45: lawyer Jeon

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"Are we there yet?" Jungkook asked looking at Taehyung. the walk was long. The city was big, too big for him. He wasn't patient, he wanted to know where taehyung was taking him to. Jungkook had ideas but he didn't want to get his hopes up.

"We're almost there," Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook's impatience. but it was true they were almost there. to be more precise it was right here around the corner.

They turned the corner and Taehyung pointed to the building. It was a courthouse. the big building standing at the end of the big plaza.

"courthouse.....'' Jungkook halted. He remembered Taehyung's words and things aligned in his head. Will he really see her? Was this really what Taehyung meant. is this really who they were gonna meet? it can't be, right?

"Come Kook. were a little late," Taehyung said, taking his hand and leading him to the doors.

The two entered the building. In the big entrance hall stood a lady. She wore a elegant black dress with closed heels. Her black long hair was loose, except for the two locks at her ears that were pinned back with a purple lily. Her makeup is simple yet bold in the eyes. She turned to them when the door opened. Her eyes recognized Taehyung, who she had been expecting. But her gaze moved to the side.

There was a young man...the same black hair as she had, the same round eyes that stared back at her.

"Hello miss, I'm sorry we are a bit late. but....I brought him with me" Taehyung said. "This is Jungkook, Jungkook....this is your mother" he turned to the other, seeing his eyes wide.

"M....mom?" Jungkook said softly, scanning her. She looked almost just like he can remember. just...older.. she still had the same eyes, the same voice when said the first word to him.

"Jungkook? my Jungkook?"

"Y-yes. I-am Jungkook. J-jeon Jungkook" jungkook began to stutter. slowly realizing that this was really his mother standing there. his mother who he missed for so long. the mother he was taken away from. the mother he thought was killed by Seung.

Lies lies. They were all lies. Jungkooks hand began to tremble again thinking of everything Seung let him believe. his mother wasn't dead. Taehyung was right. She was right here, in front of him. it was her, she was real.

"Jungkook. my baby. my little boy" Ms.Jeon started to cry and rushed to her son engulfing him in a tight hug. Both didn't have the strength in their legs to stand and sank through their knees. sitting there on the ground clinging onto each other as if this was all just a dream. A dream they didn't want to wake up from. "Jungkook....my baby...my baby... its really you.."

"Mom.." is all Jungkook said as she sobbed into her black dress. his tears getting caught into the soft fabric.

Taehyung stood on the side giving them their time as he sat down on one of the chairs. He won't disturb them. This was their moment. Jungkooks moment. He felt proud. Proud that he was abe to find Ms.Jeon and reunite them. He was glad that it was the good decision. He was a little worried. but he believed it was needed for both of them. Jungkook needed to see that she was alive. He needs family...

Ms.Jeon pulled back and cupped Jungkook's face looking at him, taking in all the details. Noticing the scars peeking from under the raven's collar. the cuts on his cheek and hands, the shaking hands that clasped onto her dress tightly like a child. She noticed everything. tears rolled down her face seeing how different her son was. not just that he had grown older. but everything. he didn't look normal.... "my baby....what...what have they done to you.." she said, tears in her eyes falling slowly. even after so many years she could read his eyes as if he never left. She could see everything. she was his mother after all.

"Bad things mom...bad things" jungkook said and rested his head against her shoulder seeking more of the warmth he had missed for so long. the warmth of his mother.

"You've grown so tall" she changed the subject, noticing Jungkook didn't seem to be willing to talk about it right now. "you've grown into a handsome young man.."

"I thought you were dead.....they told me you were dead... you're real..right?" Jungkook looked up and felt his mother with his shaking hands making sure she was really here. that this wasn't just a dream.

"I'm here sweetie, I'm right here. i'm not dead, i'm not going anywhere" she grabbed his hands together in her own and placed a soft kiss on them. "Im back."

"I m-missed you so much, please don't go. please dont hate me, d-don't-"

"its okay now. i'm here...in can't hate you, it's not your fault.'' She hugged him again, comforting her by caressing his hair softly. her eyes met Taehyung's, giving the unknown boy a smile which he returned to her.


After a lot of crying and hugging the three moved to her office where they talked in privacy. Jungkook tells her the main line of what happened leaving out painful details that were sensitive to trigger him. It ended up with more crying. but Jungkook finished the story. And now there was space for different questions.

"How are you now?" Ms.Jeon asked.

"Im okay. im taking therapy and i have taehyung now" jungkook glanced at the older who smiled at that reply. "He's amazing. He helped me out of there and even now."

"I'm glad to hear you have someone." she smiled and looked at the other boy. "You two must be good friends."

"well...were boyfriends actually," Jungkook said, making taehyung blush and glance at ms.jeon for her reaction.

"boyfriends? ahw thats great. im happy for you." she said. "I'm happy you're happy now."

"We are going to move into a new house together soon. were waiting for the key"

"uhm....i know it's strange to see each other after so long but..will you come see me again soon?" she asked her son.

"i-if it's okay. I can't go without you. you're my mother. i can't lose you again"

"I won't go anywhere. I'm always here. I had been hoping you were alive. but the police gave up your case. "

Jungkook's smile faded. "they gave up on me?...."

"im sorry, it took the years. they stopped searching and said you were dead. And then you just disappeared from everywhere, like you were neer there. I was so angry. That's why I worked harder to become an even better lawyer. I can't let it happen again to someone. I want to put every bad person behind bars. and maybe. just maybe find the man that had taken you from me that day"

"He's dead now..." Jungkook looked down. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's hand, holding it gently. Ms.Jeon noticed the small interaction and smiled.

"I'm happy you have Taehyung. I really am. As much as I would like to take you home, I think you are in perfect care with him. But don't worry. I am always here, your mother is always here for you."

"i will, i'm glad you're alive"

"same for me" she chuckled and they smiled at each other. Jungkook wanted to leave since she had to work again but he couldn't just walk out. He jumped up and hugged her once more before he had to leave. holding her tightly, this was real. She was real. He had her back. He had a family, he had his mother back.


mom Jeon

thank you for reading see you in the next chapter


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