23: guilt

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That night Jungkook was wide awake in his bed. How could he possibly sleep after what had happened. He had snuck out of bed past the guards who were in the hall. He had to talk to him, he can't just stay here.

Jungkook knew Seung wont let taehyung go anymore, he was going to use it against jungkook. like he always does. Jungkook was not going to let taehyung stay here, he will get him out of here one way or another.

"Taehyung...." he said when he came to the locked basement door. knocking it a few times carefully. "Taehyung...please....i-im so sorry...i'm so so sorry. i...i didn't want you to get involved....i know i shouldn't have spoken to you...i...i shouldn't have told you these things.... It's all my fault... but... I will get you out, I promise" Jungkook said. "please...please say something.... are you alive? please respond" jungkook was starting to stress when he didn't hear a single noise coming from behind the door. "Just one thing, i-"

"im here" taehyung's voice was heard from the other side. the door blocking the way. "It's....okay..."

"No, it's not okay. I got you into this. I didn't mean to get you hurt, I didn't want you to be hurt. i just wanted to be with you..not like this"

"Jungkook... this is his doing.... not you"


"this isn't the right time to talk" taehyung said his voice may sound normal but on the other side he was holding his tears, his body was in pain but he did not blame Jungkook for all this.

"i...oh no..someone is com-" jungkook saw a guard come around the corner and he jumped up but the other had already been alarmed.

Taehyung put his ear against the door when he heard footsteps and the panicked screams of jungkook.



taehyung slumped on the ground when the silence was returned. He was just calmly going home and now he was stuck in here... he didn't even know if he would ever get out. He didn't know what was going on. Was this some kind of criminal organization?

who exactly was Jungkook...


The next morning Seung headed to Jungkook's room, now guarded by three guards. He wasn't taking more risks right now. He motioned the guards to unlock the door. which they of course did, letting the boss enter the dark room, a figure sitting on the bed holding his head in both hands.


the raven tensed at the voice and didn't dare to look up.

"i have a task for you"

"i want to see him first"

"you do not command me"

Jungkook kept silent.

"I want you to kill this woman, she has been making plans to ambush my shipment this week. do it however you like" Seung dropped a photo in front of Jungkook on the ground. showing a foreign blonde lady with black sunglasses stepping into a car.

"i want to see him first"


"then i won't do it"

"don't make me do this again, I prefer to keep your mental state somewhat alive." he mumbled the last part.

"Kill me or let me see him, your choice" jungkook looked up to make eye contact. He felt relief when Seung scoffed but signaled his guards to get the prisoner.

it didn't take too long for them to return with a struggling taehyung who tried to kick the men. He groaned when he was thrown into the room.

"You will get only a few minutes, don't make me regret this,'' Seung said and left the room. Only two guards stayed inside to make sure Jungkook didn't try to escape.

"Taehyung... i im"

Jungkook was cut off when Taehyung suddenly hugged him and almost started crying. "Jungkook, what is going on? Why are these people doing this?"

"Tae i....I... He."

"please at least tell me why..."

Jungkook was hoping not to talk about this but he will have to. Taehyung was too far into this now, he has to be honest and tell him everything. "I work for Seung, the boss man who was just here.. he doesnt allow me to have any contact with anyone but him. Everyone I befriended or was close to me got hurt and killed... I didn't want the same thing happening to you, I couldn't tell the truth. but....i still failed to keep you away from this. I was so selfish. I didn't want to give up on you. I really wanted to make it work with you, I wanted to be with you. i felt happy with you...i'm sorry"

"you're a criminal?"

"no...yes..no... I don't know..I don't know what I am. I don't want to do this, I swear. i just...i can't...i have no choice. i have to" jungkook said, his hands shaking trying his best to explain it to the other. "he hurts me if i don't do what he said"

Taehyung sat next to Jungkook on the bed ignoring his bruises that were hurting. right now the thing he was more interested in was the marks on jungkook's neck. they looked painful. "did he.." he reached out for the other's neck but jungkook stopped talking and jolted away covering his neck.


"ah..sorry" taehyung pulled his hand back feeling bad for jungkook. It was clearly made by a hand. YHe could already imagine what must have happened.

"Seung... he.. got angry"

"he is abusing you.. why didn't you tell someone?"

"I cant... he is always watching me."

"You could have called someone, or left a note. just-"

"i cant... I am scared. I am scared of him.... I can't just walk out and do that...h-he.. he will get angry.." Jungkook looked so scared when he spoke about this that taehyung almost regretted saying it.. "I won't let you stay here, you have to leave. I will get you out. you can escape."

"But what about you? you can't stay here! this man is horrible, he needs to be arrested"

"I can't leave. He won't let me, he won't allow me to. He will always find me, he always does. I have tried before...i don't dare to try again"


"time is up kids!" Seung barged back into the room. "Jungkook you're coming with me, and you... uhm.. just keep an eye on him or whatever" Seung didnt care what taehyung did to be honest. Taehyung was not a threat to him so he didn't see the need to lock him up during the time Jungkook was not in the house. "Just don't let him leave the house or try to contact anyone. if he does. kill him"

Jungkook was alarmed by that and turned to Seung. "Boss-"

"Well he just has to be a good boy and you will be able to see him again. Now chop chop. go kill the target, i will be watching you" Seung pushed jungkook out of the room leaving taehyung with the guards.


quick update, what is taehyung gonna do next? be obedient or snoop around a little..hmmm👀

thank you for reading see you in the next chapter.


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