49: happyness (end)

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It's been a bit over a year since Jungkook started to take therapy sessions and in Taehyung's eyes he was doing so much better now. He notices everything that changes of the other. From the tremble in his hands to the nightmares and frowns during the night. Jungkook wasn't stressed while sleeping anymore. He looked calm and content. his frowns no more furrowed together and his breath had turned back to steady slow breaths. giving taehyung peace to close his eyes knowing the raven will be fine.

And it was. Jungkook finally felt normal. He felt like he was rolling back into the life where he missed so much from. A life in which he doesn't have to live alone, with taehyung and his friends he was sure he will be fine. He was looking forward to this. this day where he will be done with the sessions. Today was his last session with namjoon.

"So, kook. How are you and your mother doing? Have you visited her like he said last week?" Namjoon asked, putting no notepad in his hand this time. He didn't need it. He didn't have anything to write down anymore.

"i did, and she was so happy when i came to see her after her work. We spent the day together. it's amazing to be with her again." Jungkook smiled. after he met the first time in years he had been true to their promise and they visited almost every two weeks. She lived further away so he can't just walk there. He will need Taehyung to drive him or get bus tickets but that isn't something Jungkook likes to use. He doesn't like the cramped busy buses of the city. But aside from that his mother was so happy to have her son back, she was afraid Jungkook wont see her the same way anymore, that they don't have the same mother and son bond after all this time. But to be true, Jungkook felt that bond coming back as soon as they shared that hug. He felt that this was his mother, the warmth and the protection of just those two arms. He felt like a baby bird under their mother's wing. He felt like he finally had come home after all those years.

"That's great, and you and Taehyung. Have any new plans?"

"not at the moment. we are still getting used to the new house, I do have plans to eventually...you know...ask him to..yea" jungkook started to get shy thinking about his plans.

"you want to marry?" Namjoon asked. sparing the other to say it himself.

"yes...I really do. But I don't know if he wants to right now. it hasn't been that long. I know he is my only one but I don't know about him. So I think I will give it another year and see how things go. but....i really want to."

"If you really want something then you can always try them. I know Taehyung well and he is quite an old fashioned man in that subject. He always loves romantic stories so I think he would like a marriage too. but still, if you are hesitating then give it some time and rethink it later when you feel more confident and ready. It's not like you are in a hurry together."

"no. we aren't, not anymore." the raven smiled. the memories of Seung coming back. but this time he didn't feel stressed. His hands rested calmly on his lap and his smile kept on his face. These memories didn't scare him anymore, it was just the past. Past is in the past, the past is what made him it will always be a part of him but it won't be his haunting demon anymore. He can live with this, he can live with these thoughts following him. it was okay, Jungkook was okay.

"Also, before I forget. Have you started driving again like I suggested?"

"yes. sort of. last time i was a little hesitant because you know. I'm still not used to being so...normal" Jungkook said, glancing at his hands. Namjoon had told him to not get behind the wheel when they first started. Jungkook agreed. he will be a danger to everyone. He cant control himself and will do things that will bring others and himself in danger. but now, he can start again. but he hasn't gotten used to it yet. Eventually he will, that was for sure.

"I see, don't give up. you're healthy." Namjoon chuckled and then asked his last question. "before you leave i have one more question. Have you choses your job yet? found anything interesting?"

"Yes i have actually"

"oh, really? That's great! what is it?"

"i want to become a police officer"

"a police officer, i didn't expect that. Why the police?" Namjoon was surprised. He didn't expect Jungkook to choose it out of all the jobs there are.

"I want to be good, i want to help others. I don't want anyone else being like me. I don't want anyone being given up on, like they did to me. I will become their best policeman and I will help all the people who need us. It feels right to do this. I really want to help people after all this Namjoon... It will make me happy knowing i am not....him...anymore."

"I understand and think it's a good choice. Do what makes you happy. Me and Taehyung will always be supporting you. Even if our sessions are over now, I will still be your friend."

"Thank you Joon. for everything" Jungkook stood up and bowed politely, he looked up and namjoon smiled bowing back. "I owe you a lot."

"You don't owe me anything. please enjoy your time, If you need me just call me or stop by when you want. I'm here for you" Namjoon looked at the raven who had gotten a little shy. but then he chuckled and gave the other a hug which was warmly returned.

"I will see you again soon," Jungkook said and headed for the door.

"We will." Namjoon waved the other off.

Jungkook held his white envelope in hand with the official documents. smiling wide when he saw Taehyung waiting for him outside. They locked eyes and the older waved at him. Taehyung expected Jungkook to start rambling or make some excited noises but he didn't. Instead he jumped in Taehyung's arms, hugging him tightly.

"Tae, I did it!" he said, pulling back and showing taehyung the envelope. "I am done, this was really the last. I-im healthy. i-im normal." the raven almost started crying.

"I'm so happy for you. We can do so many fun things together, this is the time for you to live." taehyung cupped the others face squishing the cheeks a little before talking again. "Wherever you go from here i will be with you"

"I love you" Jungkook said with tears in his eyes. Taehyung was the one. He never doubted it and he definitely doesn't now. Taehyung was everything to him. Taehyung will be his beginning and his end.

"I love you too"

not caring if anyone saw them they shared a kiss. Jungkook's hand gripping the envelope tightly in his hands as he melted from the touch of their lips together. He was okay.... he was happy.

They were happy.



omg thats it! the end of the story. i really hope you enjoyed it and was satisfied with the storyline and ending. i did my best to create something good again. I had a lot of fun writing this one, it got all the aspects i love to write about. especially love. 

There will be one last bonus smut with the top Tae. i will publish it later as a chapter 50 bonus. those who like switch please look forward to it with me, I will welcome you again there for one more time. 

For now i will thank you all so so much for all the support. it gave me a lot of motivation to keep going and brought smiled to my fave everytime to read your comments and see you all enjoy it with me. Thank you for that, i hope i can welcome you again in an other story.

again thank you and Bye bye!🐣

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