6: next meet

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The next day Jungkook felt like absolute shit. He was still in the basement, the door wasn't locked, he knew it wasn't because he didn't hear Seung lock it. But even though Jungkook didn't want to move, his back hurted a lot so he stayed there until the next day where his pain felt bearable before standing up.

"shh, aish" he hissed when he felt the painful burning of his back increase with his movements, the wounds may be bleeding less but that doesnt mean its healed. Slowly he took off his ruined shirt and exited the basement heading for his room to clean himself. When he was inside his room there was a knock before the door opened. Hajoon walked inside, his eyes looking concerned.

"Ahw Jungkookie, are you okay? he beat you pretty bad i see"

Jungkook did not reply. He just kept silent and continued picking his new clothes from his closet. Hajoon looked at the other's wounded back and grinned, without a warning he poked his finger into one of the cuts making Jungkook turn around with a pained groan.

"fuck off" jungkook said.

"ahw, does it hurt?" Hajoon said with the most fake concern Jungkook had ever heard. "i almost feel bad for you"

"What do you want?" Jungkook sighed, taking a step back in case the other tried to poke his wounds again.

"nothing much, am i not allowed to be concerned for you"

"just leave me alone, i am not in the mood to talk with you"

"hmm too bad. Fine, I will leave. But, " he turned back to jungkook. "You should be careful not to anger the boss again, it would be a shame if you get hurt again wouldn't it?" Hajoon chuckled and left the room.

Hajoon walked through the hall smiling. "this is too easy." he said to himself. "Just some more and boss will actually kill him, i can have what i want. ahaha" he liked the image in his head of him making his way to the top. the only obstacle left was Jungkook, Jungkook had to move away before he can reach his goal. Hajoon wants to take this over. But he knows he can't fight Jungkook, he would lose, Jungkook was too strong for him to take of but he knows Seung can. He knows Jungkook is afraid of Seung, so he lets him do the job while Hajoon appears as the perfect guard.


"Taehyung sweetie. you7 forgot to put the lilies in their vitamins!" Seokjin said, seeing the limply hanging white flowers. "aish, these can go in the dumpster, such a waste of flowers"

"ah! I'm sorry, I really thought I had given all their water. next time i will double check"

"It's okay, it's still a waste, next time please check them yes. But okay, I will throw these away, be right back" Seokjin took the flowers out of the almost dry bucket and left through the back. just as he left the front the bells of the entrance tinkled.

"welco-" taehyung stopped mid sentence when he saw the person. He didn't see his face but he recognised Jungkook even without his face. Only difference was that today Jungkook didn't seem to be walking fine. He walked slowly and winched from time to time. "oh my, are you okay?"

Jungkook did not reply but just walked to the counter and smacked his hand on there, a shaky breath left his lips when he moved his arm. He removed his hand which was trembling slightly and a folded paper was revealed. After that he walked back to the exit. leaving taehyung a little confused.

"See you later, please take care...'' Taehyung was genuinely concerned for jungkook. he did not look okay, did something happen? Was he assaulted or was he sick? He did not know but he suspected he would get more information if he looked at the paper. so that's what he did.

Carefully folding it open, revealing another short note.

'South corner of the city park 11:00 pm, please'

Taehyung sighed, again at such a late time but he wanted to see Jungkook and talk to him again. if this was the only way to spend time with him then he will do it. Maybe Jungkook will get more comfortable revealing things to him. Taehyung really likes Jungkook, so he will do it.

"What's with you? daydreaming again?" seokjin said when he walked past the other after he returned from the back.

"oh. no sorry" taehyung quickly crumpled the paper and hid it in his pocket.

"alright..." seokjin looked at him and then continued his work. "So, how's yoongi?"

"Jinnie, i already told you it won't work between him and me"

"But you would look so cute together, yoongi is a good guy"

"I know, he's anything someone would want, but I don't feel anything for him. it would be wrong to get with him while i dont love him back, it wont work"

"yea, that's true..." seokjin sighed. "he does really like you though"

"i know, but he will get over me eventually, he will find the perfect one for him." taehyung looked at the window and chuckled. "talking about love, Namjoon incoming"

"WHAT?!" Soekjin turned around so fast and his eyes widened when he saw Namjoon enter the store. "oh shit, Taehyung help me"

"Oh no, look, my break has started, now what a shame. Bye" Taehyung chuckled and disappeared in the back so fast but he kept an ear against the door to listen to the two.

"You ass," seokjin muttered when Taehyung left him alone.


"y-yes, welcome '' Seokjin smiled, trying so hard not to get flustered by the other who was in front of him. "What can I help you with?"

"i am looking for a flower for someone"

"What kind of flower may it be?"

"What's your favorite?"

"o-oh, ah uhm. I like Anemone"

"Then I will take that one," Namjoon chuckled.

"Of course" seokjin smiled and got him the flower. "Anything else?"

"No, this is perfect," Namjoon said and took one of the free notes and the flower. "keep the change" he placed the money on the counter, he only brought this but he didn't need the change. "it's a tip for your service"

"Thank you so much!" seokjin smiled and accepted the money.

"I will see you later, right?"

"yes, yes. i will be there"

"good" namjoon then left the store in a hurry. He had to leave quickly because he could feel he was starting to blush.


thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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