36: together

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A few days passed. Taehyung was slowly back to his normal daily life, but now with an addition to it. Jungkook. he wasn't living alone anymore, he had someone special. Jungkook was doing well in Namjoon's sessions. He didn't have to call Taehyung to come over another time. Taehyung was glad Jungkook was opening up to Namjoon. If he didnt how will they help him? Jungkook can only trust Taehyung in this, he needs to trust others too. and it was best to start with Namjoon.

"Hey Taehyung" the boy heard his name and turned around seeing Namjoon walk out of the building. He was back here to pick jungkook up.

"Namjoon!" Taehyung smiled back. "How are you, did it go well today?"

"actually, it went really good. We talked about some less deep parts and I gave him some things to work on until our next session. I wanted to quickly discuss them with you. He will need your help"

"Oh sure, I have time," Taehyung nodded and Namjoon smiled.

"good. So, I have discussed things with him and seeing his behaviour and feelings I decided to let him work on talking with other people. He is in need of social contact which he didn't have. I wanted to ask you to do this with him. He trusts you the most.'' Namjoon said and looked back to check if Jungkook came already. "Maybe introduce him to someone like Jimin, small steps. It will make him feel better when he gets over the thought he cant trust anyone. "When it doesn't work please let me know in advance"

"i will"

"thanks, oh he's here" namjoon noticed jungkook walking up to them.

"Tae!" Jungkook smiled happily when he saw the older waiting for him at the car.

"Jungkookie, how did it go?" The two shared a short hug, a little unexpected by taehyung to suddenly have the raven hug him so tight.

"good, i didn't cry today, i'm glad"

"That's good, shall we go home now? i have prepared dinner for us. I saw some interesting recipes online.

"Oh, im looking forward to it"

"Jungkook, remember what we have spoken about. I will look forward to seeing you next week. enjoy your weekend together"

"thank you" jungkook bowed a little at namjoon before stepping in the car. Both older men were surprised by the gesture and smiled at each other.

"I believe he will get better, he's motivated. but he wont tell me what made him so motivated"

"I don't know either, but i'm glad he is"

"Alright, go now. I have to get back to my next patient. Take care and see you next week!"


The two had returned home, taehyung's home was now Jungkook's home too. They shared almost everything, Taehyung didn't mind. Jungkook did have some own things like clothes and different soap, he didn't like to wear the same soap as taehyung, saying the scent didn't suit him.

"This is so good" Jungkook said as he chomped the food in his mouth. Taehyung had prepared a richly filled chicken ramen. But the pest part was the seaweed salad on the side.

"I'm glad you like it, it was quite difficult to make especially when i dont have such a big pot" Taehyung replied and looked at Jungkook, he himself had already emptied his bowl. "You know, you're doing really well. you seem more open and you re talking more"

"you notice?"

"Of course I do," he chuckled.

"Is it good?" Jungkook was a little worried that his changes were not appreciated.

"Yes yes, it's good. it's positive like I said, it's good. its shows you're making progress"

"Okay" Jungkook felt relieved when taehyung confirmed it. "I'm finished. shall i clean the kitchen today?"

"No need, I will do it. You go shower, you haven't washed your hair in days. but no excuse now, i just bought new shampoo"

"You remembered, okay... i'll go shower now" jungkook sighed, he didn't want to shower. he wanted to chill with taehyung but if taehyung said he had to shower then he would do it. He doesn't want to be stinky either.

So said so done. Jungkook went to shower while taehyung washed the dishes. His hands scrubbed the sponge over the dirty pots. Soap covering his hands. "damn why is it so sticky" he complained when it didn't get clean easily. "stupid sauce"

He scrubbed it roughly on the spot and sighed annoyed when he didn't get it off. "ugh i give up!" he rinsed the soap off and annoyedly put the pot on the towel to dry. pulling the plug from the sink and rinsing the sink clean as well as his hands.

He was so focused on cleaning he didn't notice Jungkook was behind him until he felt two arms snake around him and a head resting on his back. A blush crept on taehyung; s face realising he was getting a back hug. It was so comforting, the warmth of the other behind him, the silence. He loved it.

"Jungkook?" he said softly and turned around when Jungkook lessened the grip for him to turn around. Looking right into the other's eyes, he was so close. He could smell jungkook's soap in his nose, the heat from the hot shower reached his skin.

"Tae, I've realised something but i couldn't tell you properly before"

oh, what is it? " taehyung asked, leaning against the counter so he could look at the other more comfortably.

"i uhm i..." jungkook sighed softly looking down, should he really do this? maybe she shouldn't tell him. But then again, why shouldn't he? He's spent so long just to be with him, why shouldn't he be open anymore about his feelings. He doesn't want to keep secrets anymore. He should just tell him. This was a better time than it was before. He might not get a chance to later... "I really...love you. I said i really liked you but i actually loved you."

"Kook...'' Taehyung felt so warm inside at these words. He didn't know it would make him feel like this again. Not only just Jungkook, Taehyung felt the same. They left it all behind, they escaped Seung's lies, it was time to focus on them now. "I love you too, Jungkook"

"Wait really"

"yes of course i do, if i didn't love you i wouldn't have helped you out of there, i wouldnt still be here with you, i couldn't be wanting the best for you"

"Tae..." Jungkook looked at the other. his eyes softening. He could feel the warmth nearing, a soft breath fan on his lips. Taehyung... Jungkook felt as if he was dreaming when a pair of soft lips were placed on his own. His body felt warm and light. Slowly he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms tighter around Taehyung, melting in the kiss.

Was this real?

Was this another thing of Seung?

were it the syringes?


Jungkook could feel everything, the emotions. the warmth, the fabric under his hands...

this was real.

Taehyung had cupped Jungkooks face with his hand, but he parted from the kiss when he felt a cold drop roll over his hand.

"Why are you crying?" he asked the younger worried.

"I'm just happy," Jungkook replied. Taehyung smiled, Jungkook did look happy. He smiled wider and pulled the other in a tight hug.


they finally kissed lol. 

thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter!


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