the in between

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I sat down still looking up at him.

I was in disbelief.

He couldn't possibly be here. Infront of me and he is......smiling? At me.

I felt my eyes water and my mouth stated slightly open.

Memories came rushing back.

My Adam!

Forgetting everything and everyone around me, I stood up and hugged him.

What if I'm seeing him for the last time.

What if it is a dream and I'll wake up soon.

I felt his arms go around my waist and embrace me back.

The same touch that made me loose sense.

The same touch that made me nervous.

He's back. It's not a dream.

Tears from my eyes fell and landed in his chest.

"I'm sorry" he said, I released myself from his embrace then tilted my head up to look at him.

"No, I'm sorry Adam" I said and he smiled then kissed my forehead.

Does this mean we are back together?

Wait, if I'm back together with Adam, does it mean I'm cheating on Andre.

No I'm not.

He is literally doing the same thing to me with Nicki.
Adam sat next to me as we had Andre's mismatch dinner.

I was happy.....I think!

I need to tell heather about this. She'll be ecstatic, I just know it.

"So, uh, Adam, I think I saw at the wedding" Nicki said, clearly referring to my wedding with Andre.

I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, but I couldn't stand to watch her get married to someone else, not after I had dreams of making Audrey mine for good" Adam said with a proud smile.

My heart swelled at that.

My eyes met with Andre's eyes and I smiled at him, like a reall genuine smile which he returned with a secretive wink.


I'll just ignore the wink and ask him how he found Adam.

"Uhm Andre, where did you find Adam and how did you know he was the one?" I asked as I placed my head on both my palms.

"Well, I figured that it would be unfair that I get to stil love with Nicki while you lost your lover, so I stalked you until I found old pictures of you two on Instagram, the rest was left to private investigators" Andre shrugged then continued devouring his fries.

"Ohk, but you were not sus at all, I mean wow, user why you were given the best actor of the year award" I said and everyone chuckled.
I'm currently up in my room, just facing the ceiling with a plastered smile on my lips.

I can't believe Andre did something like this for me.

Andre made me happy for the first ever time.

Like genuinely happy.

I'm happy he found Adam.

I'm happy he told Adam the truth.

I'm happy Adam is now back into my life.

I'm happy...I'm happy....I'm happy.

Thank you Andre.

Oh my gosh, I should call heather and fill in on what's been happening in my life.

I bet she'd be happy for me.

I picked up my phone from the bedside table then dialled her number.

After calling her for the third time after three rings, she finally picked up.

"Hey heather, whatsup!?" I said cheerfully.

"Hi, nothing much what about you girl" she said.

"Well, I have news for you!!! And Oh my gosh, you won't believe what just happened today, I'm just so happy, I just, oh my gosh girl, I wigs you were here with me and all!" I said with a grin on my face.

"Oh nice, that's great-" she said then the line went quiet for a while "-hey look, can you text me whatever it is that you wanted to tell me, I'm kind of busy right now" she said.

And just like that my mood suddenly went down.

Ohk. I mean I get that she's busy but whenever I'm busy and she has news to tell me, I make fricken five minutes or more for her yet she can't even do the same.

"Uh yeah, uhh, goodb-" I heard her line go quiet.

Guess she hung on me. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

No! No! No!

I will not cry, I will not cry, I'm a big girl.

So I will not cry.

I took deep breaths to disable me from crying after feeling pushed away by my only best friend.


My phone went vibrated in my hand.

Oh, maybe it's heather.

I immediately felt awful when I saw a message from imlie, I can't believe I forgot about her.

That I stood her up.

Guess I'll have to call her tomorrow and make it up for her.

I need a drink.

I got up from my bed then went down stairs.

Mind you I'm still dressed in my black dress and I'm walking around bare footed with a bonnet on.

I probably look like a disaster.

I poured myself a full glass of wine, then grabbed some lays and went to sit in the living room to watch some sad rom-com.

I picked 'the in between'.

"You don't look like someone who has just seen their long lost lover" Andre's voice startled me.

"Yeah, well, I look like someone who feel abandoned by their best friend" I said with a long sigh.

Andre sat next to me, he had in hand a glass of whiskey.

Mrs Hampton, wouldn't be so happy to see her son drinking whiskey.

"I had an argument with Nicki, she left" he suddenly said in the middle of the movie.

What do I say about that!?

I mean I'm happy that puta left.

"I...I'm sorry?" I said then patted his shoulder as a form of comfort which I'm pretty sure looked awkward.

"Nah, it's cool, she's pretty annoying, but she'll be back soon, I just know it" he said, now it was his turn to sigh.

I extended the lays forward and he grabbed a handful of them then shoved the potato chips into his mouth.

He then tilted his glass toward mine.

And we clinked our glasses together and watched the rest of the movie quietly.


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