not an update

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Hey, you guys!

Firstly, I apologize for taking tooooo long to upload new chapters.

After updating the last chapter, my ex bf and I broke up. Yk when you love someone so much, but that person doesn't fully fulfill you, and you just know when you're with the wrong person.

Like you're happy, but you're not happy...yeaP, so it was a very painful breakup, but I'm glad it happened because I also realized I've been priotizing someone who never prioritized me.

And to top it all off, after the break up, he made it official with someone else, I'll assume a female friend, literally two days after. Men, right!?

After shedding some tears, icecream at midnight and some self motivation, i finally feel better, I can feel that little bubble of happiness swarming back in my soul and I've spent alot of time typing away new chapters for you guys, oh and I've been editing my other book which is yet to be released!!

Thank you guys so much for your support, for actually taking time out to read this book. It means a lot to me as I never had any confidence to begin with!

So, with that being said, the new chapter will be out on Tuesday!

Why Tuesday? You may be wondering why not Monday?

   Well, that's becoz tmw I have to go to my ex high school to get my certificate, and I'll basically be out the whole day.

Have a blessed day, y'all!!❤️

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