Rumor has it

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Andre's pov

Last night was a really strange and wild night.

Firstly, that dump ass Peter had to spread lies like that knowing very well that people were recording.


Audrey's eye is so swollen all because I punched her by mistake, I honestly didn't mean to.

When we got home last night, I ran her a hot bath and she asked me to stay with her while she soaked herself in the water and started crying.

I don't know if she cried because of the pain from the punch or the rumor that'll start because of what happened.

I honestly feel very sorry for her.

I gave her Tylenol, and it's currently 4am. Nobody is home, and I'm sitting alone in my man-made bar.

Brandon dropped off Nicky to her apartment, and he drove home with the car.

I'll get some other time.

My phone has been vibrating multiple times, I switched off Audrey's phone because I don't want her waking up to such disgusting things that are written about her on social media.

I think I'll take her to New york so that she can be with her family while I deal with this mess.
        Audrey's pov

My head feels really heavy, ugh.

I groaned as I sat up on Andre's bed, I mean, it wasn't really necessary to sleep in his room, but he insisted after he ran me a hot bath.

I honestly felt better just being in that bathroom with Andre, I don't know why I asked him to stay, but I just wanted him there.

Andddddd he saw me naked.

But he's such a gentleman. He didn't even linger his eyes on my body lustfully, and he took care of me.

I mean from running me a bath to helping me get dressed in his boxers and sweatshirt to tucking me in bed.

Now, that's what I call a true friend.

I doubt the girls are worried about me, but let me just check. Maybe Heather called or texted to check on me.

She may have been super duper dry with me, but I know she still cares about me deep down.

Now, where the heck is my phone!? I swear I put it on the nightstand before I got in the bathtub last night, well earlier this morning.

I got out of bed and walked downstairs, I guess I might as well grab myself some breakfast since my head is pounding from this headache, I feel.

Andre was nowhere in sight.

I guess I'll check my phone later, right now I could eat a whole buffet.

I started making myself a quick breakfast, which was the all-time favorite...frootloops in a big bowl.

I also poured myself a glass of pomegranate juice and then went to eat my breakfast in the living room.

As soon as my butt sat on the sofa, I started digging in the cereal.

Don't judge me, I'm just a little hungry girl.

I grabbed the remote to change the channel since I wanted to watch 'America's got talent' when I heard a familiar name on the gossip news that was playing.

'That's right, Gabriel, it seems not all is perfect at the Hamptons household. Last night at Peter Brooks party, it was revealed that Andre Hamptons wife Audrey had cheated on him with Peter Brooks and not only that but the two men had a fist fight leading to Audrey getting punched in the face and honestly she didn't deserve that punch but I guess that's karma for cheating on our sweet Andre' the brunnete gay said while reading through a black iPad.

'I agree babes, cheating is wrong, and to think that she cheated on a man that chose her over thee icon Nicki Rodriguez.' Another gossip mogul said.  I thought women wouldn't bring other women down.

'Honestly, at this point, they should just divorce because she's a gold digger, and you know what else?'

'Oh my gosh, whatelse'

'Audrey Hampton apparently got paid thousands after doing it with Peter Brooks'

'Girllll, get out! My theory on this whole thing is that Audrey got jealous of Nicky and Andre's friendship since they were spotted at the part together so my guess is that she wanted more from Peter Brooks to make Andre jealous but oops, girl got caught. Coming up next after the break is the full scoop as well as the video of the fight between Peter Brooks and Andre Hamptons. Stay tuned'

What!? The!? Heck!?


Suddenly, my appetite to eat was gone, Andre and I just wanted to sink into the ground and disappear.

People really think so low of me?

I felt disgusted with not only people but myself as well.

I don't why I felt so but I did.

I brought my knees to my chest and encircled my arms around them as I let my emotions take over.

I felt a hand brush up and down on my back and that made me cry even more.


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