16: trust

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"sorry? for...for what?" Taehyung asked as he looked at Jungkook's eyes trying not to mention the horrible state the raven seemed to be in.

"for not visiting you...you must have waited for me...im so sorry..."

"It's okay, you're here now" Taehyung smiled a little then approached the other. Jungkook stepped back with wide eyes when he saw the other reach for him. "oh...'' Taehyung felt a little hurt by that but he didn't say so. "are you okay?"

"i will live"

"Is there something wrong? what happened?"

"it hurts so much....please...please help me one more time..i can't go to the hospital." Jungkook asked, his arms wrapped around his torso and his face turned into a pained expression. "i won't stay long, i won't be a bother"

"You don't have to ask, you're not a bother at all. come with me" taehyung gave the other a warm smile and pulled the hood over jungkook's head for him. walking the last bit together to his apartment.


inside the two were back in the bathroom like the first time. Taehyung gently patted the wounds from the other's body. removing the dried blood stains, being extra careful on the dark bruises scattered all over. all but his face, his face was clean and untouched.

Taehyung wondered why. but time to think he did not have it, because the raven suddenly started talking.

"you were right..." Jungkook said and fell silent. Taehyung didn't say anything, he let the others speak first. "there is someone....who....hurts me. He does it whenever I make a mistake or do something he doesn't like.....but i don't get it..." jungkook said and his eyes teared up. He had given up before, given up to try and run away. he was numb. But since he met Taehyung his flame to live came back. he had a new purpose, he wants to escape, he wants to be free and go after love. he wants to be with Taehyung.

He wants to be happy.

Taehyung stopped patting and added the cream gently on the hurt spots, handing Jungkook a clean shirt that he took from the closet.

"i want to see you more but...he doesn't like it when i stay away....he thinks i am disobeying him....he will hurt me if i don't come home" jungkook kept talking. "I'm scared to do anything.."

"Is it a family member?"

"no....not really"

"What do you mean?"

"He took me from the street and raised me...raised me into what i am now" jungkook whispered the last part to himself but the other heard.

"what you are?"

"i...forget i said that" Jungkook slowly puts on the clean shirt. He can't tell Taehyung what he does. what he is trained to do. He doesn't want to scare him off or lose his trust. He has to stay 'normal'.

"are you really okay?'' Taehyung said and noticed how the other froze a little. "you can't tell me, everything you say will stay with me, I won't tell anyone about what you've told me. i promise"

"no...im not okay, i just want to be happy Taehyung. I want to be with you, I really do. you might not know but i have liked you for so long, i just never was able to talk to you" jungkook said now looking at the other who sat in front of him. "I was afraid....afraid He would find out and hurt you. not interacting with you was the best i could do to protect you from getting involved....but...i got selfish.....i really had to make a move...i'm sorry for letting you know me, but please, please don't leave me now you know"

"Jungkook... I won't leave you. Of course I won't. I am happy you trust me enough to tell me this. It makes me stay with you even more. I genuinely like you. Hearing all this makes me want to protect you, but i wouldn't know how to"

"you already are, by giving me a moment of peace." Jungkook said, his eyes looking so grateful.

"you are always welcome to come here and relax, this can be your safe spot. Come visit whenever you want."

"Thank you. you're too kind" jungkook smiled.

Taehyung smiled seeing the others smile. He felt so warm inside, he just knew the other was genuine, he could read it in his eyes. Jungkook may hide it but his eyes can't always hide it. but now it was something positive... Taehyung bend down and wrapped his arms around the taller. his heart skipped a beat when he felt jungkook rest his forehead on his shoulder gently.

"Are you hungry?" Taehyung asked, hearing Jungkook's stomach rumble.

"a little..."

"I have some frozen pizza. i can heat it up for you if you want"

"if it's not a problem. I haven't eaten at all today." Jungkook said. He doesn't want to lie, he heard it was bad to lie so much. Jungkook doesn't want to lie, but some things are better left unsaid. it's better if Taehyung doesn't know everything. he can know a little.

"I will prepare it for you. stay as long as you want" Taehyung smiled and left the bathroom to turn on the oven.


Jungkook really chomped the pizza away like nothing, he was so hungry. Having some food in his stomach lessened the pain in his body.

"Did he make these wounds?" Taehyung asked carefully.

"yes" jungkook replied shortly, he doesn't want to think of it. he didn't want to stress himself, he was finally relaxed.

Taehyung got the hint to not ask more questions so he fell silent again.

"could i....no, nevermind." Jungkook shook his head and chewed on the last crumbs of the pizza as a nervous action.

"You want to sleep here? i think you were gonna ask that"

"yes. but. its fine, I should go back anyway. I can't stay."

"I don't mind '' Taehyung felt a little sad that the raven was leaving again.

"I really can't stay, he can't know I am here. He can't know you. I have to go back. i promise to stop by tomorrow. please wait for me"

"okay, i will wait"

Jungkook had a lot to do tomorrow but he will squeeze in some time to go see taehyung. He doesn't know when but he will try to be on time before taehyung ends his shift. He doesn't want to keep the other waiting like that again. Jungkook felt bad after he heard all the things taehyung said.

Taehyung missed him.....the things that hit him most. He doesn't want to make him worried. So Jungkook will do more his best.He had to do more or else he will lose taehyung's interest.

no no, he doesn't want that.


the raven flinched from the sudden shout and his eyes looked up, alarmed.

"you were spacing out. Are you sure you are okay now?"

"Yes, I am fine. Just thinking" jungkook smiled.


Thank you for reading again. i cant wait to have them finnaly a couple and get things going in the story. 🙄❤🌹

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