my new favorite cheese

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"Lucas where are we've been driving for like 15 minutes nonstop" I asked as he focused on driving...he chuckled and glanced at me for a split second before focusing back on the road

"5minutes and we'll be there" Lucas said

Soon we stopped at some restaurant made from wood and surrounded by grass and some local markets not so far from the restaurant

We were welcomed by a large double glass door with wood on each side....

Not many people were waiting or already eating their dinner when got wasn't really packed inside....

A waiter led us to our table which was close to a medium sized window....

"" the waiter said but I didn't hear a thing....

Lucas asked me if I understood and I shaked my head no

"He's asking what we would like to order" Lucas translated

"I'll have red wine and as for food order me something nice will you" I said and Lucas nodded


"So what have ordered for me" I asked

"Something edible" Lucas chuckled

"Oh my gosh I hope its nice" I laughed and soon the waiter brought me a glass of red wine and Lucas a glass of mango juice....

When. I'm not drinking red wine I love to have mango or orange trust me when I say that the mango juice Lucas ordered looks really good

"Ohh it is" Lucas laughed along with me and we had a mini toast to new friendship....

Soon the waiter cane with our food.....Lucas had ordered us some garlic bread that obviously came with butter...we also some white balls..

White balls sounds a bit wrong I do say so myself....

Lemme put it like this...Lucas ordered us round looking balls soaked in water or some sort of liquid....

He also ordered us some soup with shredded pork..I don't even know the name of the dishes he ordered

But they'll have to do...I'm famished and I'm pretty sure my stomach is eating itself

"This looks promising" I shrugged as I began to dig in....I dipped my garlic bread in the soup and had bite...the hot soup combined with the taste of pork fat and garlic tasted just right to me ...there wasn't too much of anything... I felt like I could this dish for eternity.....the flavors combine nicely on my tongue...the tanginess of the meat and soup is unexplainable...

I moaned as a satisfied sigh left my mouth....

"Its good right" Lucas said as he ate the round balls

"Yeah....what are these balls called?" I asked at I took one....they were so soft and smelt like cheese...

"This balls are called mozzarella balls...they are made from goats milk and they are hand made from Paris..." He said as he licked his long tan fingers...

I placed it in my mouth and the creaminess overtook me...the cheese was bitter yet sweet at the same time...I wonder how they made this...the texture of the cheese is so soft...this is good

They were not soaked in water but were soaked in the liquid feta cheese is soaked in

Mozzarella is my new favorite cheese....

"Mhmmmm this so good Lucas" I moaned...

"Yes that's why I ordered this for u" Lucas chuckled....

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