44: healing

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-6 months later-

It's been six months since their sushi evening. Taehyung and Seokjin just got through the summer times and have closed the store for a winter break. Taehyung had been planning a vacation for him an Jungkook. But the two were not sure where to go yet. Namjoon encouraged the raven to have the vacation and have fun. Seeing his mental state had improved a lot he wanted jungkook to focus on normal things. to just live his life. Which is what he is trying to do. Jungkook is able to control himself whenever something bad happens. But Taehyung can still see it on him. The past, he can see the frown when jungkook's sleeps. he heard about the nightmares he kept having. luckily the raven didn't fall into a panic every time anymore. but it was still there. Jungkook preferred to not talk about it yet, unless it's with Namjoon.

"This is quite nice right?" taehyung said pointing to a wooden framed bed. they were going to move out soon. They....well Taehyung have found a house for them a little with Yoongi's help who had a lot of money. He paid a part of the costs as a present. They were excited to move to the new house. but they will have to wait a little more for everything to be completed and they can pick up the key. for now they were just looking at new furniture. This one person bed won't be enough for them in the long term. It's about time they get a proper two person sized bed.

"It's alright. i'm not a fan of these...things" Jungkook said rubbing his finger over the carved details. "I mean. you know...me"

"Yeah, okay. let's look for something more calm" the older knew what jungkook meant. the raven had been sensitive to unorganized spaces, it made him feel stressed and pressured. so they decided to go for a modern and clean interior look. Taehyung's only request was to have green colors in there and a photo wall. he wanted to put all the best memories on a big wall. To which Jungkook agreed, liking the idea of a photo wall too.

"this one maybe?" Taehyung pointed to a wooden bed with white coating. It was quite a big bed. a bit bitter than the standard two size bed. "its big, i can see us sleep here"

"We can do a lot more than just sleeping on this one," Jungkook said softly with a chuckle to himself.

"what?" Taehyung turned his head, making Jungkook avert his eyes so fast.

"huh, nothing"

"Go lay down for a second," Taehyung said, grabbing Jungkook's hand to pull him to the bed.

"oh, why?"

"for the size of course. you're taller than me so, come now lay down"

Jungkook did as asked and laid down. looking like a plank not sure what to do. can he really just lay on here, it felt wrong to lay here when they were inside a store.

"this will be perfect" taehyung said and hopped next to the other giving him a quick peck on the lips with a chuckle. The raven smiled and wrapped one arm around the other as they laid there staring at the ceiling. They can already imagine this bed in their new home. It was so much better than sharing the small one they were doing now.

"So, have you decided on a location yet?" Taehyung asked. He had given Jungkook to option to decide the vacation. He wants Jungkook to have a good time. Taehyung didn't mind whatever.

"I think I want to go to Jeju island. I saw some nice hotels. and we can go see nature together...If that's okay with you..."

"Of course, I would love to go there with you. Jeju island it is then? i think its perfect"

Jungkook turned his head and smiled. He didn't think before he would ever go on a vacation. But here they were, planning their first vacation together. He was looking forward to it. a part of him was worried,not sure how his...trauma.. as Namjoon told him it was... would react to all these things. Unknown location, new activities, unknown people. But deep down he knew it would be alright. He was doing better, he just had to stop worrying and overthinking everything. He had to stop fearing every new thing and face it. If he keeps running then he will always be stuck in one place.

He really wants to go, be with Taehyung. A time for just the two of them, no one else to disturb them, Just them alone.

"I can't wait, '' Jungkook said as he looked at Taehyung with such soft loving eyes. Taehyung was his world. He was his reason to fight. and now he was his reason to live, a reason to become happy and overcome his past. Taehyung made him realise things. He wondered sometimes what would have happened if they never met. if he never opened his mouth to speak with him. He would still be stuck there under Seung's evil eyes. He would still be covered with blood and pain.

he wouldn't be here..

Seung would have been the death of him.

"You know, I didn't go here all this way just to look at beds," Taehyung said, turning on his back and staring at the ceiling again.


"i am taking you somewhere, somewhere that i think is something you need right now"

"What are you talking about? where are we going?" Jungkook frowned, confused.

"We're going to see someone." Taehyung sat up with a small smile. Jungkook did not know but Taehyung had gotten in contact with someone who cared a lot for Jungkook. Who shed so many tears over him. Someone Jungkook needs to meet. After all those years they have to see eachother again. To repair what has been taken from them.


thank you for reading. sorry for taking so long to update this chapter. I had such a busy exhausting week. I will post next chapter probably tomorrow. maybe later tonight if i am back home in time. The story is slowly closing. I have almost covered all things i wanted to write about.

But before the end we are going to have vacation. a time for just them. Anything you would like to read about? them visiting a waterfall? a romantic beach date? 👀🌹

after the vacation the story will end. Look forward to the next chapter. im already excited to start writing it, hihi


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