21: he knows

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Jungkook had followed his boss downstairs into the kitchen where his boss made him something to eat. The raven sat on the chair at the table staring at the wooden table in front of him.

"Why the long face hm?"

Jungkook shrugged.

"use words like i thought you to"

"I dont know..."

"You shouldn't mess up your room like that again. I thought it was very clear that I did not want to see it again. Repairing everything you break isn't cheap. I am rich but i prefer not to spend money on things whenever you have your anger issues"

"Okay" is all Jungkook said, not looking at the other. He didn't want to see him. He felt on edge enough like this. being in own room with his boss was scaring him. and then they thought that they knew about taehyung. did the boss know too? or does only Hajoon know? Jungkook wasn't sure, but so far Seung hasn't said a word about it. Maybe Hajoon didn't tell him?

"You're my best man, you know that. Stop making me hurt you everytime" Seung said with a sigh. He walked with the plate of food to the table and placed it in front of Jungkook caressing his black hair gently grinning when he saw the younger tense up. "It would be a shame"

"I-i know.."

"It's not that hard to follow my rules, you should listen to your father after all"

Jungkook did not reply to that. Seung was not his father. He may have raised him, but he was not his father. Jungkook hated Seung, he would do everything to get out of here. But he did not dare to try it again. last time they barely let him live when he ran away. He was scared to try again. Seung will always find him, there was no escaping him.

"come, eat your food. you will need it" Seung smiled sitting down next to jungkook and turning to him,. he watched the other eat the food. "it's your favorite"

"thank you..." Jungkook said softly between his bites. he didn't want to upset his boss now. Jungkook was glad to be out of his room for a bit and eat something. but still he felt everything but comfortable. He will never be comfortable around Seung.

He had been one time, the first days he was here. Everyone was so nice to him. Jungkook was so happy to be here, to be somewhere safe. but he was so wrong. this place quickly turned into hell for him. and now he was stuck forever. He was constantly on edge, thinking he was being watched all day. He didn't dare to make a move without thinking 'what if Seung saw this'. It was taking a lot of energy to be like this all day. But of course, Seung couldn't care less.

Seung only wanted someone he can control. a perfect killer to command.

"Do you remember your mother Jungkook?" Seung started. Jungkook halted his bite and thought for a few seconds before shaking his head no.

"You killed them"

Seung chuckled. "Sure did." He was glad Jungkook didn't remember anything of his past. well only a few snippets. Seung doesn't want Jungkook to think of anything else than the job.

Jungkook does not have to know the truth.

the less he knew the better.

"Are you done?" Seung looked at the raven's plate, seeing it empty.


"Good, then you can come with me to my office" Seung stood up, placed the plate in the sink and walked Jungkook to his office. inside jungkook felt a strange air. There were more guards than usual inside. He looked around and heard Seung chuckle.

"don't worry, it's just for safety. precautions" Seung sat on the edge of his desk looking at Jungkook who stood two meters in front of him.


"Jungkook, I'm gonna ask you again. where were you those days you haven't returned home as i expected you to"

"Mothers grave"


"Yes, I visit it everyday. you know i do"

"Are you sure? i don't think i remember you going there lately, you should have told me" Seung raised a brow.

"I am... I want to remember them"

"ahw, you miss your mother?" The boss pretended to be sad about it, while he in reality did not care about Jungkook's feelings.

"i don't know, i think i do....i don't remember"

"I believe you" Seung smiled and Jungkook looked up. That's when Seung's smile faded and turned into a glare. "Do you think i am stupid...Jungkook?" he said standing up. Jungkook felt fear creep up his spine looking into the cold eyes of his boss. Events flashed through his head. "I have given you a few months to yourself and you still broke my rules, you tried to hide it from me. But you forgot to remember i know everything Jungkook. I know everything about you. You are merely just a puppet, you can't hide things from me"

Jungkook's eyes widened, He knew.....he really knew about taehyung...

"That boy of yours will have to go, and you will have to be taught a lesson. Such a shame you make me do this again. I thought we were over these things Jungkook....but you keep disobeying me" his boss put a hand on Jungkook's cheek. He could see the disobedient kid again when he met those scared eyes of the raven.

"I-i won't do it again. J-just...i won't speak to him. Leave him out of this please! I wo-"

"Shh Jungkook. I can't let this go. You will have to face the consequences."

"Okay...." Jungkook kneeled down expecting to be hit or taken to a different room as usual but nothing came. Instead he felt a hand on his hair and a chuckle.

"No no. This time is different. You will face the consequences and for your own actions HE will be the one to get hurt"

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock and he shook his head standing up. "What, no! You can't do that, he's innocent! He did nothing wrong. Hurt me! I did it, please don't!"

"I know it will hurt you more this way."his boss grinned and motioned his hand to the guards. "Take him away. And get me that boy, NOW"

"NO! You can't do this!!" Jungkook shouted while he was being dragged away by the strong guards. 


oops I wanted to do this later in the story but i thought of adding it now. changing the plot a little bit.

i hope you still enjoyed the chapter and i will se you in the next update again!


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