41: different

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Jungkook looked at the older in silence. He took a sharp breath when Taehyung gently dabbed the cloth on the wounds. cleaning all the dirt out of the wound and the possible bad bacteria. Even now Taehyung was still helping him... He never blamed him for anything... Jungkook felt sad..

"There, now I only have to wrap it up," Taehyung said in a soft voice only they could hear. He didn't want to break this silence. The raven did not reply to him, but his eyes were starting at every move he made. Each wrap he did, the raven's eyes were on him. "done... please be careful okay. i don't want you to get hurt anymore"

"i....try" jungkook took his hands back now wrapped in white bandages, they were still trembling a little. He can't control it anymore. He was unable to make it stop. whenever he thought he had them back in control it started again. "Why wont it stop..."

"i dont know"

"make it stop. please" jungkook asked, extending his hands to the other with hopeful eyes. To him Taehyung was the solution to everything. if taehyung can clean his wounds, make him smile, make him feel love and feel loved, help him out of his dark prison then he can help his hands too right?

"i don't know how to-"

"please make it stop!'' Jungkook shouted suddenly, startling Taehyung from the unexpected burst. "I hate it, I don't want it, I don't want to!!" he hit his hand on his head and walked around with a deep frown. "Stop it!"

"Jungkook" taehyung tried to grab the other to make him stop hurting himself but the raven moved away from him.

"don't touch me," he said, making Taehyung's heart clench. "im sick..im a monster"

"Kook, you're not. just, calm down. It's all okay. you're safe"

"i will never be safe" jungkook said slumping down against the wall and pull his knees up. "he is still here, in my fucking head!! he wont shut up!"

Taehyung sighed and kneeled down next to the younger.

"i'm scared"

"for what?"



"He is telling me things. i don't want to listen. but look what i did" jungkook showed his hands with the bandages. "what if i do worse.... It wont stop"

"You can do this. You're not alone. you have all of us to talk to. Jimin is a really good listener too if you ever need to talk to someone other than e or namjoon."

Jungkook did not reply. But Taehyung knew the other was listening.

"It's okay to be yourself even if you are unhappy." the older continued.

The raven didn't have to reply, as long as he was listening. "i am always here for you, with you, together. You are safe here" taehyung smiled turning his head to rake a hold of one of the raven's trembling hand "you are home"

"home...." Jungkook looked at him with teary eyes. Then he leaned against the older and let out a long breath relaxing against the other. "you are my home"


The next morning Taehyung was in the kitchen preparing some french toast for the both of them. He put the last baked toast on the plate and turned off the stove before making his way to the bedroom.

Last night Jungkook had fallen asleep and Taehyung tucked him into bed. He couldn't sleep well last night. Even though he was glad to have the raven back here he still couldn't sleep. He could sense Jungkook was restless. even in his sleep he looked pressured. a slight frown on his face and the constant turning in his sleep. He wasn't doing so well, it made Taehyung worried.

Will Jungkook ever get over this or will the damage be haunting him forever? Taehyung didn't know, he really hoped Jungkook will learn how to deal with it eventually.

"Koo, baby" Taehyung said softly as he kneeled next to the other and gently stroked his black locks with his fingers. "I have breakfast ready for you"

the raven stirred awake blinking a few times as he stared at Taehyung.



"thank you for everything"

"anytime, you know that, there is no need to thank me. I do it all because I love you" taehyung smiled and so did Jungkook. The older couldn't help it and placed a quick peck on the raven's lips before standing up getting shy. "c-come eat after getting ready okay?"

"I will be there in two minutes" Jungkook smiled even more and grabbed his phone to check the time before getting out of the warm comfortable bed. Taehyung was glad when Jungkook woke up, so far he looked calm again. more himself again. Yesterday he scared him a little. But it was all good now.

It took Jungkook a little longer than two minutes of course but he sat down at the table eventually. Looking at the toast as his stomach growled, making him blush a little and scratch his neck. "ah, sorry about that"

Taehyung smiled thinking it was cute.

"It looks delicious, did you make it all this morning?"

"i did, i was awake early"

"Did I wake you? if so im so-"

"don't worry. it's fine, relax" taehyung said, patting his hand on jungkooks that were resting on the table. "Come let's eat before it gets too cold."

Jungkook nodded and took the fork and knife in his hand, eating the first slice of toast. it was just as delicious and it smelled and looked. As he ate Taehyung was looking at him, well more at Jungkook's hand. the bandages with a few red spots on them, and the light but present shaking of the hand.

"When is your next meeting with Namjoon?"

Jungkook fell silent. "uhm, friday"


Jungkook was lying again. He didn't want to go, he didn't want to feel those things again, he didn't want to think about it. he doesn't want namjoon to ask questions. Jungkook suddenly felt so angry, he felt like namjoon was just being nosy. His mind was confused.

"It's...today," Taehyung said after he checked the schedule on his phone. He looked at jungkook whoa voided eye contact by poking his food and sighed. "koo, please go. you know it will help you"

"He can't help me!"

"Jungkook, please. go meet him... I will bring you and pick you up after"


Taehyung put his knife down slowly and stared at his food disappointed. Why was Jungkook like this now? He wasn't like this before. "Ju-''

"NO is no '' Jungkook shouted and stood up. leaving the table and disappearing into the bedroom.


thank you for reading. see you in the next chapter!


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