midnight snack

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Audrey's pov

I'm sooooooo tired, I wish I could sleep until I can't sleep no more.

I sighed as the limo came to stop infron Andre's mansion, I grabbed my heels and walked to the door.

oh yea, Andre has the keys.

I waiting patiently as he bid the driver farewell before finally opening the door for me.

I got in and literally threw myself on the sofa.

"Someone's tired" Andre commented as he took off his open chest chest blazer and throwing it on my face and I swear it wasn't by mistake.

"Why'd you do that!?" I abruptly got up to face hi mand he just shrugged.

My oh my, this man's back is so very tempting.

Damn. My heartbeat picked up as I stared at his bare back, the bits of sweat make him hotter and I just wanted lick his ba-

Wait what!? No no no no, this isn't me.

What am I thinking? I just, I can't. He'll be someone father soon and most likely married.

Nah-uh. I can't think of such.

But he looks so damn delicious! Ugh, he's so hot, he's one fine specimen.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer" he chuckled and I shaked my head dumbfounded.

I just wanna take my hair out and let it breath! I've never and I mean put such a tight ponytail for this long.

Oh my poor kinky undecided hair.

I got up and went to the kitchen where Andre put some ingredients on the black marble kitchen counter.

"Whatcha doing?" I sang as I sat on the kitchen counter.

"You should get changed and come down, we're gonna have Andre's special midnight snack!" He said in his oh so husky voice that moved my lower body.

I nodded then went upstairs to my room where I took a quick shower before changing into grey shorts and an oversized Tom and Jerry shirt and some fluffy socks.

I went back downstairs and no, the kitchen was surprisingly not destroyed.

I sat on the spot I had sat on before I left to got change.

"Oh you're done" He said as he finally looked at me.

My hair was probably all over the place as I just took a shower and didn't even care to put it in a bonnet or something.

"YeP! Now, tell me Mr.hampton, what shall I expect as a midnight snack?" I said in a posh British accent.

He broke a smile as he looked at me before turning around giving me a bowl of Ramen noodles and another, a smoothie bowl.

"MI lady, I have made for you a delicacy loved by the world, the one and only, Ramen noodles and a delicious expensively made smoothie bowl" he said in his British accent.

I giggled then took the two bowls to the living room.

Andre followed after me then left to grab a blanket from the closest guest room.

He layed the blanket on the floor and threw a bunch of pillow then we both sat and started to devour the food.

I loved his way of making Ramen noodles, it's exactly how I make them.

Not too soft and not too crunchy, they are just right.

I moaned as the different flavors from the smoothie bowl burst my taste buds.

I heard Andre chuckle a bit while eating his own Ramen Noodles.

"I really enjoyed the movie" I said breaking the smile and he smiled.

"Yeah, me too. It came out better than expected, I really hope Silas would've been there to see his work" he said and I nodded.

"Nicky will be moving in on monday" Andre announced and my fork stopped midway as I stared at him.

Are you kidding me right now!?

"Oh" was I said, it's his house, his rules.

I don't care but I can't help but feel.ajger bubbling inside of me. Why should she come here!?

Andre could still go over to her apartment to check on her and the baby. I honestly wouldn't even be surprised uf she was faking the pregnancy!

Ugh, God help me to suppress the urge to punch her stupid ass plastic face.

"Did you hear me?" Andre poked me with the back of his wooden spoon he used to eat the smoothie bowl.


"I asked if that's cool with you" he shrugged as he studied me carefully as if he could read what had been going on in my head.

"I don't care. It's your house your rules." I said and it came out colder than I expected but whatever.

I hate that daughter of Satan.

My phone beeped and Adam's name flashed on it. He sent me a message and at this point, I feel too numb to even talk to him.

I rolled my eyes and angrily ate my noodles.

"Hey hey hey, are you OK?" Andre's concerned eyes and worried face made me break down

He rubbed my back, in circles and did not utter a word as he comforted me of the pain I'd gotten from another men.

After a while I broke the embrace and wiped my eyes.

"Adam texted me and I just, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cry. I just didn't expect to" I said honestly and Andre nodded.

"Don't ever apologize for expressing your inner feelings-" he softly said then took my phone and asked for my birthday which I gave him.

It was my biological dads birthday.

He read the message then put the phone in my hand.

I resisted to read his message but my eyes gave in.

         ~Hey you, we need to talk. I'll be in Los Angeles on Monday, let's meet at my apartment at 12pm. Please don't ignore me and be there. LY!

"I think, you should talk to him and maybe you'll get the closure you need" he said.

I sighed as I read the message again, I should remove the heart next to his name then block him.

But maybe Andre is right. If I'm gonna move on, I need to do it right. I need to move on knowing the reason why he'd play me like that and a part of me knows that all of this is fault.

So, I also need to Apologize to him. I broke his heart as well, I didn't fight for us back then and now when he came back, he probably avenged himself by inflicting the same pain I inflicted on him back when I married Andre.

"Ok, I will" I said then continued to eat my noodles.

Andre soon changed the conversation and we had small talk before we both eventually drifted to sleep on the floor of the living room.


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