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Audrey's POV

Adam and i have been texting for two weeks now and he has invited me to dinner at his apartment here in Los Angeles.

I'm so excited.

I decided to wear ripped boyfriend jeans, a black tank top with a blue butterfly imprint along with black sneakers.

I then decided to leave my braids out, I applied light makeup then glossed my lips.

I grabbed a small side bag which I put my emergency kit inside.

Satisfied with my look I went downstairs.

Andre was right, nicki will never leave him alone no matter how angry she is with him, sometimes I don't see love for andre in her eyes instead I see obsession.

"You look great, going to see Adam?" Andre asked as I approached the last step of the stairs.

I nodded with a confident smile.

"Oh cool, but you should be careful of the paparazzi, Brandon told me they are looking for juicy gossip to spread and one mistake they will start a rumour about you and Adam, do be careful ok?" He said seriously.

"Ok dad, I'll be careful" I said with a playful wink.

For the past two weeks, I swear Andre had flirted with me atleast four times.

He either always winks at me, or says something that throws me completely off guard.

And he's been more playful and flexible around me.

He tells me things about his work which no one knows, he shares stuff with me and he's been different.

I bet he wants to built a friendship with me so that after the divorce we would genuinely be friends.

"Whatever, bye" he said then gave me a side hug which I returned.
I'm currently standing outside apartment number 19 with a black scarf and big glasses covering my face.

I decided to take Andre serious, so I bought the glasses and scarf on my way here.

The door opened and Adam stood infront of me wearing a black loose shirt which revealed his chest along with black jeans and black sneakers, his long hair was pulled back into a man bun.

He looked at me with a huge smile. Then he scanned my body with his eyes and I swear they had a lustful look in them.

Finally he led me inside his cosy looking apartment.

I sat down on one of the kitchen stools and he took a seat opposite mine, making us seat face to face.

I can't believe this is happening.

"You look great" he said then reached for my hand across the bar table.

I blushed.

Ahh. Oh god this man.. I swear I'll marry him.

"Thanks I could say the same about you" I said softly.

I'm always shy around adam.

"So uh, would you like some red wine, water or mango juice?" He asked getting up.

My hand suddenly felt cold.

"Red wine" I said and he looked up at me and chuckled.

"You're still the same... I see you still prefer red wine over everything" he said while pouring me red wine in a nicely shaped wine glass.

I just nodded with a small shy smile and took a sip of the wine.
Adam and I were seated on his black sofas, our bodies extremely close.

Our drinks were in the black wooden table infront of us while the food was in our hand.

Adam cooked for me mac n cheese with bacon bites.

I absolutely loved this dish.

We were eating quietly and watching some TV show. Idek what it's called.

It's about man who is in search of his wife and daughter who were kidnapped by the mafia and all.

It's pretty intense if you ask me.

I felt adam steal glances at me once in a while.
"Lemme take your dish for you" adam said as he stood up to put both our bowls in the sink.

I handed it to him.

I was stuffed. This man sure knows how to cook up a storm.

I missed this.

Adam came back and sat next to be. He scooted a little so that he could face me.

I did the same. Now we're face to face and I looked deep into his eyes.

I could see alot of emotions swimming through them and I knew what I had to do.

I brought my face forward and pecked his lips.

As I pulled away, his hands were immediately on my cheeks, pushing my face closer to his and before I knew it, we were fully making out.

He fought his way into my mouth making him have full control of the kiss.

I gasped as I felt him pinch my side.

Why did he do that?

He pulled me by my waist so that I was now on top of him.

Soon after he started to grind on me.

He broke the kiss and trailed sloppy kisses to my ears, then my neck then slowly pulled my tank top up.

I felt uncomfortable when he did that. I don't know why but I just did.

He didn't even pull the shirt above my head, he instead let it hang around my neck then trailed more sloppy kisses around my chest.

He kept moaning and saying my name.

He pinched me again but this time on the top of my breasts.

I gasped again and he repeated his action again and again until I stopped gasping as I got used to this stinging pain.

He then flipped us over in the sosa so that he was on top of me.

From the corner of my eyes I saw him undo his jeans and pull his pants to his his feet.

I gulped. No, I can't do this yet.

We didn't even have a proper conversation.

I just can't.

No I have to stop this.

Adam then started to pull my jeans down.

How do I tell him no?

As if someone heard my secret cry for help, his phone started ringing and he looked at my body lustfully before pulling his jeans back up and answering the call.

Phew! I thought .

I pulled my tank top down and fixed my pants and hair.

Who was that!?

Adam is not like this?

He would never take a kiss that far without asking me for permission first.

His touch felt different.

The look in his eyes was no longer familiar, I couldn't quite put my finger on it but I knew something was wrong with him.

This is not my adam.

He's different.



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