48: vacation.3

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The next morning Jungkook was the first to wake up. He slept well last night, he was exhausted but now he felt refreshed and ready for another beautiful day here on the island with Taehyung. He stood in the living area with the water cooker preparing a cup of tea with care. He made sure the dried leaves didn't stay in too long before taking them out and placing them in the trash. "sugar? i think a little..." Jungkook didn't remember well if taehyung drank sugar with his tea but he thinks he had seen him put in a small spoon of it before so he did it now as well. Carefully he made his way back to the bedroom which looked like a mess. clearly looking like a room where two people just had sex in.

He smiled a little thinking back to last night. A happy memory it was, the first step towards a more intimate bond between them. A big step for Jungkook who can finally live without fear.

"Tae, love" Jungkook said as he placed the tea cup on the nightstand, the older didn't wake up right away so he sat down next to the sleeping man and gently brushed the strands of hair out of his face. "baby...wake up" Taehyung moved a little he seemed to be slowly waking up. With a chuckle Jungkook bent down and cupped taehyung's face giving small butterfly kisses over his face. which woke the other up who began to giggle softly and grab jungkook's wrists.

"Koo" taehyung opened his eyes and they shared a loving smile.

"I made you some tea," Jungkook said, taking the cup.

"oh, thank you. let me wake up a little first"

"ah...right" Jungkook pouted a little thinking before he put the cup back on the nightstand. he forgot taehyung wont drink it right away. He first stretched a little and sat up, his face turning red all of the sudden. "Is something wrong?"

"No, just....i got reminded of last night"the older avoided eye contact and carefully grabbed the tea cup smelling the hot sweet scent.

"Oh? Are you in pain? Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Jungkook stood up ready to go get whatever taehyung told him to. but the other shook his head and waved his hand, telling Jungkook to sit back down.

"No, I'm fine. just sore, but that was to be expected."

"next time you can top. I love you, it doesn't matter to me" Jungkook smiled and taehyung smiled too.

"you're making me shy"


"no need to apologise koo" taehyung looked at the other. Jungkook was always so kind and apologised too quickly for things. But he knew the other well. Jungkook just doesn't want to hurt anyone or come off as rude. He really wanted to be seen for who he really is. He doesn't want people to be afraid of him. He wasn't the person Seung wanted him to be. He wasn't JK-01 anymore. He was just Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook.

"Are you okay with going down to the buffet for breakfast or do you want to call for room service?" jungkook asked while he untied his bathrobe and got back in the bed next to taehyung.

"let's go down together, after we have taken a nice bath together"

"t-together?" Jungkook thought of sharing a bath with the other and smiled his cheeks a slight pink color. "i would love to"

They smiled in silence, to break a possible stop to their conversation jungkook spoke up again. "so, how is the tea?"

"perfect. You remembered i like sugar in it"

"I wasn't sure. But i'm glad i was right" Jungkook then stood up from the bed making taehyung look at him confused as to why he was leaving. "i will go fill the bath. I will come get you when it's ready"

"Okay, I will wait here then," the older nodded . He had his tea so he will be fine.


After a while Jungkook came back out with the same smile as before and approached the bed. "lets go have a bath" he said pulling the blankets off the other who yelped from the sudden exposure.

"koo, oh!" He grabbed Jungkook's arms tightly when the raven scooped him up into his arms carrying him bridal style into the bathroom. "ahw this is so cute" he chuckled looking at the bath with some floating rose petals that the raven must have taken from the bedroom.

"you like it, i'm glad" the raven gently placed taehyung in the bath and began to undress himself too. It was only his boxers that he grabbed for making tea but still, he had to take it off of course.

Taehyung smiled and grabbed the soap while Jungkook got comfortable. It was a big bath and they fit inside together but it was still quite cramped to sit there properly. They were both not small men, Their long legs were almost tangled under the water.

Jungkook looked at the other fiddling with his fingers nervously. "a-ah. uhm. Tae... do you mind if I uhm. wash you?" the raven said shyly.

"Sure, I would love that," Taehyung smiled, his heart warming at how cute the raven looked right now. He was happy Jungkook could be himself with him. that he was comfortable to just talk. even if he was nervous or shy. He handed Jungkook the soap bottle and turned his back to the other scooting between the raven's legs.

"It's still a little cold," Jungkook warned before he began to rub the soap over the other's back. getting rid of all the sweat from last night. They cleaned each other's body all clean from all evidence of what happened. except for the hickey on Taehyung's neck. It can proudly stay there as their personal reminder. a reminder that makes both of them blush at the thoughts.

"you know Jungkook '' taehyung started while the other was washing him with care. "You've made so much progress since you started the therapy. It's really doing you good"

"really?" Jungkook looked at the back of the other's head.

"Yes, you've become more open to talk about what you want and how you're feeling. you're so much more expressive than before. Its really good, im happy for you"

"thank you"

"I'm glad we are together, I don't want to think of the time that i haven't gotten involved. Im happy things went this way. now i can be with you, such an amazing person. you're a good person Jungkook, I really love you so much" the older said trying not to gulp away the words out of embarrassment to speak them out loud. But he promised to be open just like jungkook was.

"I love you too, i couldn't have done this without you, really"

Taehyung smiled and grabbed Jungkook's hand that was rubbing the soap on his shoulder. holding it softly as a gesture.

"You will get through this, I believe in you."

"Thank you, thank you Taehyung, '' Jungkook said and almost teared up. Taehyung was always there for him ever since he asked for help. He never judged him, he saw the real jungkook. he was the one who never pushed Jungkook away, he stayed with him until the end. And even now he still tells Jungkook how he still believes in him and praises him for his progress. It only gave Jungkook more motivation to try harder. He can do this, no..

He will do this.


last chapter is the last. might add a 50 as an epilogue with a time skip, but im not sure yet. because i havent thought of it yet. I only prepared untill chapter 49💀👌

its closing off. im excited to finish this one and add it to my finished list. i love it when i finish another book and especially a book like this one wich i spend a lot of effort in and i love the storyline. 

See you soon in the last chapter!


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