29: contact

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After visiting the hotel's buffet breakfast jungkook went back to their room while taehyung went out to get them some new clothes. These were unusable from the blood and dirt. Taehyung wasn't picky; he entered the first store that sold clothes. He shouldn't be outside too long.

He went to the clothing section and grabbed the most basic set from jeans and two shirts. He wasn't sure about Jungkook's side but since he was bigger than him he got one size larger than his own. Jungkook would most likely fit into them.

He spent a few more minutes to grab some underwear and socks before heading to the counter, using Jungkook's cash to pay. The raven said he can use his card as it was owned by Seung. It will give out their location to him, Seung knows whenever Jungkook uses his card.

"Hi, these please. with a bag" taehyung said and looked around. He was scared to see Seung or some of his men here, but so far he hadn't seen anything suspicious. He would have gone to the police if it wasn't for Jungkook. They won't believe Jungkook, they will see him as a criminal and put him in jail. But in Taehyung's eyes wit was different. Jungkook never wanted to do any of this. Taehyung did not see him as an actual criminal. Yes he did things but it was not his choice to do so. Taehyung was on Jungkook's side. He's been kidnapped and manipulated from such a young age.

"uhm, sir, do you want the bill?" the man behind the counter repeated to the spaced out man in front of him.

"a-ah sorry, no i don't need it" taehyung took the bag and then thought of something. he looked at the man. "uhm, is it possible to use your phone to make a quick call?"

"Oh sure, no problem" the man pushed the store phone towards the guest and let him use it.

"thanks" taehyung grabbed the phone and dialed Jimin's number, the only number he memorized. After a few rings the phone was answered.


"Hey Jimin, it's me. Tae"

"Taehyung holy shit, where have you been!? are you okay?? we were so worried for you, where are you!?"

"Jimin, listen to me '' Taehyung said he didn't have hours to chat here. He had to get back to jungkook. separating didn't seem like the best idea to do. Especially since Taehyung was not someone who was familiar with this world of Jungkook, he wasn't a fighter, he wasn't like James bond. He was just a regular man. If he was to be attacked he would need Jungkook's help.

"Is everything alright?"

"Me and Jungkook are in some deep shit right now. I am just calling to let you know I won't be seeing any of you for a while. Me and Jungkook are hiding from something. Please tell seokjin that i am okay. I will call you again soon."

"What are you talking about? what happened?"

"I can't tell you too many details but please, don't come look for us or you will be involved too. I promise to come back once we are safe alright. I love you, I gotta go now. i will see you later"

"tae, don't go!"

but taehyung had already ended the call and thanked the man for letting him use the phone.

"i will not ask questions|" the man chuckled.

"bye sir"


Jungkook was now calm at all but he tried to keep himself together rubbing his shaking hands together as a distraction while he paced around the room, checking the window from time to time to see if taehyung was coming back.

"What if Seung found him?"

"what if they hurt him??"

"oh no no, what if he's dead??" Jungkook grabbed his hair and pulled at it. He laughed a little. "no no no, he shouldn't have left." Jungkook was THIS close to losing it when the door of the hotel room was opened. He turned around so fast ready to defend himself but he felt a wave of relief when he saw Taehyung enter the room with a bag. "Taehyung!"

"I'm back. I got us some clothes. Taehyung walked to the bed and turned the bag upside down. " I wasn't sure about your size but I think this will fit." Taehyung turned back to jungkook who stared at him.

"I was so worried for you," the raven said and approached the bed taking the shirt Taehyung had for him. "I'm glad you're back safe. Did you see any of them?"

"No, I did not see anything. please relax, you're stressing" taehyung noticed jungkook's expression and the way his hands were shaking. Jungkook's hands were shaking every time he had strong emotions like stress. it was worse when his head was conflicted.

"I can't, I can't. I am like this. I can't relax. How can I relax? Seung will find us! he will kill us! I don't want to lose you, how do you expect me to relax! ah no i am sooo relaxed, yes yes. i am normal" jungkook put on the shirt while walking around while talking nonsense.

"You will be fine, Jungkook. My friend can help you when he get out of this"

"i don't like other people"

"Kook. he is a therapist. He can help you."

"no one can help me" jungkook's voice darkened. "I am already gone. I am not the kid I was before anymore. I don't even remember anything anymore. i dont even know who i am"

"Jungkook '' Taehyung said feeling bad for the other when he saw the tears build up in his eyes. "You can get better, please don't say that. Your past isn't gone"

"Yes it is, I don't know my family. I don't remember anything of them. All i know is that he killed them."

"They aren't dead, Jungkook '' Taehyung said this and Jungkook froze. It seemed like the raven was thinking about it. like he realized something but then he shook it off.

"They are dead, Seung killed them. Now we have to move. I do not want to talk about this now. I need to stay focused"

"Okay...'' Taehyung sighed and changed as well. This was not the time to talk with Jungkook about these things. He could now see it was only messing with jungkook's head. it's better to keep it to himself for later. if they manage to get out of this.


haha we're sick. anyway thank you for reading. see you in the next chapter.


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