25: chat

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Seokjin stood at the desk in his shop. He was a little worried. Taehyung didn't show up this morning for work. And he didn't pick up his calls either. So he had decided to call Jimin.

"and?" He asked, jimin had gone to Taehyung's home to check if he was there or not.

"He isn't home."

"where the hell is he?"

"i don't know, how do i know??'' Jimin replied while exiting his best friend's house.

"Do you think something has happened to him? Oh god, i hope he is okay."

"I don't know....Maybe look out for that raven haired guy he is seeing. The jungkook guy, maybe he has seen him. Ooh maybe they fucked and taehyung is at his place hmm"

"As much as that thought would be better I don't think they are at that stage yet" seokjin chuckled a little. "I will look out for him. Maybe taehyung will show up at one point. Thanks for the help"

"no problem, i will stop by with hoseok in a bit"

"Cool, see you then!"


That same day Jungkook stood in his bedroom. "he hates you, you're a criminal, you are a murder. A sick monster" he told himself and looked at his hands. He felt horrible for even touching taehyung with these.

"he must feel disgusted.. I am not a good person"

Jungkook suddenly tensed up when he felt watched and turned around. To his surprise it was Taehyung in the doorway looking at him.


"don't come closer... I'm dangerous" Jungkook said putting his hands in front of him as a signal for the other to stop moving.

"you're not a monster Jungkook...Please don't say such things"

"but i am, you heard what Seung said"

"Those are Seung's words," Taehyung sighed and sat down on the bed looking at the pile of bloody clothes that was on the ground. "we need to talk"


"yes, before your boss comes back from his phone call"

"oh...Okay" Jungkook felt nervous for what was about to come. But he sat down in silence.

"about you and....Killing...People...."

Taehyung gulped at the thought. To imagine jungkook killing someone, he expected a lot but not this. "why...Why do you do it?"

"I have no choice," Jungkook said. "i have to kill them"

"But why do you do it?"

"he taught me to....I thought it was...Normal...." Jungkook looked away. He grew to believe it was normal to kill. He only realized it was wrong when he was too old to get out of this mess. "But I don't want to kill...I don't want to hurt people...."

"Why do you allow him to make you do such things? It is not okay to kill, its....Its...Never mind"

"i have to, or else he will hurt me" Jungkook's eyes went big as if he was scared. "i-i don't want him to hurt me again"

"why.....Why didn't you kill...Him"

Jungkook went silent. He seemed to be thinking about it. "i tried"

"you did?" Taehyung was actually a little surprised at this.

"I tried it once....He hurt me so badly I thought I was gonna die. I couldn't move properly for days"

"why doesn't he kill you?'' Taehyung had so many questions but so little time for answers. "he needs me, he needs my skill. He needs me to kill for him. '' Jungkook let out a shaky breath. "I don't want to, please believe me. I don't want to hurt anyone. I just want to be free....I want to be happy" jungkook teared up and started crying. '' He took everything from me... He is terrifying"

"hey...Kook, it's okay. You're not alone here anymore. I am here too" Taehyung said, pulling the other in a hug. It felt strange now knowing he murders people, but then jungkook never wanted too. He was forced to do so. This was different"

"that's the problem...You can't be here....I dont want to lose you. He will hurt you"

"i can take it" taehyung wanted to make the younger feel better even if he was lying.

"....'' Jungkook kept silent. He knew it was a lie, and he didn't know what to say.

They were in their own moment. Their own space. which sadly got interrupted by Seung.

"Jungkook," he said sternly. Immediately Jungkook pulled out of the hug and distanced himself. "good boy. Taehyung you're coming with me"

"Where are we going?"

"get you something to eat. Can't have you starve here just yet" Seung said bored. "and you. You stay in here" He pointed at Jungkook.

"no, don't lock me up again!"

*slap* Seung had slapped taehyung and looked at the raven. "Every word you say against me he will pay for it!"Seung shouted back.

Jungkook shut his lips looking at taehyung who held his cheek. He watched silently as the two left the room.

"I hope you didn't tell him something," Seung said to Taehyung who walked next to him.

"no i didn't" taehyung hated this Seung man. He hated for who he is and what he did to Jungkook. how can someone be so cruel to kidnap a kid. They entered the livingroom of the house and Seung made him sit at the head end of the long table. a bowl of hot ramen was ready for him. "isn't Jungkook going to eat?"

"He didn't deserve it, '' Seung replied shortly. "He eats when he is allowed to. and no i am not starving him, that will ruin his performance ability and that will cause my plans to fail." Seung watched taehyung sniff the food and stir it around. The boy clearly didn't trust the food. "i did not poison the food if that is what you're thinking"

"I wasn't... hm '' Taehyung shut his lips because he was suspecting the food to be poisoned. He slowly started eating the food and asked a question. As long as Seung wasn't angry at him he would ask things, so far Seung seemed to not be too bothered by answering them. He was worried for the moment Seung had enough but he needed to know. because apparently Jungkook did not know the truth, only Seung had the answers. only Seung knew what really happened. "How did you know about me?"

"Oh that's easy, Jungkook came home less, he stayed outside longer. He was suspiciously a lot in the same location. I am not stupid Taehyung. I see and hear everything. I just waited for him to come to me about it himself, but he didnt so he will have to accept the consequences of his mistakes." Seung replied, looking at the bowl that slowly got more and more empty.

"Why did you kidnap him?"

"a perfect blank page to form into my own puppet, now enough questions. I do not feel like telling you every little detail. That you are not a threat does not mean i trust you" Seung got slightly annoyed now so taehyung stopped talking. "finished?" the man noticed taehyung stopped eating. Taehyung wanted to reply but he couldn't speak up. Everything felt so heavy, he frowned and opened his lips to speak but he couldn't form any words. slowly he felt himself fall to the side before falling off the chair into someone's grip. Then he realised, Seung lied, the food was poisoned.


thankiess, i am on a spree with this story i cant stop writingggg. see you in the next update!


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