Breakfast and lunch

180 4 1

Audrey's POV

A loud, like a very loud sound rang from the bedside table waking me up from my heavenly sleep.

I know it's not my alarm because I switched it off, so who the freak decided to call me at-

Freaking 7 in the morning, with one eye open I answered the call from an unknown number.

"The user of this phone is currently unavailable" I bored answered

"Hi, is Audrey not around?" The familiar voice asked

"She's dead, sorry, thanks for calling, bye" I said and the other voice chuckled.

"Audrey, wait, it's me, Lucas"

A smile made its way to my lips and I sat up straight in the bed.

"Hey you, long time bro" I said

"Yeah, you live in Los Angeles right?" He asked

"Mhmhm, what's up"

"So grace and i are finally going on our long awaited bae-cation and apparently all hotels are full until the fifth and we need to be in Los Angeles on the third to go check out an apartment we were planning to buy in  San Diego so I thought to ask if you my dearest friend will be willing to host us till the third and fourth as our vacation starts on the fifth, I don't know if I'm making sense." He then sighed.

"Oh come man, you helped me when I was in Greece all alone so how can I not return the favour, you are more than welcomed to come, I'll send you the address later but as for now, I need to fulfill my eight hours of sleep.. goodbye Lucas" with that I hung up the phone and went back to sleep though my brain was active for like half an hour before finally returning back to Dreamland.
I'm currently in the kitchen making myself breakfast and lunch.

Why you may ask?

Well, I missed breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day so to make up for that I'm having both breakfast and lunch for lunch.

"Awwww" I jump away from the frying pan as the cooking oil goes flying everywhere after I put the bacon.

"I thought you were MasterChef, now you're scared of some little sizzle" Andre laughed as he came in the kitchen.

He had a glass of some cocktail,I guess, in hand.

He wore a black shirt,grey sweats and white socks.

"Whatever, geez"

I slowly walked over to the stove and switched it off, then transferred my goodies into a plan and set it on the table.

I sigh after looking all my food.

Two bowls of cereal. Check

A glass of milk and a glass of mango juice. Check

A home made fresh hamburger. Check

And finally my crispy looking bacon. Check

I grin then take a seat, I look up at Andre who stands there looking at me with amusement dancing in his eyes.

"What's up doc?" I mimicked bugs bunny voice and he chuckled then shakes his head and got a bottle of water from the fridge.

As he was about to walk away, I remembered my call with Lucas.

"Uhm Andre, can you please do me a favour"  I attempted puppy dog eyes.

He then joined me at the table and grabbed a strap of bacon.

How dare he touch my food.

"Geez dawg, calm down" he chuckled then chew on it.

Did he just call me a dog.

Do I look like a flippin dog to him.

I sighed then narrowed my eyes at him.

"So I have company I'll be hosting for two days" I said then ate a full spoon of crunchy cereal.

"Oh.?" Andre scrunched up his eyebrows.

"Yeah, you remember Lucas right?"


Geez, so it's true what they say about man.

They never remember anything.

"My friend from Greece, the one you met at the airport, so any ways, he and his girlfriend will be staying with us until the fifth and i guess if they don't find an apartment after their bae-cation, they'll be staying with us until they get an apartment" I said

"Do you know who I am?" He corked one of his eyebrows up and I scoffed.

"You are thee Andre Hampton" I faked enthusiasm.

"That's right, so I'll not be having random people in my house breathing the same air as me" he said.

I scoffed again.

The nerve of this man.

"I have equal rights to this house, I'm your wife" I said glaring at him.

"Excuse me, no you don't missy, this is my house" he challenged

I'm not about to ruin my appetite because of a man.

"Yes your highness, this humble abode is in fact your house, I ask that you let me host my friends in your beautiful mansion" I slapped my palms together and fake begged him.

"Whatever they can stay I guess but they must just not explore my house, no pictures should be taken in my house, the media doesn't know how my house looks like inside, secondly no roaming around like headless chickens, absolutely no sex for those two days or more, lastly I shalt not be disturbed when I'm rehearsing, I've got a new movie I'm working on, please" with that being said he left for his room.

I grabbed my phone and texted Lucas the address.

I wonder what grace is like.


Hey y'all's,

I'm backkkkkkk, I'm so sorry I took long to update, I think I mentioned that it was exam season not so long ago.

Anyways, I'm finally done with school, I'm currently awaiting my final results and university decisions, I'm all emotions. Haha.

I hope you liked this chapter, please don't forget to vote and criticise me in the comments my dearest peepz.

I wonder what kind of person grace is?


                         To the next chapter we go->

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