its a blended affair

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Andre's pov

Nicky is seriously being stubborn right now  instead suggested we go to her apartment instead of paying a visit to the doctors to make sure the baby is alright.

Even though she seems to be alright, the baby might not be.

To think that, last time these two fought, I took Audrey's side, now I can't even defend her because she was wrong on her side, she was wrong for lacking self-control.

"Do you want a full or half glass of wine?" Nicky asked while raising a bottle of white wine in the air.

"I need a full glass, in fact fill it to the brim," I said, and she shook her head amused by the tone of my voice.

Soon, I had a full wine glass filled with white wine.

What even transpired the fight....?

Nicky settled next to me on the sofa with a glass half filled with mango juice.

"Nicky, why did yall fight?" I asked.

"Well, you know, she stole my purse, and when I confronted her about it, she got all violent with me, I told her she could keep it just so I wouldn't stress myself but as I was walking out of the kitchen she grabbed my hand and pushed me so I got angry and I stupidly retaliated and that's how the fight started," Nicky said then a tear slid down her cheek.

On instinct, I raised my hand to wipe it.

So Audrey started the fight?
Why then am I finding it hard to believe.

Audrey doesn't even deserve me being nice to her. After everything I did for her, I mean I found her damned lover and reunited, then both, but for what?

I honestly feel like Nicky provoked her someway, I know how she can be, but at the same time, this doesn't give Audrey to lose herself around a pregnant woman, the mother of my first child.

"Oh, I'm sorry about what Audrey did nicky." I caressed her cheek, and she leaned into it.

"It's ok, we shaked on a truce, so I've forgiven her, and she forgave me for assuming wrong too," she said.

We both sat in silence, looking at the blank TV screen. Well, I was looking at the blank screen on the TV while Nicky was typing away on her phone.

She never has any time for me when that iPhone of hers is around, I wonder what kind of mother she'll be if she's always on her iPhone.

I snatched the phone out of her hands and immediately glared at me.

"I was busy making plans to go to Vietnam for a model show next month." I huffed and tried to snatched it back, then I sat on it, and she literally screamed.

I rolled my eyes frustratedly.

"You can't possibly wanna go to Vietnam whole you're pregnant nicky," I said in disbelief.

"Well, unlike you, I wanna enjoy my time as a model before I start showing and anyways it's just gonna be for a week, so I'll be back before you know it and nothing I'll happen to the baby because my body is strong and so is this little bean" she said then layed her head on my thighs.

I dropped my head to kiss her lips.

"We need to talk andre," she whined.

"About what, sweetheart?" I asked.

For as far as I know, we don't have anything to talk about.

"About us, this baby, your marriage, Audrey, everything,"

"Ok, I hear you,"

"Well, firstly, let's talk about your marriage. When are you and Audrey getting a divorce?" she asked with bitterness.

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