42: don't give up

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Jungkook didn't want to speak to Taehyung. He kept ignoring him for some reason. Making Taehyung feel annoyed, so he went out to his work half an hour late because he was with the raven, but seokjin said it was okay. Giving the raven some time to cool off and hopefully be willing to talk again when he returns.

"Taehyung, the delivery is here, can you help the lady out, i will watch the front" Seokjin said when he noticed the truck pull up in front of the store. Taehyung nodded and went outside to the delivery Lady with the papers.

"hello! how are you on this sunny day?" the lady smiled. "please sign these for me"

"I am good, and you? have a long day?"

"hmm yes, but it's fine. The weather is good and I just had weekend." she chuckled and thanked the other for signing. "i will get the trolleys"

"Alright, see you at the door. '' Taehyung took the other half of the paper with him and opened the back door for the lady who pushed the trolleys with fresh new flowers into the storage. The delivery was always a lot of work. refilling the stock in the store and moving each plant to their sections giving it the vitamins and freshwater. But he enjoyed his job a lot so it was okay.

"That was all for today, I will see you next week!" the lady smiled and waved at him before returning to the truck and driving off to the next location.

"When you finish that you are free to go. The city is so starved today. I think Geom can do the last hours alone. you have a lot to do at home so i will let you go early."

"its fine i can work"

"You deserve it. It's fine, really. if i didn't want it then i wouldn't have told you" seokjin smiled. "i am your boss but i am also a friend"

"thank you" taehyung smiled and went back to unpack the trolley of flowers. His mind already at home. was Jungkook alright? will he talk to him again? did he eat lunch? was he hungry for dinner? Was he sad? waiting for him? Taehyung didn't know. but he did know he wanted to go home as soon as he can so he could see the raven again. He loved him so much. being away after this morning made him only feel worried. He doesn't want to see Jungkook sad. He wants him to be happy. to get a normal life.

He sighed as he put the last flower away and rolled the trolley to the wall. His shift was done, well not officially but Seokjin told him he could go. so he was going to. He removed his name tag and the store's clothing changing into his own. Checking his phone for any messages or calls. but there was none. He sighed thinking the raven was still not going to talk to him. There was only one way to find out. that is going home. He grabbed his bag and went to the front.

"Jin, I'm going home. Thank you for letting me leave early. i will work longer when i can"

"don't worry about it. go home to Jungkook, i think he needs you more than the store right now"

"Thank you again. see you" taehyung smiled and left the store driving back to his apartment. Where to his surprise there was no one there.

"Jungkook?" he called out. His apartment was small and there was no possible place to hide. It's not like he had a basement or things like that. "jungkook!?" he called louder. checking the bedroom, bathroom and the living area. but there was no sign of the raven.

Where did he go? Did he run off again?

"no, don't do that again. shit" taehyung snatched his keys off the table along with his bag thinking the younger was going to do something again but then his phone rang.

it was Namjoon

"taehyung," he said, answering the call.

"Hey it's Joon. Can you come pick Jungkook up? we just finished but the bus isn't driving"

"you...wait...okay, i'm on my way" taehyung ended the call and sighed. Jungkook was with Namjoon. so he did go...


After driving to the building Namjoon was waiting for Jungkook outside on the stairs. Jungkook holding onto a small package of drink. He placed it next to him on the stairs and said something to Namjoon until he noticed the familiar car of Taehyung pull up in front of the stairs.

Taehyung stepped out of the car. "Koo-ah" his word got interrupted when the raven suddenly ran to him and hugged him. pressing his face in his neck.

"I'm sorry. im so sorry"

"Kook..." Taehyung hugged the other back. Namjoon left the two alone, taking the empty package with him inside.

"I'm so sorry for shouting. Please don't give up on me" Jungkook sniffled. "I am trying but these voices....i can't stop it. He hates me. He wants me to do things. B-but i didnt want to shout or ignore you i just....felt so stupid. i don't want to be a burden"

"Kook. stop. you're not a burden at all. I love you. I do everything with a smile for you. As long as you are doing okay I am okay. You don't have to worry about me"

"but..." Jungkook looked at the other and sighed.

"How did it go today"

"I cried" is all Jungkook said. but when he remembered the important thing of talking to the other in a relationship he took a breath to give some more context. "he asked me about Seung.....i hated him, i shouted at him but he just said it was okay. I told him a lot"

"and now?"

"I want to go home. I want to be with you," Jungkook said, hugging the other one more time. Taehyung calmed him down. but he still felt so guilty for shouting at him. He doesn't want to scare taehyung off. He can't lose this now. He was so close to the life he wants, he can't ruin this last chance he is getting. A chance where he has to be honest and willing. This was the last time he will try this. He will do as Namjoon suggests, he will listen. He won't lie to Taehyung or his friends. He will be open and honest.

He was scared of this but he knows he has to do this. If he wants to be a person deserving of Taehyung he has to go through this. Taehyung doesn't deserve a sick person at his side. As sick person like Jungkook is now.

"okay, let's go home, '' Taehyung said.


thank you for reading. see you in the next chapter!


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