The MAIN entrance

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I picked up my phone and saw that an unknown number was calling me.

"Hello?" I asked the caller on the other side of the line.

"I need you to meet me at the entrance of the mall" the very familiar voice said.

"Who is this?" I asked as I couldn't really make out the voice though it sounded familiar.

"Stop playing games and meet me NOW!" the caller whom I assume is my dearest husband hung up on me.

Sighing I got up getting the attention of the girls.

"Where are you going?" Kayla asked as she switched off her phone.

"Uhm, Andre called so I'm meeting up with him" I said casually but not going to lie, I felt nervous.

"What?" Nicki gasped as if she couldn't believe my own husband called me.

"Ohh yeah, I almost forgot, tonight is the awards, which means people will get to meet you as my brother's wife" Annabelle said.

"Oh" I said as I suddenly felt something at the pit of my stomach.

"Well, I guess I should get going" I said as I was leaving but then jack our waiter, brought our food followed by another waiter who carried two plates of food in a tray.

Mhm, that burger looks so good.

"Excuse me!" I called out to jack, he turned to look at me.

"Yes ma'am?" He asked and I politely smiled.

"Can you please give me a doggy bag for my food, I have something urgent I need to attend to" I said and he nodded then proceeded to serve the girls food then left with mine to get me a doggy bag.

When he came back I gave him a nice tip and then gave him cash money to pay for my food.
I got the main entrance of the mall, I looked around and there was no sign of Andre.

This must be some kind of prank.

Ugh! Where is this guy?

But then I saw a guy with a green hoodie on the phone.

That's probably him, ha! Finally found him.

I tapped Andre's shoulder or so I thought.

A man turned and looked at me confused.

I gulped.

"Can I help ya miss?" He asked.

Oh boy, his voice is so intimidating.

"Hi there! I am Audrey and I mistaked you to be my husband, I'm so sorry but you guys are built then same and all so I thought you were my husband waiting for me" I finished off with a nervous awkward laugh.

"Well aren't ya a pretty lil thang, I can be your husband if you want, I mean if this is a new way for girls to get older men then I like it baby girl" he said as slowly smiled and touched my shoulder.

I started to feel uncomfortable.

"As I said, s-sir I mistaked you to be someone else" I gulped and he came closer.

"Lil girly, I'm your husband now-" he paused and looked at me lustfully up and down then slowly licked his bottom lip.

My heart rate picked up and palms became sweaty, I knew what was going on in his mind.

I feel so disgusted.

"Aren't you a hottie" I said then he circled his arm around my waist and brought me closer to him.

Anybody help!

His lips came to my cheek and I felt the tickle of mustache.

I'm sure to the eyes of the public, they thought we were couple who didn't mind PDA.

"Your skin is so soft?" He said lowly then kissed my other cheek.

Can't anybody see I'm uncomfortable!

Red light!
Red light!
Red light!

"I love you lil mama, you don't look white nor do you look black, you're new to my taste, I like it" he whistled lowly.

"Let me go!" I said and he chuckled.

Then pulled me closer.

"She said let her go! Are you deaf?" Someone said.

"And who are you little boy, this is my girl" the man roared.

"And her husband, now let her go before you get sent to hospital or worse, hell where you belong!"Andre said sternly.

The man let me go harshly then towered over Andre who looked unfazed but I had a feeling deep down that he feared the man.

"Her husband" the man said and folded his arms.

"Yes her husband, now if you would kindly let me take my wife with me without any fuss and drama" Andre said.

"And if I say no" the man cocked his head to the side.

Andre chuckled then motioned with his two fingers to the man.

Suddenly three men in black suits appeared and shielded Andre from the man that harassed me.

"ROBBIE, MICHAEL, DENOR, deal with him till he's black and blue" Andre said then grabbed my hand and pulled me to his car on the side of the mall.

Ohhh he meant the second entrance.

He could've just said that and this whole misconception would've been cleared.

Queue eye roll.

We got to a shiny black Toyota Corolla car.

I sat in the passenger seat while he sat in the driver's seat then roared the engine to life.

Being in this car felt awkward. This silence is long, killing and uncomfor-

"What heck was that?" Andre asked out of the blue.

Don't forget to use English Audrey!

"Eh?" Oh Audrey!

"You know what!? Forget it, I got alot going right now to be dealing with you, I tell you to meet me at the entrance and where the f*CK do you go!" Andre said as he gripped the steering wheel tightly when we got to a red light.

"You didn't specifically tell me which entrance I should go to" I said then folded my arms and pouted my lips.

I'm sure I looked childish.

"Why would you even assume the main entrance" he rolled his eyes and I gaped at him.

"I'm tired and hungry!" I said as I couldn't find words to reply to him so I opened my doggy bag and started to eat my fries.

"You can't eat in my car" he said.

I rolled my eyes and continued to eat until he stopped the car so "gently" I dropped my burger on my shirt.

"We're here" he said as he got out.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

In and out.

Yes Audrey that's how you do it.

It's just food.

He ruined my shirt.

I didn't even get to eat my burger.

Ahhhhhh!! I hate this man!

Why did I have to marry him!?

Can't believe I'm stuck with this son of a fry.

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