22: hurt

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Taehyung was done with work and was heading home. He was glad to be home before dinner. He was thinking of ordering something or maybe if he felt good after the shower go to the store and buy something. but he hasn't decided yet.

"I wonder how Jungkook is doing...he didn't stop by" taehyung mumbled to himself. he really thought jungkook was gonna visit him but he gain didn't show up. Taehyung would shrug it off as nothing but he had this weird feeling since yesterday. he was fearing something had happened to jungkook. Was that scream maybe Jungkook's after all?

no..it didn't sound like him..

"Come on tae, he will come. just wait" he sighed deeply and searched his keys to enter the apartment building. but he didnt feel them anywhere. "huh...i am sure i took them..." he searched again feeling all over but no keys. Frustrated he groaned and looked around.. so to his surprise he saw something shimmering on the corner. "oh?"

Taehyung walked closer and took a relieved breath seeing it was his keys. He didn't remember they had fallen from his pockets. There is now way they could fall out. but he shrugged it off and kneeled down grabbing them.

When he stood up he heard something behind him and turned around just in time to duck under someone's hands who went to grab him.

"shit" he heard the man curse.

"ah!" Taehyung began running, realizing the man was trying to grab him. He could hear the man follow after him, he was quick but Taehyung was literally running for his life while calling out for help. Most people looked at him confused or quickly went out of the way not.

"Stop running!" the man shouted, almost catching up, his hand reached for taehyung's collar...he missed. The boy took a sharp right into another street, shaking off the other guy by making random turns.

He looked behind him to check if the guy was still there, to his relief the man didn't seem to have followed him here so he stopped running and leaned on his knees to catch his breath. feeling his pockets for his phone to call the police...but....his phone was gone too... "what the-"

he didn't even get to finish when he felt something hard hit his head and everything turned black.


"Is he even awake?" a guard asked.

"Not really, but he has to, '' Seung said and walked over to the chained man sitting on the ground of the basement. He kneeled down and gently stroked his hair to wake him up. "Jungkook, my boy. wake up. it's time for you to see the consequences of your mistakes hmm"

the raven's eyes opened, he seemed to have been awake already. "Seung....boss. please just. leave him o-"

"No Jungkook" Seung said sternly and grabbed Jungkook's chin firmly. "you do not tell me what to do, you listen to ME or i will be way worse than i intended to be." he let go of the other and stood up when he heard the door open. "it seems our guest is here"

Everyone looked at the two guards who walked in carrying a struggling boy.

"put him in the middle." Seung ordered and the two dropped the tied boy on the ground in the middle. Jungkook immediately recognized him and he tried to stand up, but he couldn't only get on his knees, the chains were attached to the ground.

"Taehyung! Seung, please. Please don't hurt him!" jungkook's eyes teared up. He felt so guilty for ever opening his mouth to the boy. He shouldn't have spoken to him. He shouldn't have been so selfish. now he was gonna lose him too. Jungkook doesn't want to lose anyone else. He keeps losing everyone. "Hurt me! let him go!"

"YOU WILL SHUT UP!" Seung shouted, walking over to Jungkook and giving h9im a harsh slap. The raven looked down, feeling the pain on his cheek.


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