12: locked

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After their return the guards had taken Jungkook to the small room which used to be a closet space but it was just an empty space not bigger than 1 by 1m.

"I didn't mean to disobey... It just happened.."

"You have to control yourself, this cant keep happening. Again you did not stick to what I instructed you before. Have you seen the mess you made? The tone you spoke at me, I will not accept it. but i will go easy on you and only give you until tomorrow. Take this time to calm yourself and control. We can't have you do that again, not to me" Seung said and closed the door, locking it. He could hear Jungkook say something but it was muffled by the door.

"I didn't mean to. I just got so angry" jungkook said into the darkness around him. the walls that were so close to him, too close to his liking. "I can't control it..." Jungkook slumped to his knees leaning against the wall holding his head. He had no control over when it would happen. He does remember what he does but he had no normal control over himself. it was like he could only watch through his eyes and his body moved on their own. He didn't like it. It would come to this. being stuck again in this tiny room in the darkness. but it made it only worse for jungkook. "he doesn't understand" he said. Seung would not listen to him.

He felt scared here, he felt confused. It felt like the walls were coming closer every time he took a breath. his big doe eyes looking around in the dark feeling the walls to check if they came closer or not. "I want out....let me out, '' he said and hit the door. "Please let me out! i'm scared"

No matter how much noise he made no one gave him any reaction. so he had given up and pulled himself into the corner hugging his knees. "you're okay Jungkook, you're okay. it's just dark...it's just small....you're okay...you are a good person, i'm a good person. I am good. i am good, yes yes. just smile, its okay''


That same day Taehyung was closing off the shop after Seokjin had left because he was asked on a date by someone secret, but taehyung knew that it was definitely namjoon. He didn't even have to ask.

Slowly he walked to the door of the store looking into the street, left and right. but there was no one there. Taehyung sighed. Jungkook did not visit today, it was odd. He almost always comes, sometimes even late but this time..nothing. Taehyung felt sad that he didn't see him today. he had things to ask and tell him. Maybe tomorrow?

feeling a little down he closed the store with the locks and headed home. on his way calling his best friend .

"Hey tall one"

"I'm not THAT tall Chim. you make me feel like a giant"

"What did you call for? i was just going to get ready for my bath"

"oeeh a bath hm?"

"No, I am not naked" Jimin chuckled. "So what's up?"

"He didn't visit today, im saddd i really wanted to see him today"

"the jungkook guy?"

"yea him"

"hmm maybe he is just busy. also, how did the date go? you haven't given me any updates??"

"oh it went well, i got to know some more things about him. and he is actually a shy, nervous guy. He's cute, but so hot too. not that i have a muscle kink but...he is definitely build...damn"

"We both know you have something for muscles, don't try to deny it. i bet when you touch them you start moaning"

"Jimin! you can't say that!" Taehyung gasped. His face turned red.

"what! it's true ahahaha"

"yah, im gonna hang up on you!"

"nooow don't do that to me, i will post a bad review on your store"

Taehyung laughed at that "okay karen. Now you have anything to tell besides teasing me?"

"Nah, not really. I haven't done anything today. oh wait i do have something"

"what is it?"

"wanna go out tomorrow? you're free right? We can go to the same place as last week. it was so fun"

"Sure, I have my 'weekend' now. what time?"

"don't know, maybe we can meet at yours around nine?"

"sounds good, i will see you tomorrow then"

"yes! Now I really wanna go in my bath. i'm getting cold"

"you said you weren't naked"

"of course not, i know you would tease me about it. anyway byeee" Jimin quickly ended the call before taehyung could make a joke. Having this call made Taehyung wonder. Should he ask for Jungkook's number next time? Does he even have a phone? He doesn't remember any moment he had seen the raven with a phone in his hands. Maybe he didn't even have one?

If not that would be a shame because taehyung doesn't know where he lives so it's not like he could visit if he didn't have a call option. What if something were to happen, taehyung won't even know where the other is or anything. He just had to wait until he visited.

"hmm why do i miss him, it's just one day??" Taehyung complained to himself. but even if it didn't make sense for him to miss the other he did feel worried. He couldn't help it, there was something about Jungkook that he was hiding. Something Taehyung felt was bad. Jungkook didn't look 100% 'normal'. He had noticed, but he did not question it, he doesn't want to make the other uncomfortable. He hopes one day Jungkook will tell him himself, as long as nothing bad happens. Taehyung will be here for him if he ever decides to tell. It's a promise he made in secret.

But will he be able to keep it?...


thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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