animals and such."

"ooh like a photographer?"

"yea...like that"

"why did you stop"

"its....i dont have tie for it anymore, i'm too busy" jungkook didn't lie completely, he really doesn't have time to do things like that, to relax and have some time for himself. he was constant on guard, he doesn't want to disappoint or anger the boss. He was very glad to be here with Taehyung, to be alone with him without having to worry about being watched. He can finally speak with other more freely. "do you have hobbies?" he asked back.

"My work is like my hobby. i enjoy taking care of pants. but i dont have space for them here so at work i am happy. But I also paint some things here and there, but it's nothing too special. just for fun." Taehyung answered. He looked at Jungkook and noticed how soft his eyes actually were. He didn't look stressed now, he looked calm. and I showed in his eyes. They looked gentle and round. "you have pretty eyes"

"o-oh..thank you" jungkook smiled, liking to be complimented on something other than his skills. "i rarely get any compliments like that"

"really!? but look at you!" taehyung was surprised to hear that. "you're just so....so handsome how can someone not compliment you??"

"I don't go out a lot or talk to people. i prefer to stay away from people, '' Jungkook said. not that he didn't want to. but to keep others out of his troubles. But with taehyung he was selfish. He was an exception he was willing to take risks for. someone who he will do everything he can to keep him close and safe. Keep him out of Seung's sight.

"But you're talking to me now?"

"you're different.."

"In what way?" Taehyung asked curiously as he sipped his tea.

"you're beautiful, I am glad you can see me as a friend but I talk to you because I actually really like you. I just never found the moment to open my mouth about it," Jungkook said.


"I'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable but i would like to ask you to..how do you say it?....a...uhm..." jungkook completely forgot what he wanted to say and he stared at his steamy tea with a frown trying to remember the words.

"a date?"

"yes...a date..would you maybe be interested to?"

"It's unexpected but i have to admit i had an eye on you for a while now. So I would like to, yes" taehyung smiled.

"I don't know when I have time, but I will let you know when I have free time. Please just give me a chance. i need some time to...get comfortable"

"Of course, '' Taehyung said and suddenly started smiling so wide. Jungkook looked at him puzzled, not getting why the other was smiling so much. "Sorry, I am just really happy. I never expected you to say that, i'm glad you did, i would never dare to ask you"

"im happy you think so..i was a little worried i would scare you off"

"don't worry, I am not easy to get rid of," Taehyung chuckled.

Jungkook smiled and sipped his almost cooled down tea. Now he knew he had a chance with taehyung he was feeling possessive. He wanted NO competition. which reminds him of that man who came to see taehyung in the shop before....thinking about him made jungkook grip his cup tightly. NO competition.


The next day Taehyung immediately called Jimin to meet up. He had to give his friend an update on what happened yesterday.

"Jimin, I swear I saw a pack of abs! his muscles were just...holy fuck!"

"Oh damn."

"I could finally see him without his hats and hoodie and oh wow. He was so handsome. His eyes were so sweet and gentle and his smile was so cute. but then his body is hot. like HOW?" Taehyung said, moving his hands to exaggerate the whole sentence. "and he said he wanted to go on a date to get to know each other more. Do you have any idea how happy I am? My crush just asked me on a date!!??"

"Tae, you're talking too fast" Jimin chuckled and looked around, seeing some people looking at them. "People are watching, lower your volume."

"Sorry, but I am so excited but nervous. what if it wont work out?"

"Relax, just go for it and if it's meant to be you two will be fine. And don't change okay?: just be yourself, you will be fine"

"I hope so. He said he will let me know when he has free time to plan the date."

"you will be fine Taehyung '' Jimin chuckled. "Now eat your toast, i don't want to pay if you don't eat it"

"ah yes, sorry i was so distracted with talking" the other chuckled and continued eating his food. Jimin was already finished ten minutes ago.


 thank you for reading. chapter is a little short. but i hope you still liked it, i will see you in the next update!


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