15: missing

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Days passed. Days without hearing a single word or getting even a small glance of Jungkook.

Ever since he left Taehyung's apartment Jungkook hasn't shown himself again. It was making the florist worried. What is something happened to him? Taehyung really was sure that there must be someone abusive wherever he lived. There was no other explanation for it so far. What if they did something? What if he was hurt? Taehyung was lost in thoughts trying to think of whatever might have happened, but each thing he came up with was bad.

"uhm, excuse me pretty boy"

Taehyung flinched from the sudden voice near him and turned around seeing Yoongi stand behind him.

"Oh, its just you" taehyung was relieved it was not someone he didn't know because that would have been awkward.

"you were really spacing out there" yoongi said and placed the towel he got form seokjin on the ground where taehyung had let the flower bucket overflow. He didn't notice he was still pouring water before he got lost in thoughts.

"Yea, but it's nothing serious"

"Really now? you can tell me"

"it's just this guy i've been seeing, he hasn't visited me at all this week, i'm getting a little worried."

"he's missing out if he just stops visiting you"

"yoongi, i....'taehyung wasn't even gonna say it anymore"

"So you finished your shift, right? shall we go grab dinner together? my treat"

"sure, it's not like I had plans anyway. and now we will split the bill" taehyung chuckled and walked to the counter to close the register for the next shift. "let me just grab my things" he then disappeared in the back, coming out now in his own clothes and carrying his bag.


The two were almost at the restaurant where Yoongi wanted to take him. Both were unknown of the two eyes that had been following them ever since they left the flower shop.

"After you" , Yoongi said, holding the door open like a gentleman.

"Thanks," Taehyung smiled and walked in front to a nice table at the window.

"So, have you been here before?"

"hmm not that i remember" taehyung answered and looked at the waiter who came to bring them the menu, he didn't really go into it and checked what they served here.

"When are you free again? we could go do something together" Yoongi said while he put down the menu, he already knew what he was gonna get.

"Hmm, i have one more day tomorrow then i have two days off again. But i don't know if i have time, i planned to go out with Jimin too"

"oh... see"

"How about we set you up for a blind date? hm, maybe you can find the one for you" taehyung said and also closed the menu. he wasn't in love with yoongi, he had already found someone for himself, but he still cared for yoongi as a friend. he wants yoongi to be happy too. but them together just wont work.

"Yea...maybe....i just can't get over you just like that okay"

"its fine, we are still friends, i just want you to be happy"

"I am happy. but I would be more happy with you. Just give me a chance?"

"I'm sorry, last time it didn't work out, we both know i wont. I like you a lot but i don't love you, i am seeing someone. you should too. I promise you will find the one for you and it will be better than me there are so many people out there"

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