three is a crowd!

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Audrey's pov.

Today i feel like exploring this place, ever since I arrived here I've been in this house being unproductive and doing absolutely nothing except cooking ofcourse.

I miss my family and heather, she tried calling me after my first saga on the media with the whole "I'm trying so much to fit in".

I texted her that I'm alright and that it didn't affect me, but boi was I wrong.

That saga actually did hurt me, I felt, no, I feel insulted, humiliated and mostly kind of hurt Andre didn't so much on this situation even though it got removed yesterday.

But what can he do anyway, he's always following Nicki like a lost puppy looking for it's owner, I swear Nicki put him under a spell.

I turned off the shower then wrapped in myself in a towel then proceeded to my room where I changed into a white tennis skirt and a baggy pink shirt with a sunflower imprint then put on some white sneakers, I decided to tie my hair up in a bun.

I grabbed my sunglasses and a purse that only fit my phone and cards.

After sighing with content Infront of the mirror, I locked the door of my room then proceeded downstairs.

Three is crowd and I'm that crowd.

I wish I stayed upstairs a little longer as I know I would've missed this sight Infront of me.

Currently Nicki is straddling Andre on the sofa, she noticed me passing by so she winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

Why do I care if they're kissing!?

Right! He's my husband and because of him, this marriage I lost my one true love.

Anger bubbled up in me and I typed furiously on my phone as I ordered an Uber for myself.

I left closing the door behind me harshly. I could see Andre abruptly raising his head to look at the door, guilt washed over his eyes as he looked at me through the small space of glass on this door.

Guilt, my foot!

I decided to meet up my Uber driver outside the estate we lived in so I had to take a long walk to the security gates, I swiped my card then exited the estate. I walked a little further down the road, it was a good day today.

I mean the sky is a clear blue colour, birds are chirping happily flying with their families, people are walking their dogs in the park while wearing the most expensive of clothes.

I swear some people are just show offs.

I sat on the bench in the park while I wait for my Uber who arrived like two minutes after being seated on the bench.

I greeted him then got in, he drove me to the near by café where I had waffles with ice-cream and an iced coffee.

Best breakfast I tell you.

I paid for my bill then decided to explore on foot, so I took a walk to the mall that was near by the café.

I got stares from people as I walked by in the mall.

Hushed Whispers were heard behind me, I saw some people point at me and I unconsciously Brushed my hair back with my hand.

I felt someone tell out my name. I turned my head and I couldn't see anybody.

"Down here" the tiny voice said and I looked down.

A little girl with blonde hair and  big brown doe eyes skilled up at me.

"Your weeweey pweady, in real lwife" she said as she showed me her pearl white teeth with only a few missing.

"Awww thanks sweaty, what's your name?" I asked as I crouched down to her level.

"Am-amber" she said as she stuttered to say her name.

"Well amber, I am-" Amber cut me off.

"A princess!" She squealed and I giggled as I felt hot on my cheeks.

"Ahhh, amber there you are, sweety I've been looking all over for you" A woman who seemed to be my age with similar blonde hair and brown eyes looked relieved as she saw the little girl with pigtails.

"Sowy mommy, look who I found" amber point at me with a cheeky smile and it made my heart swell up with happiness.

The gasped then smiled then gasped again as she saw me. I don't get why people make these expressions when they see, yeah yeah I'm married to a celebrity so what!

"Oh my gosh, uhh hi" she said as she picked up amber and carried her.

"Hey, your daughter is very cute" I said as I stood up to my length.

I felt like I wasn't even half of what she looked like.

She was strikenly beautiful, her blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, she wore a black sunflower imprint dress that snatched her upper body and flowed  from the hip to her knees.

"Uhh, hi, i-" she started and I smiled.

"Hi, I am Audrey" I extended my hand forward to which she responded to.

"Mommy, mommy, mommy, can I please get ice-cream with princess, pweady pwease" amber looked at her mother with puppy dog eyes that even I couldn't resist.

"No sweety I'm sorry-" she then looked up to me with a nervous smile"- she isn't usually like this"

I giggled " no-no I'll be more than glad to have some ice cream with little amber, besides I'm new to this place and a little company from my new friend wouldn't hurt" I bent down and pinched amber's cheeks.

"Ohhh thanks Audrey, I am Jessica by the way" she smiled and man was she not gorgeous.

Amber grabbed mine and Jessica's hands then led to a dessert only restaurant which I was thankful for because who doesn't love desserts.

I ordered a waffle with ice-cream and an extra drizzle of chocolate sauce with a strawberry milkshake.

Jessica ordered a strawberry milkshake as well with pancakes and a drizzle of white chocolate and the cute amber ordered for herself a large bowl of different flavoured ice-cream.

Their company was actually pretty nice, it felt great to be away from the house, from Andre, Nicki, being the third wheel and this marriage.

I needed this. I moaned loudly as the flavours melted in my mouth.

YeP, I am most definitely listing this place as my favourite restaurant.


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