24: lost case

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Taehyung was bored out of his mind. This house was so silent. These guards kept staring at him wherever he went, he hated feeling this watch. He had tried to clean the blood off his shirt in the toilet sink but not a lot came out of it, the shirt was already stained. He better throw it away when he ever gets out of here.

Seung confused him a little. Why does he let him walk around like this freely? Taehyung expected to be locked up or tied to something but he was free to walk around the house. Seung seemed more cautious with Jungkook.

he wondered why...

"Oh....an office" taehyung mumbled to himself when he saw a door that was slightly opened. He assumed it was the big boss's room. Shall i....no they will know...

Taehyung glanced around but didn't see a guard nearby, with a small chuckle he entered the room and pushed the door closed carefully. "woah, damn talking about flex" he said when noticing all those expensive decorations in the room. this man was just showing off he was rich with this.

Taehyung was scared to be caught but he was also curious to know more about where the hell he was and who all these people were. Seung was not here, only the guards. he was gonna risk a small shot to snoop around. So he didn't waste time and sat down on the chair, opening the drawers of the desk in the middle. Most of them just had papers and some cables. "nothing" he sighed and went to the drawer on the left side. He again opened all of them, finding some more interesting documents.

"contract for.....drugs?" he frowned, seeing the letter and the signatures of three different people, including Seung's. "Definitely criminals" he put the paper back where he got it from and looked further, finding some loose bullets and crumbled bills. "Does this man ever clean his drawers..."

Taehyung closed the drawer and turned around rubbing his hand on the bruise on his side which was starting to hurt again from all the moving. He didn't see anything interesting here other than the laptop. So he sat back down on the chair and opened the top, surprised to see the screen still on. He looked at the files, one stood out on the desktop. it was named.

"JK...one? what's that" Taehyung opened the files, glancing at the door to make sure no one came inside before looking back at the screen. The folder was filled with photos, saved web documents, links and videos. He opened the first photo seeing a front and side profile of Jungkook. he looked younger here, less....bruised too. The next photo was a photo of a child with blank hair, he was smiling wide at the camera. "Who is this?" Taehyung said, looking at the kid. "Jungkook too? nah.." Taehyung pressed further and came to a document, he could see they were taken from a website. It was a news article.

'Child (5) stays missing after being kidnapped

A child has been kidnapped from his parent's on the street. a witness hase seen it happen. "they just walked past them and took the child from his mother, it was awful". The police have started an investigation after the case got reported by his mother, Jeon Seoyon.

"I don't know who these men are but I just want my boy back," she cried during the report conversation. The police still haven't found any new clues that could lead to where the child could have been taken to or who these strange men were.'

"A child...Jeon Seoyon" Taehyung whispered to himself and pressed further, there were so many articles about this child. but one stood out in particular. it was the last article that was there.

'Child Jeon Jungkook still havent been found, police suspect the child is dead

It's been almost two years since the boy Jeon Jungkook who went missing two years ago still havent been found. The only clues the police got were parts of the boy's clothes and the statement of the two witnesses.

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