32: safety

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' "Jungkook sweetie, why don't you pick some of these flowers for your father?"

"The yellow ones or the pink ones?" Jungkook asked as he hopped to the flowers that grew next to the sidewalk in a small part of grass.

"Hmm why don't you get both? i'm sure he will like to have a mix" his mother smiled, her face a grey blur. Jungkook nodded and began to grab the first flower when a car door opened next to him.

"Oh" he looked up, following the black shoes up to see three men walk up to him. all faces were a vague blur, excluding one. A man around the age of his father. he stared at him in such a cold way it made jungkook freeze.

"Jungkook come here!" he heard his mother shout at him as she hurried to him.

Before Jungkook could process what happened he was lifted off the ground into the man's arms. He could see his mother shout his name in a panic. She was pushed away to the ground by two men.

"Mom?" Jungkook was confused about what was happening. It was going all so fast. Why was he being carried? where were the flowers, why was mother so far away? Where was he going?

He doesn't want to go with this man.

"Mom! help! nooo!" he began to cry and scream seeing his mother disappear from his sight. his eyes covered by a tattooed arm. a gunshot was heard as he was pushed inside the backseat of the car and the doors closed.'

With a gasp jungkook shot up in bed he bent forward holding his head in his hands wiping the tears and sweat off his face. "Mom...."

"Jungkook? you're awake"

Jungkook turned his head looking around him with scared eyes. He didn't see anyone. Who was talking? this wasn't his mother. He turned his head around and suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder. "No! im sorry! dont hurt me!" Jungkook shouted and flinched away covering his neck with his hands. "No more"

"Jungkook, it's me. Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." the older said he looked at the raven sadly. He could tell he had been through a lot, Jungkook looked so broken and scared.

"Tae..." Jungkook relaxed and lowered his arms averting his eyes in embarrassment. "you didn't have to see that"

"It's okay, I'm here for you. You don't have to hide things from me. I know your story now."

"yea..." Jungkook sighed. He hoped taehyung didn't know, he tried so hard to be normal, but it all got out of hand again. Jungkook again caused someone to get hurt.

"How do you feel?"

"Exhausted....hungry....thirsty......dirty...sad.....in pain...confused..."

"How about I go make you something to eat and then we can talk. I think you will feel a little better when your stomach got something."


"something you prefer. i don't have a lot in my house-"

"anything is fine" Jungkook forced a smile. Taehyung nodded looking at Jungkook a little sad before he got off the bed and left the bedroom to make something to eat.

Taehyung wasn't sure what Jungkook would like but he didn't think it did matter that much seeing the state Jungkook was in. So he Just decided to make something light. some easy sandwiches. It took him a while to finish them but he got something ready.He placed the food and water on the small table and went to the bedroom. only to find it empty. ''Huh...Jungkook?" he asked, confused. He didn't leave did he? no there was no way, taehyung would have noticed it.

he wanted to call out again when he heard a soft splash of water and water drops. the bathroom door was opened, was he showering? Taehyung knocked on the door a few times before slowly opening the door carefully so as not to accidentally walk into him naked. When he went inside his eyes fell on Jungkook's back. He was sitting in the bath with the tub filled halfway, the water was dirty with sand and what seemed like blood.


The raven didn't reply; he just sat there staring at the water. Taehyung felt that something was wrong. His eyes moved from Jungkook's dark hair over his back which was filled with the scars. He had seen it before but it still shocks him. How could someone have done such a thing to him? He doesn't want to imagine how bad it must have hurt. "Jungkook i-..."

Taehyung stopped talking when he heard a sob come from the other. Jungkook tried so hard not to cry but he couldn't hold it.

"I-im sorry, i...im sorry"

"hey hey, what are you sorry for. there is nothing to be sorry for? It's over, he doesn't control you anymore" Taehyung said, trying to find the right things to say. He kneeled down next to Jungkook in the tub pulling him in a hug.

"I lied. I'm not a good person. I killed people, i killed so many. i-i have blood on my hands. what if i will hurt you too? he will make me"

"He can't make you hurt anyone anymore. he's gone Jungkook, he can't hurt you"

"p-please don't leave me, don't fear me. i-i would never hurt you. i would never do such things. I c-can't lose you" jungkook grabbed onto taehyung desperately. "don't leave"

"I'm not leaving. I'm not leaving you, don't worry. It's okay. I am here with you. you're safe now"

"safe...." Jungkook said softly.

"you're not alone anymore, Jungkook" taehyung said the last words he meant himself but he also silently meant his family that was waiting for him. waiting for the answers of their unsolved case.

Jungkook's mother was waiting for him.

But how will Jungkook react now Seung was out of the picture. He didn't know how to tell Jungkook, he looked so unstable right now. Should he wait some longer? He doesn't want to wait for long, Jungkook had to know the truth. He had to know he was living in a lie. But Jungkook wasn't thinking right now. He wasn't doing well mentally. A lot had happened and now it was suddenly over everything was coming out. His reserved behaviour breaking apart on all sides.

Taehyung will have to be patient, Jungkook needs time.


thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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